The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1972: The Devil's Feeling Can't Help It [Six Million Words Wang Wang, Seek

Feeling strong air passing over the clouds in the sky, the devil could not help but open his mouth and scold.

When the flash of spirit flashed, the fierce blood color killed the gods and insects, turned into a human figure, and became a teenager wearing a blood robe.

The boy looks exactly like gold, the difference is that his original purple and blond hair has now turned into blood red, and his eyes are still shining with dazzling blood, giving people a strange feeling.

"How dare you kill my friend alive!"

When he became humanoid, Kim looked at the bald devil coldly, and then his figure disappeared directly where he was.

Do not

Seeing that Kim ’s own eyes were gone, the bald devil who had experienced a hundred wars felt the danger for the first time, but he had n’t had time to react, and a **** silk suddenly appeared behind his head.

With a flash of blood, long enough **** silk was cut directly from the back of the bald devil's neck, and the head of the bald devil was easily cut off at such a fast speed that it was done in less than half of the breathing time. ?

His head was cut off, and the expression on the bald emperor's face was still the moment before his death. There is no time to make any changes.

After cutting off the head of the bald devil, the **** silk immediately turned into a human form, and the golden mouth opened to become a human form. The head of the bald devil was connected together and was sucked into the mouth.

The blood rain in the sky appeared again, and there was another big demon, which fell for the first time in tens of thousands of years, causing the entire life of this real magic world to fall into an inexplicable panic.

In the real magical world, the devil emperors are almost invincible above all. There are very few devil emperors who died in battle on weekdays. Even if there is that, it is a very rare thing. The most outstanding ones are those devil emperors who sit independently Great time to come down.

However, world after world phenomena such as crying, blood, and tears are all people with a mind, and they all know that this is definitely not a normal phenomenon.


Gang King just swallowed the bald devil's body, and countless purple lightnings fell in the sky clouds. With Lei Wei's extinction, he landed on the golden darts on the square. The picture was spectacular, just like the world's extinction.

Accompanied by thunder and lightning, it almost surrounded the entire square, but countless purple lightning bolts fell from the sky. Before it hit gold, it was blocked by a series of rays that the ancestors prohibited.

The series of light curtains that contain the lightning pole that destroys the world and will be destroyed by ancestors are constantly broken and reorganized, and the whole earth sways violently with each other.

"Give up, otherwise you will be hurt by the pond fish!"

Obviously, the ancestral demons could not stop the emperor-level thunder and robbery for a long time. The devil emperor shouted to Bai Yao and others, and then they all retreated to the taboo stage.

The three Pan Chen saw the ghost voice Devil Emperor waiting to retreat, and flew to the body of Jinshu.

"How about Kim, can you be sure about the robbery?"

As soon as he flew to Jin, Pan Chen couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, why can't you treat me like this? As soon as this spell is lifted, you take Wu Liang away, and they go first. When I come to break it, I will let them pay the price!" No, no.

Kim stared coldly at the devil's voice, the devil's emperor, and so on.

"We will not go. We will go together. We will wait for you. When you successfully rob, we will break this taboo together again!"

Pan Chen said solemnly.

"Don't worry, this taboo will break in the future. Their **** dog Dingxi will not stop me, unless they also want to be robbed by heaven!"

Kim said he slowly flew towards the taboo platform.

"Jinyu, whereabouts are unknown, remember to live!"

Seeing that Jin Shu flew towards the taboo platform, Sun Qitian suddenly opened his mouth to remind him, and then Pan Chen waved his hand and forced the three people including Niu into the field space.

"If this guy is not looking for death, he flew towards us alone. I think we should kill him together, and the robbery will naturally disappear today."

Watching Jin Shufei fly to himself and others, Jallow said with bright eyes that there were six evil emperors beside them, and their power was still very strong.

"I think this is what he can do, otherwise if he breaks the taboo platform, we will lose a lot this time!"

Bai Yao initially agreed with Emperor Jarrow, but before it was too late, the purple cloud in the sky suddenly landed a thousands of feet of purple thunder dragon, which had the power to destroy the sky and the earth, and fell directly on the black light prohibited by the ancestors. On the curtain.

The sky that had been attacked by the first wave blew a dim light curtain. With the landing of this huge purple thunder dragon, a powerful enough wave of energy suddenly burst out, with the square as the center, and it quickly poured out in all directions.

This energy wave is more powerful than you think, and you will soon see buildings within tens of miles of the city ’s main palace, all of which have collapsed, and I do n’t know how many people died.

"let's go!"

With the collapse of the ancestors and demons, Pan Chen, Sun Qitian and Kong Ling left the square for the first time. As soon as they saw Pan Chen running, Bai Yao and others couldn't help but stare.

"What should we do? Pan Chen ran away, and we don't understand. From the past situation, he seems to have gathered with the people in the chaotic area. This is the only time we have a chance to reduce the fall of a thousand years. opportunity."

"But if we chase him down, the taboo platform may not survive!"

With the departure of Pan Chen and others, the Dragon Emperor said anxiously.

"In my opinion, we can no longer protect this taboo platform. That guy is going to rob him now. If we stay, we will definitely be robbed by him. But this taboo platform cannot be taken away. Otherwise, I Think we should give up! "

After hesitating for a while, the devil suggested.

"Give up? You're not mistaken, how hard it is for all of us in this magical world of this taboo platform, just to piece together the materials to complete the construction, can't say give up!"

There is also a white robe demon emperor, who was built for the middle age of the devil to drink and rebuke.

"We can't do anything, or what can we do? If we are all with this robbery guy!"

Watching Jin Yun get closer and closer to himself and others, the Dragon Monster retorted.

"Kill him first"

The white robe demon emperor said that the killing machine flashed in front of his eyes, and then a white magic knife was collected from the power of law from his hand and rushed straight to Kim.


Before waiting for the white robe emperor to rush to Phnom Penh, the sky snatched the clouds, and thunder blew again, followed by countless purple lightnings, slashing from the sky to gold, because the white robe demon was closer to gold, he was Covered in the range of many purple lightning attacks.

In the face of a large number of purple lightning strikes, gold does not flicker, so that the power of lightning is on him. Although these purple lightnings are powerful, all the creeps inhale into the body when they touch the gold, and then disappear.

"Come on, the more fierce you are, the better, just to see how strong my blood and ancestor's blood are!"

After absorbing a lot of purple lightning, Jin roared and flew to the sky. In his body, a huge blood beetle appeared quickly, 32 blood beetles with wings.

Although gold can absorb the power of the sky and thunder and lightning, the white robe devil is not so lucky. He is also covered by purple lightning, and under the bombardment, a large amount of lightning power. Although he urged Avatar to resist, he still embarrassed him. The robe became ragged and many holes.

"If you still want to kill me, I think I will take you home first!"

Looking at the demon emperor in white robe embarrassed by thunder, a sneer came from the corner of his mouth. Then he raised his hand and hit a scary legal wheel. He turned his head toward the white robe and attacked him face to face.

The white robe demon is fighting against the kingdom of heaven and thunder, when he begins to attack himself. He hurriedly raised his hand and cut it on the blood chakra. Although he broke the blood chakra, the knife in his hand broke at the same time. ..

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