The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2117: How do you bet? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek to slaughter]

"He won't take this risk easily." However, Xu Qiaoyan said: "I know this box very well, he won't do it unless he is completely sure."

"Really?" Pan Chen smiled and looked at Xu Qiaoyan. "How are we betting?"

"How do you bet?"

"I bet he will take action against us tonight. If I win, you promise to give me a proposal." Pan Chen is very confident.

"What if you lose?" Xu Shao Yan knife.

"I lost, I promised you a condition." Pan Chen looked at Xu Jiaoyan and said, "What do you think?"


The voices of the two fell, and Pan Chen smiled and said, "Let's go."

As soon as Xu Jiaoyan's face changed, it really came.

At this time, I am afraid to come by myself, I am afraid that it is really the same as Pan Chen.

"You hide first" Xu Qiaoyan took out something and handed it to Pan Chen. "Go in, this hidden jade can help you hide your breath."

Hidden breath, hidden jade, this is Pan Chen surprised, never heard of it.

good stuff.

Pan Chen picked it up and walked into the back room.

At this time, someone knocked outside.


"Nun, have you rested?" The voice of the square came from outside.

"Brother, what else can you do at this late hour? If there is nothing particularly important, we will talk about it tomorrow." Xu Yun Yan Dao.

"Sister, something is wrong. I just went to find Pan's brother and found him gone. I'm looking for his stuff. Is he coming to you?" Plaza said.

"If you look for Hongwu, I don't have him either." Xu Jiaoyan pushed open the door and looked at the road of the square.

At this time the box looked sad, "Well, I have to discuss with Pan Xiao, he is not at home, I don't know if he came to you?"

"No, he is not here," Xu Jiaoyan said: "Brother, it's too late now. I'm going to rest, so I won't let you in."

This changed the face of the square.

Secretly cursing, stinky woman, even if I would not let me in, at least for so many years, brothers and sisters. "Teacher and sister, do you hate me that way?" Grid said: "You know, my thoughts, you know, my feelings for you have not changed. Over the years, I have been waiting for you. Are you really refusing my child for a child who has not been to the Taiwan Strait? "

"Brother, you are tired, it's time to rest." Xu Qiaoyan didn't seem to hear the same voice, so he closed the door.

"Xu Qiaoyan, did you catch that boy Pan Chen?" At this time, the square had already torn his face, and his face had already become gloomy. "Teacher and sister, if you are willing to follow me, I can still ignore Pan Chen's boy, and I can let him live."

"I can't help but pull my face away?" Xu Qiaoyan looked at the square and said, "Brother, it's impossible between you and me. I've already told you that Pan Chen has something to do with him, it has nothing to do with you, brother. , If you are still thinking about the feelings of your siblings, please go back. "

"Well, very good, it seems that you have made a choice, the woman I like will be mine, sister, this is what you forced me, as for Pan Chen, I will kill him in front of you and commit suicide. He's talking. "When he spoke, the square became fierce, and his forehead was already covered with green tendons.

"Keep off, Pan Chen, you get out of here," the square shouted.

"Brother, you have gone too far." Xu Jiaoyan moved a little, rushed out, condensed the ice flame, and bombarded the square violently.

"Well, I want to see how much you have improved and how much you have grown." Square did not look at it, but also took a punch. This punch collided with Xu Jiaoyan's punch.

A red energy was hit by a white ice flame.

Then, it exploded, like a brilliant firework, around the collision between two people, causing a terrible explosion.

Powerful force, just to break into the door.

At the same time, he raised the eaves of the house and shattered the house.

"Sister, your strength has indeed improved a lot. It seems that this is a good reason to rebuild the old with that boy, but in this way, you are not my opponent. As for the boy, the pure Yangxian body, I will put He was completely perfected and became my tripod, and my restoration would be invited to a tall building again. "As he spoke, a fire burned in the square, his right hand reached out, and a fire ruler came out in front of him.

On the fire ruler, a red flame was burning, and it kept beating, as if it had its own life and spirituality.

The terrible temperature burned all around the house.

Where I went, it immediately became scorched earth.

Xu Jiaoyan's face became very solemn: "Sky fire ruler, the sky fire ruler was actually obtained by you. Is that the thing in your hand?"

The Skyfire Ruler is an artifact that Xu Jiaoyan and Master Plaza respected Huang Fan. It was originally given to his brother Huang Yan, but he did not expect that he died in the gate behind the mountain, and the Skyfire Ruler was gone.

"Yes, I killed Huang Yan. My talent is the highest, my strength is the strongest. Why did he give Huang Yan all the benefits, not me?" You don't know, that old thing, in fact, is me It was n’t the devil ’s hand that killed him. At this time, the square had a fire ruler in the sky, and his face became very fierce. "My square, something is not as good as him. You have been so good for so many years, you do n’t want to be with me, and now you have given your pure shadow to a boy who is not even in the aisle. "

"You, you are crazy" Xu Jiaoyan was angry, and the violent momentum exploded. The whole person was like an iceberg. The cold was abnormal. The space seemed to freeze. The hands were slightly raised, and the hands appeared, burning a terrible ice flame. A nutrient.

"I'm going to kill you, you're a pervert, my master and my elder brother are taking revenge." Xu Qiaoyan didn't think his respected master and elder brother were killed by this bastard.

With a sword in his hand, pierced, the space was pierced, and Xu Jiaoyan turned into a battle of nine fires, and in his eyes, a terrible fire of hatred ignited.


Wherever the sword spirit goes, everything will break.

"So, are you angry? However, everything is in vain. My strength is far more than you. The old thing is refined by me. He did not think about it. I practiced him in the forbidden forest of Houshan. Blood, "Fang said with a frantic smile," Sister, I want you, and the boy Pan Chen, refine together, your pure Yinxian body, plus his pure Yangxian body, my strength is really Will break through, and then, enter the realm of God, I can really compete with those ancient antiques, and I no longer have to look at their faces ... "

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