The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2165: Damn Zhu Zhenhua

Chapter 2165: Damn Zhu Zhenhua, 6 Million Words Wang Wang, For Slaughter

Pan Chen opened the door and saw that he had appointed a position of chief logistics officer in the war, no specific level. He was abolished after the war and was responsible for recruitment, food supervision, and salary collection. He immediately said angrily: "Damn Zhu Zhenhua, your whole family is an eunuch!"

He continued to look at it angrily: a robe, a token, and the rest were recruited by himself!

Fuck! Temporary official position, salary does not exist, there is no one person, what a hole!

This is an empty glove, white wolf!

When he and Zhu Zhenhua exchanged faces, Pan Chen flinched. After all, it was his own business, not the question of who helped him.

The next morning, the Red Sun began to rise.

Pan Chen put on a blue coat and led more than ten people to Qiao's house.

If you want the whole county to contribute, of course, only the three big families will bleed first, and other families, rich businessmen, and landlords will not dare to invade, and the work behind them is also very simple.

Picking persimmons naturally eats soft clips. The Qiao family is obviously the soft persimmon of the three big families.

The bright red door was closed, and only two side doors were open.

Two large stone lions stood at the door, and two white guards stood at the door.

They saw Pan Chen wearing an official uniform and came with a pedestrian, and said coldly, "Who can have an admirer?"

Although the Qiao family has lost the legacy of the holy soldiers, it is, after all, a county family with deep-rooted power. It is not an ordinary family, and even officials need admirers.

Pan Chen smiled and said: "No, but you can tell me, as long as the helper of the Puritan Gang Pan Chen came to visit me!"

The two guards immediately changed dramatically. The reason why the Qiao family fell to today's level is because Pan Chen was the direct cause. One of them came in a hurry and told him immediately.

After a while, the guard came out and said, "Your master allows you to go in alone!"

Xiao Wenliang immediately said: "Vice Master, be careful!"

Pan Chen smiled and said, "I hope he will do this, fearing that he will not have the courage." Xiao Bao Fa, you stay outside the door and wait for the good news! "

Then Pan Chen followed the guard into a yard.

Two white guards holding knives stood in front of the hospital.

A white figure practiced the knife in the yard, the shape changed rapidly, the phantom was clumped, the knife was light, and the specific appearance could not be seen.

With the arrival of Pan Chen, the white figure suddenly cut towards Pan Chen, and the white sword spirit soon came.

Pan Chen flashed by, and the knife from his side hit the wall of a small tree and cut it off.

The white body stopped and showed a gentle middle-aged man. He is now Qiao Yunfeng's home. He also got into the sheath and smiled and took his fist and said, "Master Lin, sorry, I missed it, sorry!"

Pan Chen couldn't see any apology on his face, but just smiled a little, and said, "Joe's main knife is sharp, I admire him!" But I didn't come to see Brother Qiao's knife. Now that Tongnan has turned to the underground palace, he has led all the soldiers to rebellion and will soon invade the county. The county police ordered me to be the logistics supervisor to collect money and food. The soldiers also asked the shopkeeper to cooperate! If you have any questions, you can go to the county to inquire! " "No, the county governor sent a notice last night. If you want my Qiao ’s family to pay, you can, but Deputy Master Lin must stand still and cannot dodge. Weapons, come to pick me up, this is to end the resentment between the helper and my brother. "

Qiao Yunfeng smiled. He had long known Pan Chen's weaknesses, and his internal work was not deep, so he made this request.

Can't move, don't use weapons, let others cut, Pan Chen is not a fool, how willing to be a target! So he immediately sneered: "Master Qiao, in that case, don't blame me for being too rude!"

Qiao Yunfeng said coldly: "Yes, Qingjiao Port's momentum, it is hard to resist, you beg you!" But I will tell the state capital! "

Pan Chen was suddenly angry. He just wanted to scare him. If he really dared to do so, it would cause resistance from everyone. Many families, landlords and wealthy business associations unite to resist and may take him to the national capital first. Obviously, the old fox clearly saw Pan Chen's situation, and then took the opportunity to blackmail him in an attempt to commit suicide.

Pan Chen thought coldly for a while and said, "Well, if you dare to go back and collude with Qiao Liufeng, it will be enough to destroy you all!"

In fact, if you want to intimidate and seduce, Pan Chen has a way. Even if Qiao Liufeng does not join, you can create some guilty evidence at will, but this is the last resort. Since Qiao Yunfeng wanted to bet, he would finish him.

Qiao Yunfeng said with a smile: "Well, this is a deal!"

After a while, the two separated and confronted each other.

Pan Chen was really angry with his right arm, and the eyebrow sword was ready to launch.

Qiao Yunfeng pulled out the scabbard, and the bright long sword was shining brightly. It was an excellent weapon. It was really inflated with the thick wave of anger on his body. Under the continuous rally of the angry Tao, the white knife turned inward, and He Mengran cut it out with a knife, and a solid white knife quickly cut to Pan Chen.

Qiao Yunfeng's repair is slightly inferior to his brother's, but he has also entered the middle of his birth. His deep strength, combined with the long-term accumulation of gas, is twice his usual best blow.

Pan Chen also looked the same, and the door came out, condensing the spirit of the white fist to fight the white sword.

A loud noise, like a knife exploding, then dissipated into white gas!

However, Pan Chen was not without injury. A blood stain appeared on his fist and was hurt by the spirit of the knife wound.

But he has the talent to restore flesh and blood, and the speed of wound healing can be seen with the naked eye.

Qiao Yunfeng looks full of disbelief, how can he resist such an innate knife power the day after tomorrow!

In fact, Pan Chen's failure of Qiao Yunfeng's sword spirit mainly depends on the sword.

The innate sword gas can be so concentrated, relying on the real gas contains Qiao Yunfeng's spiritual imprint.

Pan Chen wiped out the spiritual brand with his sword, just like the three armies lost all their officers and turned into scattered sand!

However, this is also because Pan Chen's internal work became absolute, really thick, in order to completely defeat the spirit of Song Dao.

Pan Chen said quietly, "Master Qiao, how are you?"

Qiao Yunfeng took a deep look at Pan Chen and said, "90% of Qiaofu's family members and guards will report to the county government detention center. I will also send money and food to the county government detention center!"

Then he turned around and said coldly, "Come on, see you off!"

Pan Chen was not angry, so he left the Qiao family and was with the two guards.

Xiao Wenliang saw Pan Chen coming out and asked, "How is it?"

Pan Chen smiled and said, "Okay!" We are going to Yufu now! "...

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