The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2001: The devil of the country

After listening to the words of the bald devil and the star, he asked people for their opinions.

"I just think, there is no better way than this anyway. In short, as long as we move the grave of the devil's ancestors, the demons of his twelve countries will immediately think of it."

He said: "If we don't act, they won't be able to wait. Sooner or later they will kill thousands of autumns, and there will be no way to go." "In any case, if we have to fight, then make a comparison early. Good completion is inevitable. "

Hongyun smiled helplessly and said that he was talking about the copper skin of middle-aged people. As for the others, including Cang Song, he didn't speak, apparently acquiesced.

"Seven days after the announcement, the other half took the opportunity to take people to twelve states, and then set fire to the backyard, disrupting their military hearts. There must be spies on the other side of the twelve states."

Seeing that everyone had no opinion, I always wanted to announce, but at this time Pan Chen's spirit sounded in his ear.

Pan Chen's spiritual voice is so mysterious that even Sun Qitian and the others sitting next to him did not realize it at all.

Turning his eyes, he knew what Pan Chen wanted to do, but he pretended that nothing had happened.

"Since we have no problems, I will announce that you will call the headquarters as soon as possible, and then Chiyun and the bullies will slip half of them into the twelve states in advance. On the seventh day, we are ready to do so, we will put the army The main ethnic area divided into five emperors! "

"As for the others, on the seventh day, two elder Ye Xue and I led the team and attacked the tomb of the demon ancestor!"

An eternal command was issued loudly.

"What ?! Elders, this is not a good thing. Our advanced combat power is almost half that of the magic tribes in the twelve states. Now we have to distribute half of the troops to the twelve states, so that our chance of victory is even more. Small! "

Once the eternal words were spoken, many of the demons present immediately exploded the pan. Obviously they did not want eternal to make such a decision, and some of them directly opposed the decision.

"What do you know? As long as you obey my orders, you don't have to ask others!"

Faced with people's comments, the eternal attitude of cold drinks, although people still hard to understand what they heard, but also closed their mouths.

"Go ahead and remember, if you want to bring all people and horses together, this may be the last war between my chaotic realm and the twelve states, you must take it seriously." Eternity Order continues.

Everyone nodded and left the hall one by one, leaving only Cangwu and Hongyun. The annihilation of the three did not leave. Of course, Pan Chen and the others did not leave.

"What are you still doing here? What else can you do?"

Seeing Qian Yun and the others didn't leave, they frowned and asked.

"Older generation, is your decision to divide your troops too hasty? After all, the actual situation is already in front of us. If we separate the soldiers, we really have no chance of winning."

Cang Wu said, embarrassed in his face.

In ancient times, I heard that my eyes turned and then waved my hand, and the door of the conference hall closed.

"The three of you are the backbone of my chaotic emperor. I believe you. Since you have asked about this, I can tell you one or two first."

"I announced the war within seven days, but on the fifth day I will start the war ahead of time. In addition, I will let the bullies and Chi Yun take half of the people to twelve states. Fool. You should know what I mean. "

After thinking for a long time, I explained.

"As far as I know, the old man hopes that this person will pass on this message to the people of the twelve states, so that they will definitely keep some of them in their families."

"In addition, we are not really going to attack the twelve states, this is just a cover, go to the grave of the devil ancestor with you, right?"

The pine suddenly realized.

"Yes, in this way, we can definitely reduce the advantages of the twelve states, but enhance our own advantages."

I nodded in ancient times.

"You should be an eternal old man, this is a good plan, I admire it!"

Hongyun couldn't help opening her mouth in praise.

"Good plan, right? This is not mine, it is Pan Chen."

He said with an eternal smile while looking at Pan Chen.

"Have you noticed?"

As soon as I heard that this strategy was Pan Chen, Qian Yun and others showed unexpected colors, and their eyes were a bit complicated.

"It's me and my ancestors, but it's not me who really came up with it, but my brother Wu Liang."

Pan Chen smiled and pointed to Wu Liangdao not far from the side.

"Laughing, Wu Liang in the lower Beidou circle!"

Wu Liang stood up and introduced himself.

"I didn't expect you to repair it so well that you could come up with such a plan." Cangwu said unexpectedly.

"Of course, my Mr. Wu Liang is not only resourceful, but also proficient in personal charm and has his mind. Although we cannot completely reverse the war, it is still no problem to give full play to our advantages.

Qi Tian opened his mouth and flattered Wu Liang.

"The cow will not be blown. Whether this measure is effective will not be known until after it is implemented."

The bully said coldly.

"Of course, we still have to practice first, but the elders just said it was not detailed. We have to go to the twelve states. We have to attack, don't go to too many people, just send a few emperors, and bring millions more people. Now. "

"As for the others, after leaving the chaotic area, they immediately turned back into fragments and then hid in the dark."

"The ancients took people to break the ban on the devil's tomb, which was two days faster than originally planned. We are closer to the grave of the devil's ancestors. If the time goes wrong, even if the demons in the twelve countries react quickly, it will take us a period of time."

"With this time as a buffer, I think it ’s enough to enter the Devil ’s Tomb. The others are standing by and waiting for the people of the twelve states to kill, and then the mob and friends of Hongyun will come out and attack both sides together. So that our advantages can be maximized. "

Wu Liang explained his plan in detail.

When Cangwu Hongyun and others heard it, they were startled, and then their faces showed envious colors, even eternity.

Although according to Wu Liang's strategy, the strengths of the two sides are still very different, but it does greatly weaken the enemy's advantages and greatly enhance their own advantages. ..

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