The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1826: He does not necessarily lose to them [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

Chapter 1826 He Doesn't Have To Lose To Their Six Million Word Net Wang Wen, Begging To Kill

Duan Hongdao: "Senior monks don't panic, if these bull noses dare to do evil, I'm too willing to go back and forth with these two people." Plus Mr. Yuan's predecessor presided over the overall situation, he may not lose to them. "

Thank God: "Duan Jushi is kind, the poor monk can't thank you very much, thank you."

Duan Hongdao said: "But Duan did not know one thing. He wants to ask the teacher."

Do n’t say: “Dare not to ask for words, scholars come to see and ask, the poor monk should know everything.”

Duan Hongdao said: "Duan only knows the name of Fulian Baoyi, I don't know what this Qinglian Moon Picture is, what does it have to do with this dress?"

Changlin Road cheered with ten thousand machines: "No!"

Yuan Qianshan said: "This is nothing to say. The reason why this treasure garment can become a treasure garment is because it is made of Qinglian and Mingyue maps."

Both Changlin and Wanji complained. Now that Yuan Qianshan knows, I'm afraid the entire evil road is already known. Perhaps the words of this last name are inspiring, to motivate me to do it first. Therefore, it is very bad to anger this mysterious "predecessor" interference. However, they did not know that Yuan Qianshan had been in hiding for many years, and now you have to use secrets as a last resort. Because of the secret of this painting, not many people know it. Although many of these people come for treasure hunting, they all know what is relevant, but certainly not. Although this person is regarded as an ordinary practitioner, the Taoist sword array is very powerful. Ten years of excitement will have to kill all the customs here. If they do n’t say that the Zen master destroys the dumb Zen, he must take care of it. Even if he added it himself, he could not protect these many people. Under the taboo of rodents, I am afraid that the two Zen masters will be in great danger, and Yuan itself is also weak. Once the martial arts war turns into a magical war, it is too late.

Although the origin of this predecessor is mysterious, it is absolutely difficult to know the top secret of this Baotou. When he came here, the five points of the painting had already fallen into his hands. I am worried that he has not yet discovered the secret of the treasure. As long as the cause is revealed, these Taoists cannot kill their ancestors together. So Yuan Ganshan immediately put down his worries and had to tell a story.

Unsurprisingly: "Master Yuan's words are good. Qinglian Mingyue painting is said to be sung by Honghong in front of the Dao, which hides the magic of the previous generation of red songs." Later, the painting was transferred to the Murong family Personally integrate this treasure map into a treasure garment, that is, this set of floating lotus. This is no big secret. "

Changlin and Wanji breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that they were here. It is best not to say what the monk knew to stop here. Li Hong said: "The strange thing is, how is this different from what I have heard?" How did I hear that there is treasure on this treasure coat? What is the only natural treasure in the three worlds? "

Yuan Ganshan said: "Yes, yes."

Kunlun and all the swords in Qingcheng rushed out of their scabbards and killed the plane. I'm afraid Yuan Qianshan can't go on any longer. But suddenly, Yang Jianke respected the sword Huang Guangda, an extremely majestic sword spirit was revealed, and a group of monks suddenly felt that the sword suddenly turned into a very majestic mountain. What is a fairy sword, I am afraid it is a holy warrior. Even the sacred warriors ca n’t make these masters afraid, but thinking about the people behind the **** soldiers, all people are worried that there will be small changes, and under the traction of the gas machine, if it is led by the prison god, then Will fall. All the secret guesses seem to be the predecessor, and he deliberately let the secret leak to the ears of the world, but did not know how he wanted to end.

Seeing this change, Yuan Ganshan couldn't understand it. His predecessors let him continue. He went on to say: "The old man was lucky enough to see it. This is indeed the true story of Red Song. It is still in the hands of a disciple of Red Song." On the back of the chart, the origin and use of the chart are recorded. Probably said, a certain Ru Hongzi sat down and looked at r? This green lotus looks very thick and breeds five bodies. Every full moon night is magnificent. But after a long time, the lotus became spiritual and wise and left the swimming pool. When Hong Guzi panicked, his soul memory was created with Gao Shentao's skills. After being refined, this painting not only has the ability to absorb the five lines of aura, but also has the ability to absorb the five lines of aura, as well as the ability to absorb the five lines of aura. This is a rare magic weapon. "

Seeing him say stop, ten thousand planes laughed. At first, he was afraid that Yuan Qianshan knew everything about the treasure, but now he seemed too worried.

Li Hong added: "Since this is the case, why is this painting at Murong's house?" This painting is not only a gem of Red Song, but in the past few hundred years, many people should know it. How could it not be a relic of the world until now? "

Yuan Ganshan, hehe, smiled and said, "No, no."

Both Kunlun and Qingcheng were upset, but nobody wanted to stop and watched the two people ask a question and answer, and the big secret on the door gave the world a little more.

Li Hong asked: "This is weird again. Haven't the ancestors of Red Song gone for hundreds of years?" I'm afraid Brother Yuan remembered it wrong. "

Yuan Qianshan shook his head and said: "Nothing wrong, more than two decades ago, the old man saw the true face of the red song." His old man's approach was unusual, silent, and empty, which is absolutely impossible to imitate. "There are a group of people present, they all know these things, and the four words of the silent **** are not new to them. Although this is just the realm of legend, they have not seen anyone realize it, but they know this Yuan's silence allows people to see the authenticity of the image, which Yuan Ganshan cannot make up for.

The two read the Buddha together with Shang, and the uncle taught people that it was a mess. If it is based on Hong Kong songs, etc., if he stands up to preside over world Taoism, I am afraid that the three major religions, five schools, twelve schools, and the evil ways in the world will all have their tails turned into human beings. Although this sentence is unbelievable, from the perspective of figures such as Yuan Qianshan, it is also 10% true.

Li Hong asked again: "Brother Yuan, his dad is still here, why did he let the door do this? Even these heavy treasures have fallen."

Yuan Qianshan seems to be in a memory, as if responding to Duan Hongdao: "Although Red Song lived on the immortal flying fairy, the disciples under the door did not have a tool. Unfortunately, how do you know that this is not a curse?" After a hundred years of meditation, when Tianlian was born, how could it be an accident? A few years later, this lotus in the sky became a fairy beside the red pine. Hey, I think it took 800 years for Yuan Mou to practice before it became a small image. God lotus seed, sure enough, I can't wait. The real people of Red Song wanted to teach all their spells to this closed disciple, but more unfortunately, the lotus blossoms were brilliant, but they were defeated in a hurry. I thought she was in trouble before meeting her, and so on. If not, how could there be r? "...

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