The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2029: Are you really leaving? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

"Grandpa, dad, uncle, aunt."

Pan Chen did not anticipate this. Although some accidents occurred, he still respectfully saluted the four.

"Are you really leaving? When are you coming back?"

Ye Yuncheng took the lead in opening his mouth. He did not ask why Pan Chen was going. He didn't know what Ye Zhenglong said to him in private, or he thought that Pan Chen should have gone out and broke in.

"Really, when I come back, I have to wait until I get there. When I go out for a walk, I have to learn some grades."

Pan Chen gave an unclear answer.

Ye Yuncheng nodded and said nothing.

"Son, this is the leaf my aunt prepared for you. My aunt made you a few new clothes and many silver coins. Without money, I can't go out."

Zhao Ding gave Pan Chen a burden, and his face was slightly sad, which surprised Pan Chen a little.

"Thank you, auntie!"

Pan Chen was grateful, and then looked at Ye Zhengkun and Ye Zhenglong.

"Mu'er, don't hate your uncle. Uncle is forced to do a lot of things. Listen to your father saying that you have the opportunity to worship Jin Yuzong. Uncle is really happy for you. These ten yuan scenes are uncle's treasures for many years. . "

Ye Zhengkun said that he took out a golden bag in his arms, which was not very big, but a slap in the face of the adult, but its inner drum, which shimmered various lights faintly.

Pan Chen looked at Ye Zhengkun strangely, but did not pick up the gold bag. Although he was fired by Ye Zhenglong, he still had a mustard for Ye Zhengkun.

"What? You won't forgive me, my uncle?"

Ye Zhengkun frowned, a little unhappy.

"Moore! Take it, your uncle has always been kind to you. Although I am sorry to kill you, you cannot deny that he has always been good to you."

Ye Zhenglong comforted.

Pan Chen hesitated for a while, and then took the gold bag that Ye Zhengkun gave him and held it in his arms.

"Uncle, although I can't let go of the murderer you hired to kill me, but you should become the master of this Ye family. In this way, I Pan Chen will always respect you!"

Pan Chen said he bowed to Ye Zhengkun.

Ye Zhengkun patted Pan Chen's shoulder and nodded with a smile.

"Mu, this parrot sword was a weapon that I wore when I was young. Although it is not a magic weapon, it was also cast by collecting the essence of Li Tie. It is extremely tough and difficult to destroy. I think you have an unworthy weapon , So think about it with it. "

Ye Zhenglong brushed his long sleeves, holding a long sword in his hand, and he gave it to Pan Chen.

This is a long sheathed sword, about four feet long. Pan Chen had seen it since he was a child and always wanted to play with it, but Ye Zhenglong was very precious and he was not allowed to touch the snow with Nangong, but he did not want to be taken away by Ye Zhenglong.

"Parrot? How did you name it? Not because of these parrot birds engraved on the sheath?"

Pan Chen took the sword and did not speak, but Huang Linnan, who had been watching by the side, smiled and said a word.

Pan Chen carefully looked at the parrot sword he had longed for since he was a child, and found twelve live parrot birds carved on a simple scabbard.

What puzzles Pan Chen is that the scabbard does not seem to match the sword, because the scabbard looks older and seems to be a few years old.

"Ren Xiaoyou was right. I gave the sword a name because when I got the sword, I happened to pass by the swamp and found a sheath in the swamp."

Ye Zhenglong explained with a smile that Huang Linnan had been speechless for some time. "This sword is by my side, just like my father was with me. My father is assured that Moore will not let you down!"

Pan Chen held the parrot sword tightly, with a solemn and indomitable face on his face.

Ye Zhenglong nodded, his eyes a little wet.

"Grandpa, dad, aunt, uncle, Moore is gone, you take care!"

Pan Chen's eyes were fixed on Ye Zhenglong's face, and his last bite was on his teeth. Huang Linnan walked to the distance and never looked back.

Ye Zhenglong stood there, watching Pan Chen leave for a long time without talking, but no one found anyone in the corner of Ye Fumen. The snow in the Nangong watched Pan Chen walk away with tears in his eyes, waving his hand , Bid farewell to him.

"Brother, Xueer will come to you when he grows up, even if you are not my brother."

Nangong Xue said to herself, watching Pan Chen leave his eyes with an extremely determined attitude.

"Okay! When you walk out of Twilight, you don't have to be unhappy anymore, Wood, I tell you, it's really comfortable to hang out, you will feel it soon."

Sitting on the back of the beautiful tiger and looking at the unhappy Pan Chen, Huang Linnan said with a smile.

"I know that a free life is a joy for you. I crave it, but I can't, because I have more important things to do."

Pan Chen had no expression and couldn't help but think of Ye Yuncheng's red clothes in Yuncheng. He thought that in order to protect him, he broke an arm and finally distracted the enemy's attention. None of the women in life or death knew.

"What's more important, don't you mean wandering with me? Besides, at dusk in Yuncheng, haven't you done it a few times? What is more important?"

Huang Linnan didn't understand this road.

"Yes, although I haven't been out of Yuncheng, it is more important than my own life. Do you think I can't do it?"

Pan Chen returned with a bitter smile.

"Something more important than your life? What's wrong? Is it hard to find the woman you want to be with?"

Huang Linnan joked.

"Puppy can't spit out ivory. By the way, do you know where Qingyun is?"

Pan Chen asked solemnly.

"Qingyun Town? I don't know, this is a remote place. Since it is a small town, it must be smaller than your Yuncheng at dusk. How could it be there?"

Huang Linnan shook his head proudly.

Pan Chen thought about it and said, "I want to go for a walk in Qingyun Town, can you go with me?"

"You really go, I say you too, since you go out to wander, you must go to the big city to see the world, ah, go to a small town that has not even heard of Qingyun, I really do n’t know how you miss you."

Huang Linnan was a little reluctant to say.

"If you don't want to go, forget it. Let's go apart and see you later!"

When Pan Chen spoke, he wanted to jump off the tiger.

"Hey! No, I didn't say no, no"

Huang Linnan compromised as soon as he saw that Pan Chen was going, and immediately pulled Pan Chen over.

"I don't know. This is not a problem, thank you!"

Pan Chen smiled smugly, but deep down, he always felt that Huang Linnan and his own people seemed to have a purpose together.

Although Huang Linnan doesn't look like that kind of evil villain, Xu Jian warns Pan Chen that in this world, he will always be the only person to be trusted, so even if he is, he can't be trusted. ..

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