The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2071: The Power of Magic Beads [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words, Seek Slaughter]

Although I have seen the power of the magic ball twice in a row, but facing the purple mustache again, Pan Chen is not waiting for death.

Under the heavy power of Pan Chen's body, the light and shadow in his hands were raging, and then a thick wall of lightning condensed in front of Pan Chen.

Although the lightning wall is formed from the laws of lightning, it is very strong and looks like cast iron.

When the wall of lightning was condensed and formed, some purple elves shone from the beads, without extreme dissipation, and fell on the wall of lightning.

However, what surprised Pan Chen again was that after Hubbard's lightning wall was hit by a few purple elves, it soon disappeared like the Emperor's aura mask.

"To no avail, the reason why this infinite bead can become my treasure for thousands of emperors is not a pseudonym. In all worlds, whether it is aura or vitality, even if it is the true magic spirit of my magic world, it It must also be melted into intangibles before this boundless magic weapon disappears. "

"If you are not sure, you think the three of us dare to go deep into this fallen valley and break into your nine-star Buddha territory, ha!"

After the lightning protection wall in front of Pan Chen was broken, the purple-bearded devil smiled smugly, and then manipulated the boundless magic beads, went straight to Pan Chen and shot them.

Seeing the purple beard devil dare to sacrifice the boundless beads for which they struggled, Pan Chen sneered in the corner of his mouth. The blue spirit of Shui Ding above him suddenly rose, followed by crazy suction, and walked directly to the infinite extinct beads.

Before approaching Pan Chen, he was attracted by the powerful suction from the water yellow tripod, and then flew directly to the mouth of the double yellow tripod.

Seeing that the magic bead is about to be absorbed by the Water Emperor Tripod, it is at this time that the change is rising again, but it is an extinct method without extinction beads. Suddenly, some purple aura burst out and just landed on the Water Emperor Tripod.

After the water emperor tripod was hit by the purple spiritual light emitted by the endless magic beads, the whole body became lavender, and the aura fell on the ground dimly. Pan Chen also temporarily lost its connection with the water emperor tripod.

"Ah, you are easy to calculate, but you have to accept the treasure of our family. If it is really accepted by you, then the old faces of the three of us will not disappear. You do n’t have the body protection of the elves now. I think you can still Do something!"

After the Emperor Water tripod was shot down, the old man with purple beard laughed again. Under his mental control, the dazzling purple magic lamp was lit again on the surface, and then turned into a light ball of the size of the law, and fell directly to Pan Chen.

Watching the purple ball of light fall towards him, Pan Chen had no time to manage the Emperor's tripod. He did his best to urge Huber in his hand, and a Hubble stabbed a blue light and fell on On the surface of the purple light ball.

Pan Chen ’s present Yuanyuan urges Hubbard to have power close to the level of the emperor even though the natural lack of spirit has not been restored.

However, what changed Pan Chen's face was that he tried his best to force the blue aura to pierce the iron skin, and it melted automatically as soon as it touched the surface of the purple light sphere.

Before Pan Chen had time to withdraw his hand, the blue light and shadow with the power of the emperor were completely dissolved and melted by the purple light ball, and the purple light ball fell on Hubble's body.

When the natural Hubble was hit by a purple ball of light, Pan Chen did not feel much impact resistance, but the Hubble, which was originally surrounded by lightning, also lost its original luster and became dim and dull.

When Hubbard's spirit weakened, Pan Chen immediately discovered that the real elements injected into Hubble were melted by almost invincible energy.

Not only that, this unparalleled energy is now following Hubbard's body, walking towards Pan Chen's hand, Pan Chen hurriedly released the Huber in his hand.

As soon as Pan Chen let go, Hubble fell to the ground, like a watery crest, motionless, on its surface, and quickly spread a layer of lavender light.

"I don't believe you are invincible!"

Two self-defense treasures were bound by the endless destruction of Dharma beads, which made Pan Chen, who rarely lost money, furious. Holding the right hand in his right hand, he patted the handprint of the blood Buddha and patted the purple ball in the air in front of him.

The blood Buddha handprint made by Pan Chen is based on the law of great destruction of his own power, combined with the great sorrow of magic. Even when the power does not have the tools of the imperial system, even the powerful of the quasi-imperial class is irresistible.

However, Pan Chen, this can almost be seen as a sad palm full of hits, shot on a purple light ball, and it automatically melts the sphere, not to mention the infinite bead that destroys the purple ball, even shaking it Can't do it.

