The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1840: Perfect your body [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

And remember, just now that the body has reached the limit, the daily exercise in the future should aim to exceed its own limit, so that we can continue to improve. Overtraining on the first day is inappropriate. Come this morning. Starting tomorrow, after I have taught you two hours of martial arts theory, you will use the instruments here to perfect your body.

In addition, every night before going to bed, take an hour to soak the medicine bath. The medicated bath can not only wash away the fatigue of your day, but also can introduce many strengths of the body into your body through the medicated bath and enhance your physique. The rest of the time will be up to you to practice the "Introduction to Martial Arts" technique. Do you remember? "

After Pan Chen and Yan Lili nodded in agreement, Long Xingtian left the martial arts training ground.

"Sister Ding Ding, Master, you are so powerful, come on, take a sip of water." Lear, who has long been concerned, admired Yan Lili and Pan Chen's physical strength very much. At this time, she saw that the dragon had gone away and ran to deliver water.

"Xiao Li, your young master is exhausted, take me back." Pan Chen drank water and looked at Lear with a smile.

"No, sir, you are most likely to break it. I want to hug your Ding." Although Li Er's mouth contains Master Pan Chen's phone, in the absence of outsiders, regardless of size, the relationship between them Will change from a master and a servant to a friend.

"Go, what is Ding in his family? I found that your little Nini is getting fatter, ignoring the two of you, and I'm leaving." Yan Lili couldn't help being indignant when she heard that she was implicated. She stood up and went to Qingsong Building.

"It's my Dinger. Hey, hey." After listening to Lear's words, Pan Chen stood up and patted his butt, chasing Yan Lili, and looked at Lear "You are very talkative."

Lier also smiled softly, caught up with Yan Lili, and continued to tease.

"What is the similarity between the content of the introduction to martial arts and the prescription for nourishing qi?" Pan Chen who read "Introduction to martial arts" thought secretly: "However, the purpose of the introduction to martial arts is to train the truth, and the prescription for nourishing qi is to exercise the body Although the methods of practice are somewhat similar, the purpose of the practice is different. "But there seems to be a great complementarity between the two. What will happen if you practice at the same time? "

After reading "Introduction to Martial Arts", Pan Chen was surprised to find that some of his training methods were very similar to the "Nourishing Qi Method". . "Introduction to Wushu" is an external aura that enters Dantian through imagination and finally condenses into the seeds of martial arts. The prescription for replenishing qi and nourishing qi is to use external aura to improve the operation of qi and blood.

Pan Chen found that these two techniques are different. He was very worried that if he practiced "Introduction to Martial Arts", it would interfere with the practice of "moisturizing spirit formula", so he would be a little hesitant. Finally, Pan Chen decided to give it a real try to see the effect. Think about it and practice it at the end of the day.

Unlike Pan Chen, Yan Lili, who read "Introduction to Budo", saw many nouns covered by Yunshan in the book, and did not understand their meaning at all. I had to frown thoughtfully.

Yan Lili, who was thinking, suddenly discovered that Pan Chen, who was standing on the side, closed his knees and did a standard practice position. Immediately, she hurriedly said, "Feng'er, what are you doing?" You can't practice when you don't understand. Although Yan Lili does not know how to practice, she has also heard of the horrible scenes of being haunted by practice.

"I see." Pan Chen's face was puzzled.

"No, how can you understand?" Yan Lili didn't believe it at all. She believes that as an adult, she does not understand things that Pan Chen, a child, should not understand.

"I know, don't you understand?" Pan Chen suddenly felt that Yan Lili hadn't practiced at all, and many nouns didn't understand, so he asked in surprise.

"Who, who said I don't understand? Well, I'm just a little unsure. You don't necessarily understand that everything is right." Yan Lili was blushed by Pan Chen. Although her mouth was still making excuses, she still had some doubts in her heart. Is she really stupid?

"Oh? Can't you tell? Then you say a word you don't know. I will explain. See if I am right."

"For example, with these 100 veins, I understand the meridians, but the human body does not have a hundred meridians, ah, what about a hundred veins?"

"Oh, it's not easy. You sit on the bed first, pull your legs, open your hands." Pan Chen said solemnly.

