The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2019: Come up with an idea

"I have found that although there are some bans on this big rock, it is not too strong compared to the previous ban. If you go to the snow reeds quickly, you will come back from Qiqiu and then follow Qi Yau's attack broke through the graves of the devil's ancestors. "

The stone dared to come up with an idea.

"You mean let them fight, let's go to the grave to get the treasure first?"

Sun Qitian is not stupid at all, he immediately knew what the stone tablet dare to play.

"Yes, in addition to the original magic liquid of the demon ancestors, there are dragons and tiger gods of evil warriors in this grave. As long as the sword is a lifetime, it will definitely reverse the war.

Shi Dang said confidently.

"Don't say it, you really make sense. I'm just afraid that Kong Ling won't be able to hold it for long."

Sun Qitian looked at Kong Ling's four people with concern.

"Don't worry, Cangwu and the bully can't stand up without a hand. In addition, I'm watching here. Once I predict that they are in danger, I will notify them three times in advance."

Shi Hengtang patted Sun Qitian on the shoulder.

"Well, then you can eat here!"

Sun Qitian is not a procrastinator, he said an action that disappeared directly in place.

When Sun Qitian appeared again, he had arrived in the snow reed battle group not far away.

At this moment, Xue is wrestling with a devil woman wearing a black palace suit. They are both half-step ancestral demons, but Xue's body has a messy tree, or a slight upper hand.

"Give Qian Qianqiu to me, I advanced to the devil's grave, and the dragon and tiger gods will bring it out to you!"

The spiritual voice shouted at Xue, and Sun Qitian shouted anxiously.

Xuedi immediately frowned and heard that she raised her hand and hit ninety-nine real dragons, pushing the woman in black behind, and she moved herself to walk to Sun Qitian.

"Don't care too much about the original magic liquid, say 1/10 is 1/10."

A cold warning, Sun Qitian, then Sun Qitian lost a thousand autumn days in the snow, and then she continued to kill the women in black.

"When should this woman beware of us?"

I couldn't help mumbling, and then Sun Qitian turned into a golden light, circling around the huge black star.

Sun Qitian was far away from the ancient war, the legal power in his body was surging, he tried every means to persuade him to cut off for thousands of years.

Flying from the autumn with a golden cold awn, under the control of Sun Qitian, he fell directly to the ground in front of him, and a knife cut the surface of the black star from a huge pit.

"Good job, continue!"

Watching himself cut into the black pit, Sun Qitian cut out the dagger again, this time directly fell into the deep pit that had been formed. With the sound of the impact of mud and stone, the black deep pit became deeper.

"Five colors!"

For Sun Qitian's small actions, killing Kong Ling and others did not notice, accompanied by a colorful countertop sky scroll, the green, yellow, black, and white rules behind Kong Ling quickly condensed, so Qi Chaoqiancao killed the past. The thousand-slit emperor had just smashed seven or eight arrows of Cangwu in front of him. When he saw the avatar of the Holy Spirit killing him, he hurriedly sacrificed a black shield and blocked five. Attack with a sword.

Although it was not difficult to look at, the eyes of thousands of slit devil showed a surprise, but he could feel the horror of Kong Ling ’s attack, if not because he entered a kingdom, hold the other side, in the same Fighting in a field, this blow is enough to kill him.

As Kong Ling's attack was blocked by tens of thousands of old demons with seams, a huge chaotic tree on Cangwu's head suddenly condensed out, and then a lot of chaos was scattered.

The chaotic gas quickly fell into the hands of the chaotic bow and arrow, and then condensed into a long green solid arrow.

"Arrow through the sky!"

Open mouth spouted a thin blood, did not enter the long arrow of the green entity, accompanied by strong pressure, the long arrow shot from inside, Cangwu directly shot the arrow, the target is thousands of slotted old ghosts on the head. ?

"Break me!"

Feeling the terrible magic of a long arrow shooting out of the sky, thousands of slit old demons opened their mouths, sprayed a beam of black sword light, and landed directly on the long green arrow, then the two exploded in mid-air.

The "bang" of the explosion exploded the body of the black shield in front of the old magic. The five-colored sword in front of the shield trembles into pieces and was broken with the five-colored sword. Kong Ling immediately spit out blood and the breathing body shrank rapidly. .

"Eat innocent magic works!"

As soon as Kong Linggang was injured, the big devil besieged by bullies and gold suddenly shook his body and became a fierce king-swallowing beast. Then he sucked it in and threw all the bullies and gold in front of him.

"I swallow the law!"

When he watched himself and the bully fly towards the King uncontrollably, Jin changed his body into a giant blood beetle, but he opened his mouth and sucked it back.

Two powerful suctions interweave from the middle of the air, collide with each other, the gap suddenly bursts out, and Jin and Bawang have stabilized their shapes.

"It means that this is a legendary worm. The law of swallowing is more elaborate than my law of swallowing the sky, and there are three more points, but unfortunately you are not enough to cure it!"

After his initial victory, after the fall of the King, he was a little surprised, but did not stop him. He opened his mouth, two black beams of light, with the power of the world, swept toward the gold and the two. Bully.

"Be careful, hide!"

When attacking the king and the beast king, the sound of stones came from the ears of the two.

When he heard Shi Handang's reminder, Jin and the bully fled in two different directions for the first time.

"If you want to run, there is no way!"

The two men ran away, two black beams of light shot from the king, turned around immediately, and then chased the two men.

"Roar" exploded, but the bully evaded and was hit by a black beam of light. It burst on the spot and turned into a sky of blood mist.

When the king of heaven saw it, he took the opportunity to open his mouth, took a sip, and swallowed the blood mist in his mouth.


The death of this bully naturally felt that his speed had reached the limit, but the swallowing king of heaven was a half-step ancestor level. Although it was fast enough, it was quickly exceeded by a beam of black light.

With the explosion, Jin, like the bully, was smashed by a black beam of light.

Do not

Watching ** was killed, Kong Ling, who was also seriously injured in a short distance, shouted immediately, but then he was relieved a little. After Kim was blown up, he quickly recovered his human form, but only physically 'S breathing greatly weakened. ..

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