With the failure of Pan Chen's painful palm attack, the purple ball of Pan Chen's size again attacked face to face under the control of the old man with purple beard.

Pan Chen naturally didn't want to be hit by such a purple light ball called metamorphosis. He urged the sky to disappear quickly and appear again the next moment, already reaching the purple beard behind the old man.

"Old man, you die!"

There is no place to vent his anger. As soon as Pan Chen walked behind the old man with purple beard, he raised his hand and struck the old man with purple beard.

"Legal, Battle of Space!"

Seeing Pan Chen's powerful punch, he actually wanted to hit the purple bearded man, but at this time, the night lord suddenly opened his mouth to drink it, and then hit a legal avatar to the old man with purple beard.

The legal incarnation played by the Night Lord is so mysterious that Pan Chen ’s fist did not fall on the head of the old man with a purple beard, and the body of the old man with a purple beard also disappeared from the original place. When he appeared again at the next moment, he had reached the body of the Night Lord.

"Without the hands of the emperor and the fairy, I know what else you can do!"

After a failed sneak attack, Pan Chen was trying to win the chase, but at this time, the bald devil flying on the tripod of the water emperor suddenly moved to Pan Chen's body, blocking his way.

When Pan Chen was blocked on the road, countless black magic lines appeared on the bald demon, and then a twist of his body quickly turned into a thousand-handed troll, a hundred feet tall.

A thousand-handed troll has thousands of arms and its mouth is full of sharp teeth. Although most of its body is still humanoid, it is covered with black hair and looks full of evil.

After being transformed into a thousand-handed troll, the bald man opened his mouth and roared, his body suddenly rose, and had not reached the level of the quasi-emperor, he was promoted to the level of the quasi-emperor.

Pan Chen looked at the fierce troll in front of him, his pupils diminished sharply, but he didn't expect that the family of bald devil could be strengthened temporarily by secret means like the previous devil.

Pan Chenbai has met the fact two times in a row. For example, the high-level magic clan like the devil, even if there is a mana interface suppression, but the other party can still urge the secret to upgrade, although this secret method of forced promotion may not last. But at a critical moment, it is enough to reverse the situation of war, but the other party can still urge the secret art to ascend. Although the secret method of forcibly promoting may not last long, at a critical moment, it is enough to reverse the war.

Thousands of hands put together, thousands of arms of thousands of trolls clenched together, and then flew towards Pan Chen.

Because the scale of the thousand-handed troll is already large, and the opponent's arm has a wide range of attacks, Pan Chen has no time to escape. He hurries and rushes around to escape the attack of the thousand-handed troll.

A real Yuan burst sounded one after another from the air, under the attack of the Thousand-handed Troll, Pan Chen inevitably hit the opponent and shook it a few times. Although the Thousand-handed Troll was not defeated, Thousands The hand troll failed to gain the upper hand.

"Fairy, this is a good thing. If we can take it back and let it have a low morale, then the details of our family will be stronger."

Looking at the immobile water emperor tripod in front of him, the night lord happily said that the old man with purple beard beside him was also there. The two of them did not help the thousand-handed troll against Pan Chen, but proposed the fairy emperor water emperor tripod. idea.

"It's such a good boy. When I wrestled with it before, I felt its strong breath, but this Pan Chen couldn't seem to exert his true power, otherwise, no matter how mysterious he was, he would have difficulty controlling it."

Around the circle of water yellow Ding, holding a purple beard, without the end of the beads, the old man could not help but wonder.

"There are few magic weapons of this level, even the entire real world of magic can't think of a few. This name and chaotic magic soldier, as long as we get a thousand autumns, open the grave of the demon ancestor, we can jump into the real world of magic. The most powerful force in the world, the entire real world of magic also has to say that the entire world of magic is in control. "

Night Lord smiled smugly and began to imagine the future.

"Law, destroy the earth!"

Just like the night master and the purple beard clan dream of the future in Shuihuangding, Pan Chen's roar is not far away.

I saw that the thousand-handed troll was fighting Pan Chen, and the whole person suddenly turned into a dazzling blood, which looked like a **** sun, with a devastating legal breath, and directly hit a thousand-handed troll. Chest.

Although the Thousand-Handed Troll is one hundred feet tall, he was hit by Pan Chen ’s **** sun, and the whole person was shot out. On his chest, there was a blood hole of seven to eight feet, a lot of black magic Gas is lost from the blood hole.