Yan Lili sat down at the request of Pan Chen and asked, "So what?" Where is Baimai? "

Pan Chen did not answer Yan Lili's question, but sat on Yan Lili's lap. He leaned in Yan Lili's arms as soon as he explored the past.

"The motherfucker, you lied to me, didn't you? You don't understand. Don't lean back and stand up." Feeling that some deceived Yan Lili didn't fight immediately, he didn't want the deceived liar to lie comfortably on her Arms.

"Don't move, if you don't let me sit comfortably, what can I tell you?" Pan Chen, who didn't move, hurriedly stopped Yan Lili's behavior, explaining: "Bai Mai is a general term." There must be a hundred veins, but a combination of all veins. "

After listening to Pan Chen's words, Yan Lili thought about it carefully and thought it was such a thing. Instead of pushing Pan Chen, she twisted his ears and said, "You are not good, ha." If you are so patient, you can tell me the whole story. can you do it? "

"Oh, of course, no problem. What if I made it clear to you?"

"If you don't do this, I will give you less classes in the future. Hey, hey." Yan Lili looked very proud.

"It doesn't work. Remember what we bet on? I want to change the winning and losing conditions. If I tell you everything, even if I win, if I explain what is wrong, if you win, will you win? "

"Remember, why didn't you remember what happened yesterday? But I really don't believe you can read it all. Okay, let's get started." Yan Lili doesn't believe that Pan Chen can really fully understand this obscure Formula, full of confidence in yourself.

"Okay, deal. Give me the book and I will tell you." Pan Chen changed his position to a more comfortable position.

Pan Chen is so confident because many terms and training methods in the introduction to martial arts are the same as the formula for nourishing the spirit. In the practice of "nourishing qi", Pan Chen fumbled for three years. After many failures and repeated attempts, he gradually learned all the tricks of "nourishing qi". "Introduction to Wushu" appears in all the incomprehensible "Yangxin Recipe", so Pan Chen can have such confidence.

Pan Chen hugged again, seeing that she could n’t push the trick-or-treat, and Yan Lili no longer insisted, so she held the book in one hand and Pan Chen in the other, carefully listening to his explanation, and hurried past two hour.

After listening to Pan Chen's explanation, Yan Lili's understanding of "Introduction to Martial Arts" suddenly rejoiced. She understands that Pan Chen's explanation should be completely correct, unwilling to admit failure.

"Well, I gave up. You told me, what do you want me to swear? I want to see what you think." Yan Lili, who lost, was also very happy.

After listening to Yan Lili's words, excited Pan Chen hurriedly said Yan Lili's oath of not getting married for ten years. This was his vision yesterday.

After listening to Pan Chen's words, the smile on Yan Lili's face that had been smiling gradually disappeared.

When I saw Yan Lili's reaction, Pan Chen's face was also a bit stiff. Suddenly, there was an awkward silence in the room.

For a while, Yan Lili sighed and gently touched Pan Chen's face. Some lonely people said: "Feng, I thought you were more mature than ordinary children. I didn't expect you to think so much and so deeply." It seems that you are really a child prodigy! "

Yan Lili sighed, then smiled, stopped for a while, and then said: "Do you like me?" Fenger, I know what you are thinking. But you are too young to say what you cannot say. You like me, what kind of like it comes from, you don't know. You don't know if you will like me when you grow up. So you better be an ordinary good boy, okay? You can't think about this anymore. "

Yan Lili is not stupid; on the contrary, she is still a very smart girl. A few years ago, when she lived together every day, she knew Pan Chen, just as Pan Chen knew her, even though she had discovered something wrong for a long time. But she only wishful thinking that this is just the child's dependence on her due to lack of maternal love.

Until today, Pan Chen made a strange oath, and she realized that everything in the past was just her wishful thinking. Facts have proved that the child who accompanied her day and night is running her painstakingly. The purpose is to spend the rest of her life with her. Yan Lili, for a while, could not see what it was like in her heart, and it was also very confusing.

After listening to Yan Lili, Pan Chen shouted reluctantly: "I know, but you don't understand." I tell you, I just like you. I will love you all my life. I forbid you to get married, and I will marry you when I grow up. "Say it, hug Yan Lili.

The worried Pan Chen doesn't care about other things now. He shouted out one by one, and the big secret that his soul is an adult came out.

"What are you talking about? What are you shouting? Do you want to call someone else?" Yan Lili was a little annoyed by Pan Chen's shouting.

