The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2226: A token [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

& # 160; Hong Yuanba nodded and said: "Brother Pan said the truth, many of us have a big goal. Once we fight the Niudian tribe, we must first find a hidden place to settle down and send a few good people to check data."

Pan Chen said: "I'm going, you can find a place to hide!"

"Brother Pan, many people here are only good at the escape of water, not the escape of soil, which makes you very happy!"

After Hong Yuanba finished speaking, he handed Pan Chen a token and said, "This is a subpoena. We will find a hiding place and we will call you." If there is an emergency, you must call me and we will send someone to support you. of. "

Pan Chen took the scepter, received the quiet ring, the number flashed, and quickly left.

Hong Yuanba and others also left immediately.

After a while, Pan Chen went all the way down the river in the woods. Soon, he saw a group of bull warriors from a distance. A silver light flashed in his eyes, and the painting became ten times clearer. A group of bull warriors dressed in black armor, holding a black long knife in their hands and a black knife, this should be the hard work of the captain. This group of cattle is led by a strong bull demon, he is more than a foot tall, he is burly and has tendons like dragons.

At this time, Captain Niu Guizi also found Pan Chen and immediately spoke an alien language.

The Bull Warriors immediately acted, and four of them took out their spears, like sharp arrows, and shot them at his throat, front door, and so on.

These spears are all forged from a thousand years of silent iron. The tip of the spear is extremely sharp, and it also has a strong spirit. The impact is enough to penetrate the best defensive magic weapons.

However, the bull warrior does not know how to use the power of the soul, and the spear is not attached to the divine will and locked on the target.

As a result, Pan Chen just walked around freely, the figure flashed, easily avoiding the four spears.

At this time, another five bull warriors rushed past with a spear in their hands.

Pan Chen urged Xiao Yao ’s body to reach a magic level shadow. This figure was like a floating shadow, flashing in front of five people, a blood line appeared on the neck of the five bull demon soldiers, and immediately the fuchsia blood spewed out And then fell to the ground one by one.

The other four empty-handed Bull Warriors changed their faces, feeling a little timid.

Only the face of the bull demon remained unchanged, and suddenly rushed in front of Pan Chen. The long knife in his hand was quickly cut off. The knife did not arrive, and he was about to start.

The meaning of this knife is already comparable to the supreme **** of the Yuan Dynasty. If Pan Chen's soul cannot be promoted, it will have a little impact on him. However, at this time, it was like a mud bull entering the sea, immediately attracted by the chaotic demon god, gestated in the chaotic beads.

Immediately afterwards, Pan Chen suddenly waved his sword and easily shot the captain of Niu Mo. The Captain of the Bull Demon is actually a very strong body, but worse than Pan Chen. Then, he waved his sword again, a pure Yang sword, which merged the power of the pure Yang Road, appeared in the sea of ​​cows, just like Huang Ri, and evaporated its Yuanshen almost immediately.

Captain Bull Demon immediately lost its luster in his eyes and fell to the ground.

The remaining four Bull Warriors, who saw it, turned around and fled in an instant. Unfortunately, they were so bad that they were quickly caught and killed by Pan Chen.

Although Pan Chen killed ten bull warriors, his heart did not have any joy, but his face became more dignified. Because the bull devil of the other's captain has learned the meaning of the knife, higher-level leaders fear that it is difficult to deal with. If the other party understands the magic of Yuanshen, it is difficult to kill!

Then he took out ten crystal cores and began to look at the blue wrist, the information inside had been updated. The results show that the official name of Captain Niu Demon is the Bull Warrior, and the value of the crystal core is slightly higher than that of the leading python.

Then, Pan Chen picked up the weapons and armor of ten people. The remains of these magic items will be "refreshed" quickly, but the weapons and equipment will not. These can be forged for thousands of years, although the refining process is relatively rough, but even as a raw material for sale, its value is not small.

Then he continued down the river. Because each river is suddenly fertile downstream and suitable for life.

Soon, Pan Chen's eyes appeared a large lush woodland, he looked carefully with empty eyes, but it was full of a three or five feet tall fruit tree, bearing rich blue fruits. He found that this aura contains pure cold gas. Although it is only equivalent to the level of four or five pints of panacea, it can't bear many of these spiritual fruits. It is estimated to be one of the food of the Niudian people.

However, he did not pick it lightly because, not far away, there was a tent, like a village, and he could not scare the snake.

He thought about it, because he was spying on information, so he naturally had to be familiar with the language. Therefore, he found the language of the Niudian family in the system store, and then spent more than a thousand knight values ​​to exchange, and then added a little with the groundbreaking value to a higher level. Then, with five hermits, he dived underground and dived into it.

After a while, in a tent, on a temporary bed covered with animal skins, a strong bull warrior was celebrating with a Niu Dian woman.

Suddenly, a half-empty black chain suddenly shot from behind the Bull Warrior. When it didn't feel good, the soul chain had penetrated into its head and pulled out its soul.

At this moment, the cow demon also reacted, just about to shout, and a string of souls invaded her head, and its soul was pulled out.

After a while, the white light scattered from the ground, condensing the figure of Pan Chen. He pulled the souls of the two people of the Niudian family into his sea of ​​knowledge, looking for the soul. At this point, he already possessed the level of Niu Dian language and was able to understand both memories.

Pan Chen learned a lot from their memories. First, the Niumeng clan is a large family, occupying thousands of miles of fertile land in the northern part of the world, with a population of tens of thousands, divided into many tribes. Each tribe has different advantages and often disputes over territorial issues. However, in addition to the leaders of the ministries and commissions, there is also a bull demon king, he is the leader of the largest tribe in the family, and is also the nominal co-owner of the ministries and commissions. ..

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