"No, I didn't expect that Pan Chen would lose his fairy and emperor artifacts, but he still has such a powerful force. The night game is not his opponent!"

When the thousand-handed troll was hit by Pan Chen, the purple-bearded devil immediately changed his face, which obviously underestimated Pan Chen's power.

"Pan Chen's true Yuan Dynasty was in the late stages of Shengbu, and now the quasi-emperor is forced to ascend the throne in secret, and the night match cannot deal with him. We seem to have to do this!"

The night master was also taken aback by Pan Chen's power. After he finished talking, he looked at the devil with purple beard. The two came together and killed Pan Chenchong.


Seeing the night master and the old man with purple beard commit suicide, Pan Chen waved his roar, unable to deal with the destructive power of his body, the whole person pretended to be the **** of war, but rushed towards the night master.

Although there is no Water Emperor tripod and Huber in hand, Pan Chen ’s practice in recent years has not been in vain. He majored in the method of destruction, and with the help of Dodao Dan, he can no longer talk about the same day.

Before approaching the purple bearded old man and the night lord, Pan Chen raised his hands, punched in the sky, smashed a large space, and punched two punches in the sky, which was composed of the power of the law of destruction and attacked head-on The old man with purple beard and night master.

"This is a rare rule of destruction, some words to say!"

The old man with purple beard felt the terrible energy contained in the blood boxing flashed on his body, and a purple light mask was condensed in his body to protect his body.

As soon as the spiritual light mask of the purple bearded man was condensed and formed, the blood-colored giant fist of Pan Chen's Law of Destruction fell on the spiritual light mask. As in the previous case, even the power and horror of the bloodlight mask were melted by the purple spiritual light mask.

Although the old man with a purple beard could easily resolve Pan Chen's attack, the Night Lord was not so lucky.

Facing the attack of the blood giant fist, the night lord tentatively hit a black magic hand printed on the blood giant fist.

But the black magic handprint couldn't stop the attack of the blood giant's fist, was smashed into pieces by its punch, and then rushed directly to the night lord in front of him.

"Be careful!"

When Blood Fist approached the Night Lord, the purple bearded man hurriedly opened his mouth to remind him.

Before the voice of the old man with a purple beard fell, the night lord hung an additional black flag in the emperor's hands.

The black flag grew long enough, and there was a portrait of the devil with thousands of hands embroidered on it. When the night master pulled out the black flag, he shook violently.

When the night master shook the black flag in his hand, the black flag appeared full of magic, and immediately launched a black tornado.

This black tornado contained terrible imperial pressure. When it rose from the black flag, Pan Chen's blood fist was shattered.


Seeing that the Night Lord had no ashes, he quelled his attack. Pan Chen's pupil narrowed sharply. With his current eyes, how can he not see that the black flag in the hands of the nightlord is an emperor's artifact?

If in the past, even facing the magical family holding the emperor weapon in his hand, Pan Chen would not be afraid, because he had the emperor artifact and the fairy water emperor tripod in his hand.

But at present, Pan Chen's palace utensils have been made. In the face of such a powerful force, such as the night master itself, and there are emperors in hand, Pan Chen is not sure. The most important thing is that there are two other night owls, especially purple The endless magic beads in the hands of the elderly.

"Pan Chen, you killed me with a ray of thoughts, this revenge, I will find you today to avenge it!"

After Pan Chen's attack was lifted by the emperor, the Night Lord waved the magic flag in his hand again, and then a black dragon flew out of the magic flag and ran straight to Pan Chen to attack and kill it. After that, he shook the magic flag in his hand again, and then a black dragon flew out of the magic flag, went straight to Pan Chen to attack and kill it.

The Black Dragon is tens of feet long and exudes a powerful emperor. Watching the wind dragon approaching himself, Pan Chen is trying to resist completely, but to his dismay, his incarnation of the war demon begins to disappear.

The reason why Pan Chen stayed with the three night owls for so long was mainly because he was forced to be promoted to the quasi-emperor country under the war demon, and with the release of the war demon incarnation, his combat power was greatly reduced immediately.


The dragon roared like thunder, and Pan Chen was anxious because Avatar's magical body dissipated, but at this time, the emperor-level magic flag rushed out of the black wind dragon and had come to his body less than five feet away.

Seeing that Fenglong was about to hit himself, Pan Chen had to hurriedly urge the sky to evade in the reverse direction.

