The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2129: Fairy Tower, Fairy Tower [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"Fairy Tower, Fairy Tower" In the depths of Pan Chen's temple, Pan Chen heard a voice.

"Glass, you mean fairy tower, can you say that fairy tower can deal with these crabs?"

"Yes, brother." Glass nodded.

The sound of glass made Pan Chen ecstatic, but unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the glass actually woke up.

For these grandfathers in his mansion, Pan Chen basically didn't have much expectations, even Nini, who liked to speak the most, was also busy practicing.

Not to mention the stone castle.

Nini, Shi Baoer, and glass are all ancient and powerful creatures. Once they enter the practical state, it will take a long time to wake up.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Pan Chen did not want them to come out to help himself against the enemy.

This time, the glass woke up in time.

"But if you use the fairy tower, won't it be exposed?" Pan Chen suspected that his nine-day Xuanyin Tower was not only a fairy artifact, but even an emperor artifact.

"But it is important to save my life now. My strength has not reached that level. Otherwise, I can help my younger brother." Glass Road.

"Yes" Pan Chen couldn't help himself.

To save your life and expose the fairy tower, there is no way to do it.

"Keep off" Pan Chen looked at the two girls and said, "I have a way to deal with these animals."

He said while waving Pan Chen's hand, a huge fairy tower flew out of the temple, making a huge noise, and the huge fairy tower fell into the lake.

There was a splash of water, then a huge fairy tower, and a door opened.

This door formed a terrible vortex. This terrible vortex produced a strong suction, and the crabs absorbed it frantically.

Li Qianqian and Xu Jiaoyan took a look, and were stunned.

What kind of tower is this, so powerful that all these cruel crabs have been engulfed, and it is a little too good.

After only a few dozen breaths, most of the crabs were engulfed.

Pan Chen's consumption is also very huge.

Senda became a lamp and flew into Pan Chen's eyebrows again. At this time, in this lake, there is no big threat. Those terrible crabs were engulfed by Senda, and the rest ran away. ,

"This is the taste of the fairy tower." In an old house, a strong man opened his eyes.

In Tianyi Immortal Mansion: "Reappear, find, be sure to find."

Taiyi Immortal Mansion: "Must win the Immortal Pagoda."

"In the end it appears again, the fairy tower cannot fall into the hands of the devil."

"As long as I can get the fairy tower, I will have the rise of the devil, just around the corner."

In the ancient field, many strong people felt the smell of fairy towers, like the smell of fish and cats, so that the people below them all came out. "In the direction of Daxueshan, I am afraid it is in Daxueshan."

"No matter how dangerous you are, you have to go."

Suddenly, countless people rushed in the direction of Snow Mountain.

For those ancient antiques, the emperor is attractive, but in fact, far below the fairy tower.

The fairy tower is more attractive than the emperor. Legend has it that there are supreme treasures and amazing secrets in the fairy pagoda. Once you have the secret, you can be promoted directly to the emperor.

This is enough to prove that Senda is more valuable than imperial equipment.

So they care so much about Senda.

In the snow-capped mountains, those young and strong have been summoned by their families.

Huajia, Zhangjia, Qijia, Tianlongzong, Baihuazong, Sixianfu, etc., in Daxue Mountain, looking for the secret place of the lotus and looking for the emperor, all found the fairy tower under the guidance of the family ancestors.

Pan Chen knew there was a lot of trouble this time.

There is a hunch that this time, I will face countless enemies.

"Mr. Pan, what kind of tower is this? I really hope you demolished it." Li Ganqian complained: "With such a fairy tower, we don't need to be afraid of any flying snakes, now we are here Where is it and how to find the original way? "

Pan Chen smiled and said: "I can't control this immortal tower. It has only been used once. I have no strength. My strength is not enough. Every time I use this tower, it will cause great damage."

Xu Qiaoyan looked at Pan Chen because she knew this fairy tower. Unexpectedly, Pan Chen got such a thing.

"Pan Chen, this fairy tower, you must not take it out next time." Xu Jiaoyan said.

"Do you know?" Pan Chen looked at Xu Jiaoyan in surprise. "I can't help myself."

In fact, Pan Chenxiu could have used the fairy tower to attack the enemy to break through the Yuan Kingdom, but this time there was no way. Although the fairy tower is very strong, if it does not summon it, there is no way to deal with the killing of crabs in this lake.

What Pan Chen could not imagine was that the matter was very serious. Even Xu Jiao knew her fairy tower and told herself not to expose it.

The secret of this fairy tower seems to exceed his imagination.

Pan Chen has not entered the fairy tower for a long time. At this time, he should have enough power to open the second floor and even the third floor of the fairy tower.

"An ancient book records that this ancient monument at the top of the Kingdom of God-the fairy tower-can't resist its attraction. There are rumors that the secret of the entire universe was born in this fairy tower, you now leak the smell of the fairy tower Became the target of those terrible forces. "Xu Jiaoyan said.

"Great, do you think the emperor likes my fairy tower too?" Pan Chen's eyes were round.

The emperor himself had seen the emperor, the lost emperor, the Fu emperor and the emperor. Their power is terrible. They should also know the fairy tower in their temple. If they really want their fairy tower, they can easily get it from their own hands. ?

"This is just a rumor. I haven't seen great people yet." Xu Jiaoyan said: "It's unclear whether this is the case."

"I've seen great ones." Pan Chen said: "There are more than one, they don't want my fairy tower."

"I don't know, but I can tell you for sure that even the legendary emperor has beaten his head and blood. I am afraid there is another reason that the emperor you have seen has not taken your pagoda. "

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. As for the reason, the current strength is still very weak. Wait, I will probably know when I am strong." Pan Chen did not take this matter into consideration, after all Now, even worrying has no effect, it is not as good as your own good practices. Until the strength is strong enough, there is no capital to say anything else.

If he had enough power, even the Great Emperor could participate in World War I, what was he afraid of? What if you have a fairy tower? Dare to rob, then kill, kill all.

"Anyway, but don't show this fairy tower now." Xu Qiaoyan said goodbye to the three again. ..

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