The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1837: Why are you still here? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

Chapter 1837 Why Are You Still Here? Six million words Wang Wang, seeking slaughter

Just when Chen Dawei's hand was about to hold Yan Lili's jade hand, an agile little hand grasped Yan Lili's jade hand skillfully, and then came a milky white gas sound: "Aunt Ting, why are you still here? Come here. "There is something interesting there. "

It turned out that Pan Chengang just went to pick up ash and found that Chen Wei was going to Yan Lili. So he quickly put the ashes martial arts stone in his arms. He secretly followed Chen Wei.

Yan Lili's sight was blocked by Chen Wei's huge body. At first, she didn't find Pan Chen until she was caught by Chen Wei before she was rescued by Pan Chen. For a while, she seemed to think that Pan Chen was the most reliable person in the world. .

Pan Chen often believes that heroes save many people in the United States, but the timing must be at the right time. Save late, the beautiful woman wins, the appearance of the hero is meaningless; save the person early, the beautiful woman will appreciate the hero, but the degree of gratitude is not very deep; only when the beautiful woman accepts her own destiny, when evil The hero who appears when the man is about to win will get the most reward.

So, Pan Chen, looking at him with Yan Lili's grateful eyes, was very happy and ignored Chen Wei, who looked a little ugly, and ran away with Yan Lili.

"Dinger, you didn't look very good at first. Do you have any concerns?" Pan Chenming asked.

"Well, that's what I said. Where were you just now? Why am I left alone?" At this moment, Yan Lili came to mind and patted Pan Chen's head angrily.

"Jiao Li just asked everyone to watch the equipment by themselves. I ran over and looked at it. I thought you would follow me. What happened just now?" Pan Chen continued to perform his duties.

"This Chen Wei is not a good person. He seems to be working for Lille's ideas. He was still trying to get close to me. I was too scared to move, but I am glad that you will be here soon." After that, Some people are afraid that Yan Lili patted her magnificent chest unconsciously. The slightly swaying chest almost made Pan Chen stare at his eyes.

After listening to Yan Lili, Pan Chen's heart was almost crazy. From an objective point of view, if Pan Chen did not tell Yan Lili all the bad things before,

So everything Chen Wei did today seems normal. Even at the end, Chen Wei wanted to grab Yan Lili's hand because Yan Lili was a little unstable in her retreat. Chen Wei worried that she would fall and wanted to help. In Chen Wei's heart at that time, there was no evil thought at all.

Taking a step back, if Chen Wei can quickly win Yan Lili's heart, he will not insist on repeating the same mistakes for three years, nor will he wait for the opportunity of three years. Therefore, fundamentally, Yan Lili completely misunderstood Chen Wei.

The first impression is different for everyone. But for Yan Lili, the first impression played a decisive role. It is precisely because of the understanding of Yan Lili's character that Pan Chen prescribed the right medicine to depress the morale of 12 love rivals, making Yan Lili have a preconceived bad impression of these 12 people.

Pan Chen himself, because he behaved well when he was a kid, although he occasionally does something extraordinary, but Yan Lili has a good impression of him and still thinks he is a good boy.

"Ah? Is he really a bad person? I used to think the guard was talking nonsense. Fortunately, Ding, you are very alert." Pan Chen pretended to be unbelievable and was a little flattered.

Pan Chen must prove that everything was discovered by Yan Lili himself. In this way, Yan Lili can not only strengthen Yan Lili's judgment, but even if Yan Lili finds that Chen Wei is wrong in the future, he will not blame him.

"Of course, you are too young to find these. We will not be with him in the future." Yan Lili was complacent after listening to Pan Chen's flattery.

"Okay, no problem. I listen to you for everything." Pan Chen, who was very happy, nodded quickly and agreed.

"By the way, why did you call me Dingle again? I am your grandfather's justice daughter, and I am your aunt. Wasn't it good to call Aunt Ding? Did you forget what other people said to you this morning? Yan Lili had just discovered that Pan Chen had always called herself Ding, so she quickly corrected it.

"I haven't forgotten, but do you think that my mother raised you when you were a child? Is it not enough for my grandfather to be your grandfather?" Pan Chen asked proudly.

"That's good, but in the eyes of others, I'm your aunt." In fact, Yan Lili was a little uncomfortable when she was an aunt when she was young.

"It doesn't matter. When someone comes, I will call you Auntie Ding. Can I call you Dingjie privately?"

"Not even. When you were a kid, you didn't understand, and I didn't say anything about you. From today on, you will be a big boy. You have to understand that I am older than you. At most let you give it privately My sister calls, okay? "Yan Lili pointed to Pan Chen with a transferable tone.