"If you want to escape, where can you escape?"

Pan Chen moved his body, and the old man with purple beard walked towards Pan Chen's body like a ghost, urging the boundless magic beads in his hand to condense a purple aura barrier in front of Pan Chen, blocking his way.

"Your speed is unmatched, but unfortunately, you cannot escape today!"

The road ahead was blocked by the old man with purple beard. Pan Chen was trying to escape in the other direction, but at this time, the injured bald devil also flew past, blocking Pan Chen's other way out.

The Bald Devil has now recovered his human form. Although it seems to be the weakest of the three night owls, Pan Chenqing could n’t help but face a white face. hammer.

The black hammer is only two feet long, but it also emits a wave of imperial guards, another relic of the empire.

Without waiting for Pan Chen to think too much, the Black Dragon released by the night master rushed directly in front of Pan Chen, flashed a bit, and stuck on his chest.


The wind dragon transformed by the emperor hit his chest. Although Pan Chen's flesh was stronger than ever, he still vomited blood at the collision mouth and flew out of the air.

"You just hurt me, now I want to tell you how hard I am!"

Pan Chen just flew out and fell to the ground peacefully. The instant noodle of the bald devil showed a fierce smile. He ran quickly behind Pan Chen, then slammed the magic hammer in his hand with a hammer and smashed Pan Chen's back with the hammer.

The first moment of Pan Chen's flight was accompanied by a few hard fractures, followed by his mouth spurting blood, which fell vertically towards the ground and soon fell to the ground.

"Hah, I thought your meat was really unbreakable, but the result was just that!"

Looking at Pan Chen who fell to the ground like a dead man, he smiled smugly, and then landed next to Pan Chen with three night owls, looking down on Pan Chen who was still bleeding.

"Hand it over, I can give you a good time!"

The old man with a purple beard bleeds from the ground. He looked down at Pan Chen and opened a mouth coldly.

"Competent. You do this and cut down thousands of millions of autumns to make your demon family's heart. Do you think I will take it away?"

"To be honest, I am not afraid to tell you. In this world, Chiaki has long been hidden by me in a secret place. No one can find it except me!"

Although Pan Chen was seriously injured and became a prisoner, he did not take a gentle attitude with a sneer expression on his face.

"What are you talking about? You are the one who hid Qianqiu. Such an important thing, you didn't take you, you are sick!"

When I heard that Pan Chen was not in Pan Chen, Lord Ye suddenly lost face and couldn't help interrupting his mouth, yelling at him.

"I'm disgusting with such an important thing!"

"Ah, you killed me. As soon as I die, you will never be able to gain strength and enter the tomb of the chaotic ancestors!"

Pan Chen smiled.

"I don't think this guy must be true. If he deceives us, we will search his domain space. He must have hidden all the important things in the domain space."

Bald Devil doubts the truth of Pan Chen's words. In a blink of an eye, he suggested.

"No, to enter his realm, unless he voluntarily, it is very difficult for us to break in, unless we kill him, we can resist it."

"But once we killed him, if we couldn't find it in his space, we would have to regret dying."

The purple-bearded man directly rejected the bald devil's proposal.

"You can search his soul, or you can turn him into a magical servant!"

The night master blurted out, even though he didn't want to.

"I said the night master, how can you be more stupid than me? This guy's practice has reached the end of the sacred stage. In addition, I see that his primal spirit is no worse than ours. Soul exploration and morale are basically doing Nowhere! "

As soon as the Night Lord said, he was immediately rejected by the bald devil.

"go to hell!"

Waiting for the night master and others to figure out a way, suddenly, under the light of Pan Chenmei lying on the ground, a three-inch-long invisible thorn instantly condensed, which was Pan Chen ’s unused stimulation for many years. .

"No, get out!"

The change in Pan Chenmei's heart caught the attention of the purple bearded man for the first time. Under the tremendous change in his face, he hurriedly saluted the night host while flying away in one direction.


As soon as the old man with a purple beard started, Pan Chen's excitement jumped out of his eyebrows and walked straight towards the old man with a purple beard.

This exciting attack speed is as fast as Pan Chen's spirit. Although the old man with a purple beard did not respond slowly, his thorn was quickly caught by him.

At this moment, the purple light in the hand of the old man with purple beard suddenly rose, the purple shield condensed in the hand of the old man with purple beard, he was about to shoot at the old man with purple beard. At this time, the purple spirit and purple light in the hands of the old man with a purple beard rose sharply in the hands of the old man with a purple beard.