"Shout as soon as you call." Despite Yan Lili's ugly face, Pan Chen still held her, but her voice was much lower, saying one by one: "No matter who comes, I am not afraid, I will not change Idea. "Believe it or not, to be honest, I really like you and love you.

I am precocious, and I really understand what love is. Every word I say is not a child ’s delusion, but a word from the heart. You cannot accept my love, but you cannot stop my heart from holding you. I have my little head, I have selfishness, my selfishness is that I don't want you to marry someone else, I want you to wait for me, wait for me to marry you. "Pan Chen finished speaking one by one, the tone must be very serious, and then looked up, looking forward to looking at Yan Lili."

Let Pan Chen hug her, Yan Lili did not struggle, silence for a while, whispered: "Want to hear my thoughts?"

"Um" Pan Chen nodded quickly.

"I am an orphan. From the moment I remember, I wandered on the edge of life and death until one time I collapsed on the side of the road because of hunger, so God let me meet your mother." Your mother saved me I took it to Long's house, let me eat, let me drink, take care of me, treat me like my sister, she is the biggest benefactor in my life.

At that time, the greatest ideal in my life was to be able to repay your mother, but I could n’t repay her kindness until she died, which made my heart very painful. Occasionally, I became your destiny, and only my milk can feed you. At that time, I agreed without thinking about anything. Until later, I gradually heard from others that it was a shame for an unmarried woman to be a nurse.

If such a woman wants to get married, no man will accept it. Since then, I do n’t want to get married. From a little wandering life, I learned how to interpret the meaning of others' eyes. Because of you, I got rid of the identity of the next man and became an outstanding lady at home.

However, the way the women around me looked at me was full of contempt and contempt, and I had too much grievances and grievances in my heart. And from the eyes of people around me, I only saw surprise, possession, and desire, and there was no respect or understanding at all, so I gradually began to resent all people except the father of justice.

Later, I stumbled upon that you are not like an ignorant child at all. From the way you look at me, I see surprise, possession and longing, but I do n’t hate you because otherwise,

When I am sick, your eyes are worried, when I sew my finger and pierce your finger, your eyes are sad and tense, when I do n’t pay attention to you, you will look with happiness and tranquil eyes I. I really don't know why you are so young with so many complicated eyes. "

After listening to Yan Lili, Pan Chen immediately sweated. He realized for the first time that his eyes still had such a complicated connotation, and he couldn't help shouting "fluke" in his heart.

At the end of the story, Yan Lili's eyes were full of happiness. She couldn't help but stretch out her hand and gently hugged Pan Chen. This move almost made Pan Chen die happily, but he didn't dare to move or dare to disturb Yan Lili's state of mind at this time.

Yan Lili was immersed in her thoughts and had nothing to do with Pan Chen's expression. He went on to say: "I often think about why you knew so much when you were young and could say so many reasonable things."

If you close your eyes and occasionally chew what you say, I think you are an adult. Feng Er, what will you look like when you grow up? Do you still think of me as you do now, read me? It would be nice if you grew up now. what. "After that, I sighed again.

Pan Chen fixed his eyes on Yan Lili's eyes and said extremely seriously: "If I grow up, if I still read you at that time, if I am willing to protect you forever, what would you do?" You have always wanted me to grow up, haven't you? "

Yan Lili's eyes flickered a little and said weakly, "I don't know."

"You know, you always know in your heart, I ask you, if you only love me, why do you blush when I hold your hand?"

Do you dare to look directly into my eyes and say you have no other feelings for me? I can't tell you, in fact, your own heart is like me, together, you know it in your own heart. "Pan Chen pressed step by step.

"I really do n’t know. Do n’t force me. I really do n’t know how I feel about you. It ’s reasonable for you to be raised by me, and I should n’t have any other feelings about you, but sometimes I do n’t Why, I just can't treat you as a child. "

Sometimes I really want to rely on you, not to see me in the eyes of others, everything makes you do this for me. I really do n’t know what ’s going on? "In the end, Yan Lili was already crying.

Pan Chen reached out to wipe away Yan Lili's tears and whispered, "Don't cry, I won't force you." Today is my fault. I should not force you to make any oath. It must be hard for you to accept me now. I will give you time to consider. Can you check me in ten years? ..

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