"That won't work. Don't look at you being older than me. I know more than you. Let me call you Dinge, okay? Is that okay?" Pan Chen gave up his original face and started sprinkling petite things. Not only did the voice grow louder, but he also pressed his head against Yan Lili ’s thigh and shook it vigorously.

"Oh, itching, stop it. He. Stop talking. Everyone else has seen it. Come on." Found more and more people began to look at them, Yan Lili quickly resisted the sore itch on her leg, Anxiously said: "Okay, stop, you can call." Hurry up and get up. "

Yan Lili was called by Pan Chen for two years. She has long been used to it. Just now she just wanted to establish her authority as an adult. As a result, Pan Chen publicly ate tofu, so her grand plan failed. She also seemed to have to follow Pan Chen's appointment.

Seeing Yan Lili finally compromised, Pan Chen smiled heartily, and some people reluctantly stood up from the slippery and elastic thighs, carefully recalling the heat and fragrance that Yan Lili's thigh had just emerged. Unfortunately, the aroma still exists, but the ears fell.

Yan Lili grabbed Pan Chen's ear and angrily pulled him under a big tree beside Biwu Tian. "You villain, there is no trick like you," Yan Lili said angrily. "People are dead"

Hey, hey. Pan Chen, who had reached his goal, was just giggling at this time, and he didn't dare to really annoy Yan Lili.

"Your child will giggle. Let me ask you, how about Chen Wei? Will he come back to harass me in the future?" Yan Lili finally remembered this matter and asked Pan Chen seriously. As an adult, she did not find any problems at this time, but sought advice from a child of Douding. This is the result of Pan Chen's subtle induction on her in recent years.

After listening to Yan Lili's words, Pan Chen did not giggle and said seriously: "This is a very tall and strong person. If you see him grow so tall and strong, this kind of person is the easiest person to deal with." When I was away, he was playing with you. Who will save you? " ! Pan Chen quickly added fuel and vinegar to the threat.

"So what? Otherwise I won't practice martial arts. You can practice it yourself." Yan Lili was a little angry.

"What's going on? You forgot to see my grandfather practicing martial arts. You said that there was a voice in your heart to practice martial arts for you. You just arrived? That is God's will. If you don't practice, it's against God's will . "

Besides, do n’t you promise to be a woman in front of my grandparents? "If you quit so easily, how can you tell your grandparents?" Of course Pan Chen didn't want to practice martial arts alone, so he did his best to keep it.

"So, what do you think?" Pan Chen's second reason directly hurt Yan Lili's wincing heart. At this time, Yan Lili felt a little discouraged.

"Well, this is not impossible. Hey, hey." Pretending to cough a few times, looking at Yan Lili proudly.

"What's wrong? You tell me, don't sell officials" Yan Lili hurriedly looked at Pan Chen and pointed at Pan Chen's ear with a small finger, threatening to say this.

"Hey, I don't have a special price. I ask you, who is the best in our Dragon family?" Pan Chen asked slowly.

"Of course the father of justice"

Pan Chenyi continued with what I knew you would say: "Because the father of justice is the best, we have no reason to learn from Chen Wei." Why don't you go back and learn from my grandfather? "

"I thought you had a good idea. I'm sure it doesn't work. You don't know that the righteous father said to teach us personally, and I'm afraid the righteous father can do it, so I personally don't believe in the goodwill of the righteous father. Teach us again. I will not do such a thing. "Yan Lili disagrees with Pan Chen's proposal.

"Don't worry, grandpa, let me say, promise me not to involve you, and let the old man happily teach us, do you believe it?" Pan Chen said shamelessly.

"Really? Then what are you doing?" Yan Lili was very interested in Pan Chen.

Pan Chen smiled with a complacent expression: "People in the mountains have their own beautiful plans." Hey, hey. "

"Who is the mountain man?" Yan Lili has never heard of Pan Chen and a mountain man.

"Okay, Shanren is a very bad person. You have shallow knowledge. Of course I don't know. I will teach you later." Pan Chen has some unnatural ways.

Oh. For the strange knowledge that Yan Lili often appears on Pan Chen's mouth, this boy is both admired and confused, and the boy who doesn't know where these things were learned from, can only answer dumbly.

"When will you find the father of justice?" Because she didn't understand, Yan Lili did not get involved, and asked her what she was most concerned about.

"But there are still some difficulties to tell Grandpa now." After listening to Yan Lili's words, Pan Chen looked embarrassed and looked at Yan Lili with a "you understand" tone. ..

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