As soon as the purple shield formed, the excitement formed by Pan Chen's spiritual power fell on the purple spiritual shield.

The stunned God shot a purple spiritual shield, which made Pan Chen himself unexpected. The 3-inch-invisible sharp thorns did not melt like a purple elf glow from the endless magic beads like his previous attacks It is deeply integrated into the purple spiritual shield.

After the purple spiritual light shield was suddenly attacked, dense cracks broke out on the surface, with great potential for collapse and fragmentation, but under the continuous energy of endless extinction beads, it did not collapse immediately. The purple spirit light shield is penetrated to the surface, and there is a dense crack on the surface, which has a large tendency to collapse and split, but it does not collapse immediately. Under the continuous energy, the endless beads.

"I didn't expect this magic ball to be destroyed. Even the attack on the fairy can be easily solved, but I can't do anything about it."

"I understand that although this boundless magic bead can melt the energy of heaven and earth, such as the energy of heaven and earth, but my spiritual power has transformed this excitement, the spiritual power belongs to spiritual power, and the general energy of heaven and earth It ’s completely different, so the power of heaven and earth is endless. It is impossible to be suppressed by the power of the spirit of Yuanshen. "

Looking at the purple shield covered with cracks, Pan Chen suddenly realized that he knew the flaws of these endless beads.

"Oh, it's a pity that I'm so badly injured now that I can't even move, but unfortunately I can't participate in the First World War!"

Although he discovered the flaws of the boundless Fazhu, Pan Chen still couldn't help but sigh. At present, he is very different from the Night Lord and other people. He has no power in the First World War.

"The method of mental attack, this guy is really a trick. When he died, he even wanted to fight back!"

The bald devil looked at the old man with a purple beard who was struggling to resist this thrilling attack, and sneered sarcastically. Then he waved a black hammer in his hand. With a strong imperial pressure, a hammer broke the impact , Relieved the pressure on the old man with purple beard.

"This guy is so tough, he seems to have to give him some colors!"

After being crushed by the bald demon, a fierce color appeared in the eyes of the old man with a purple beard. He held a bunch of purple spiritual light in his hand and fell directly on Pan Chen's eyebrow, condensing the purple rune light in Pan Chen's eyebrow.

Pan Chen's eyebrows are printed with purple streamers, and he finds that the true elements in his body, as well as the spiritual power, are trapped by an inexplicable force, just like he sealed others with his hands on the flowers, this time he I was also blocked.

Pan Chen was sealed, and the bald devil came to Pan Chen's body with a fierce smile. Under Pan Chen's nervous eyes, he hit Pan Chen's right arm with a hammer.

Along with the scream of broken bones, Pan Chen's right arm was directly flattened by the hammer of the bald demon, causing severe pain, and even Pan Chen could not bear it.

"Well, it doesn't feel very good. Go. Where is Qiqiu? As long as you say that, I promise to give you a good time, otherwise if I get this hammer, I will have to shout again."

Looking at the painful color on his face, the green tendon on his face burst out of Pan Chen, and the bald devil called the magic hammer with his hand, as if smiling and opening his mouth.

"If you can, you will kill me. With this method, you are really a demon king!"

Although the body suffered a lot, Pan Chen did not accept weakness, and his attitude was still very tough.

"I know this method is a little bit shameless, but in order to reduce thousands of fall, you can't blame me!"

The bald devil said it again, this time he hit Pan Chen ’s right leg, the power of a hammer, Pan Chen ’s right leg directly turned into meat sauce, but this time instead of shouting, it was on his face The green tendon burst more and more.

"Pan Chen, this is not even called out. It's a man. I said you were so procrastinating. Are you waiting for rescue? If so, I advise you to die this heart as soon as possible."

"For our acquaintances, I ’m not afraid to tell you the truth, and I ’m not afraid to tell you that the independent space you live in now is in the spiritual treasure house of the royal space, which was created by my famous emperor in a truly magical world, It was also in the empty bag of the Empire space, which was extracted by the monk of the night host himself. "

"If the emperor's empty bag is not an advantage in offensive ability, but if the enemy is trapped in hiding his behavior, in my magic world, this is second to none."

"You should have known that you used the eyes of the sky to find ghosts, but you can't find us, which is enough to prove the power of this empty bag."

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