The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1861: His grandson's life [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"Oh! Huang, what are you doing? Sit down before getting up." Cui Ruigu raised his hand and lifted Huang Tieshan.

Huang Tieshan stood up and said without hesitation: "I must know the contradiction between the Huang family and the Chen family, but there are some things I am afraid adults do not know."

Chen Mujin is not only arrogant and arrogant on weekdays, but also his grandson. Last month, his grandson ordered a person to interrupt the arm of one of my yellow children. Then I visited his Chen family, hoping to turn things into a small family. I didn't expect Chen Mujin to say nothing, it would be better to listen to his grandson's behavior. Let me tell you what he said, he ignored them and even drove me out of their Chen family.

When Chen Mujin did this, he was obviously hitting my Huang family's face. This is not over yet. The Chen family has a manor outside Nancheng. A few days ago, I said I wanted to renovate and build. I didn't care at first, but I didn't expect to come back the day before yesterday, saying that the Chen family was not handing over the manor, but expanding the manor. The Chen family expanded the ten-acre rice field of my Huang family into the courtyard of the Chen family manor. Although ten acres of land are worthless,

But the Chen family did not say hello to my land, and obviously despised my Huang family. This morning, I couldn't bear to send someone to reclaim my land. I didn't expect that the unreasonable Chen Mujin took his martial arts in the afternoon and went to my house wildly, and made a fuss to me under the eyes of everyone. Lord, please see. "When Huang Tieshan spoke, he twitched, revealing a chest with five fingerprints.

"That's what Chen Mujin, a bitch-fucker, called! Even the guard Huang Tianzhu, who was with me for ten years, was very badly injured by him, begging adults to make determination for my Huang family."

Looking at Huang Tieshan's unexpected eyes, Cui Ruigu murmured, somewhat helplessly saying: "Old Huang." This is not inhumane. If you say that these things are punished according to law, the best thing is, Chen Mujin will suffer. Some silver punishment. Do you think he will care? "

"These little people know that if the little man hesitated for a long time, Huang Tieshan suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes, as if he was determined to gritt his teeth and say:" If the little man is willing to reveal a secret, is the adult willing to help me get rid of it? " Chen Mujin? "

Looking at the cold light in Huang Tieshan's eyes, Cui Ruigu moved his heart and pretended to be angry: "Nonsense!" Will our officials obey the law and kill someone for your secret? "

"Don't get me wrong, sir." Huang Tieshan immediately showed a look of fear. "How can a bad guy allow an adult to murder his life?" The real Chen Mujin is a lawless person without an adult! "

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"When the adult asked, this little man dared to lie." Recently, the villain received news that Chen Jiazui uploaded a treasure secretly hidden by the Chen family in a secret location in Yanling Mountain. According to reliable information I have received, Chen Mujin wants to take out this secret treasure and give it to the court to open a safe path for his grandson's future. what!

When he heard the word "treasure", Cui Ruigu's eyes did not narrow slightly. Fortunately, the municipal government where he was located was very deep and soon returned to normal. Hearing Huang Tieshan's words, he suppressed his inner excitement and said calmly: "It is perfectly correct to give the treasure to the court." Where am I blind? "

"Oh, lord, I do n’t know! Chen Mujin, an old bastard, is simply a villain that no one looks at. He feels that the lord ’s official position is not enough to entrust him, so he is ready to wait for the treasure to come out and go to Muyun City in person Go to offer treasure. He must bypass the adult monopoly on this credit. How can such a ungrateful person get adult training on weekdays? "Huang Tieshan looks very angry.

Cui Ruigu listened to Huang Tieshan's words, and Fènn's eyes flashed, pretending to ask with a little distrust: "How do you know such a secret?"

"As early as a few decades ago, I had a lot of grace for the Chen family. This time he risked death and told the villain in exchange for his good intentions."

"Is it Chen Hai?"

"Ah ?!" Huang Tieshan exhaled briefly, and then said helplessly: "How do adults know?" Yes, the adult is very smart, Chen Hai, Chen Fu's steward. "

Looking at Huang Tieshan's helplessness, Cui Ruigu felt a little complacent and blamed himself: "So, can this old thing escape from my palm?" Are you afraid that Chen Mujin will **** my reputation? Obviously, you are worried that Chen Mujin will get the court's support and ruin your Huang's family. Cunning old fox. "

"Does Chen Mujin really want to go to Xiyun City in person?" Cui Ruigu surfaced with anger. This time he didn't have to hide his anger, but he deliberately let Huang Tieshan see his Finn.

Sure enough, Huang Tieshan saw the look of Cui Ruigu, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and hurriedly said: "Back to my Lord, this is absolutely correct." A small man like Chen Mujin is not worth dying at all. If you really give up your treasure, you must leave it to adults. "

Well, Cui Ruigu snorted softly and asked Huang Tieshan: "What are you going to do?"

"Adult. Chen Mujin won't use many people to do such a secret thing. I want to keep a secret track with the owner of the Huang family. When he took the treasure, he killed him. However, because of his martial arts Strong, I am afraid that the Huang family is difficult to achieve with its current strength, so I want to invite adults to send three natural masters to the main palace to help me. Only then can we be foolproof. "In addition to Cui Ruigu, there are three other natural Master, Huang Tieshan refers to these three people.

After hearing Huang Tieshan's request, Cui Ruigu dared not say that this was a surprise. Even without Huang Tieshan's request, he would send his own people. After all, he also worried that Huang Tieshan would do bad things. "When will he leave?"

"The little man really doesn't know, but according to Chen Hai, Chen Mujin is afraid of encountering difficulties, so he must leave immediately, it is estimated that it will not exceed three days." In these days, I will send someone to take a look around the Chen family . As long as Chen Mujin secretly went out, I would get the news as soon as possible and send it to my master. "

"Okay, Huang, I have something to say. Only you know what I know about it. I ca n’t tell the third person. If you really get anything, I promise, the biggest family in Qingyang will be yours. Huang Family. "He smiled and looked at Huang Tieshan, as if the Huang family ruled Qingyang. ..

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