The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2236: The General's Memory [Six Million Words Wang Wang, Seek to Kill]

After a while, Pan Chen retreated to the Black Tiger Tribe. According to the general's memory, he found the residence of Tiger Moon.

In the tent, a middle-aged man sat on the ground with a black plate, exhaling aura. There was a black axe beside him. The axe is also the person who produces the axe. This man is Tiger Moon and a martial art idiot. His name is also changed according to the name of the weapon.

At this time, Pan Chen carefully concealed the breath, secretly based on the idol works as the blueprint, integrated the secret law and the law of the earth, and condensed a meaning of elephant boxing, and then transformed the meaning of boxing into sword.

After a while, he suddenly escaped from the ground, brandishing his sword, and chopping his sword into his understanding of the sea.

Tiger Yue ’s spirit was immediately stepped on by the wild statue and fell into a state of spiritual shock. At this time, the real sword of chaos dragon came quickly.

However, Tiger Moon is worthy of the No. 2 ranking of the Black Tiger tribe, and its strength is far stronger than that of the ordinary Bull Demon General. He soon woke up from the state of horror and suddenly raised his fist to resist.

Pan Chenjian changed a little bit, a sword rushed to the edge of the knife and cut his wrist.

Hu Yue didn't make a scream, his left hand suddenly grabbed the side of the black axe, preparing to split from the axe.

Suddenly, the roar of the elephant sounded, and a heavy elephant was as heavy as the offensive force.

Tiger Moon quickly picked up the axe of the black axe to resist.

Suddenly, Tiger Yue even retreated with an axe, broke the tent, and the axe was hit deeply.

At this time, the two guards rushed into the tent, but no trace of the enemy was found.

After more than a quarter of an hour, Hu Yue was lying on the bed, her broken wrist was also reconnected and fixed with an animal leather bag.

Then, the leader of the Black Tiger tribe rushed in and asked, "Witch Doctor, how is my brother's injury?"

Next to it, an old man with a yellow face sighed and said, "I have connected the muscles and bones of General Huyue's broken bones, but even if I recover, this right arm will not require much effort."

The color of Tiger Roar has become extremely bleak. His brother ’s power has been relatively close to the first leader. If it is possible to break through the boundaries in a few decades, the power of the Black Tiger Tribe will increase greatly. Moreover, his brother is a martial art idiot, not interested in power and will not threaten him. At this time, Tiger's right arm was cut off, and his strength was greatly weakened, which was more heartbreaking than the loss of a general. Then he asked, "Brother, who did it?" Tiger Yue said: "That man was wrapped in silver armor and could not see clearly, but his work must be the work of the Baixiang tribe, although he turned boxing into a sword, But he ca n’t hide from me. His idol works are already a great kingdom, probably the master of the white elephant tribe! "

The tiger roared and was immediately furious. As a brother of a loyal little white elephant tribe, he dared to attack his brother secretly, which is really unforgivable! He has made up his mind that if the situation is true, the Baixiang tribe must pay a painful price! After all, he is a tribal leader, and he will not draw conclusions because of Hu Yue's personal remarks.

At this time, a close guard came hurriedly and said, "Chief, the Black Dragon Tribe has news that the Baixiang Tribe sent troops to destroy the Xiongba tribe, kill Xiongmeng, the leader of the Xiongba tribe, and eliminate all the clan. , Return with full load. "The Xiongba tribe has only more than 2,000 old and weak women and children belonging to the Black Dragon tribe. "

"Alright alright!"

The tiger shouted three good words in a row, his face was covered. Although the Xiongba tribe ranks at the bottom, Xiongmeng is the first leader after all, and he has a strong fighting ability. Even if he wants to easily defeat the opponent, he wants to kill it, but it is by no means an easy task! The White Elephant Tribe has been looking forward to the Black Tiger Tribe, a loyal young man's attitude, but it hides such a terrible power, it is really thoughtful and terrible! If the other party did not assassinate Tiger Moon, revealing his identity, I am afraid he would not believe that the Baixiang tribe has such power. However, these two things are superimposed, but let him confirm the assassin white elephant tribe! So, he will never let go!

He immediately ordered people to summon the six tribes of Black Dragon, Dapeng, Wolf, Green Lion, Golden Eagle, and Black Python. First, they must beware of the assassination of the White Elephant tribe. Second, they hoped that the ministries would form a coalition to eliminate the hidden danger of the White Elephant tribe.

At this time, Pan Chen hid in the ground, hearing this, immediately understood that the opportunity had arrived. He quickly intercepted and killed six messengers, and killed five of them, leaving only the messenger to the Dapeng tribe. When the Black Tiger tribe knows that their messenger has been killed, I am afraid that the White Elephant tribe will be more convinced that the White Elephant tribe is behind the scenes. At that time, it will definitely recruit troops!

Today, there are still eight main tribes, but they can be divided into two forces. One is the alliance of Dapeng, Black Tiger and Sirius in the north. The other is the alliance of the Black Dragon Tribe and the Green Lion Tribe. Black pythons and golden eagles in the south are both fragile and wavering. If the white elephant tribe has not changed its camp, the two sides will be rough necks and will not take rash actions.

If the Black Tiger tribe requests the White Elephant tribe, the latter is forced to turn completely to the Black Dragon tribe. At that time, the balance of power will be destroyed, the Black Dragon Tribe will not miss this opportunity, and will definitely take the opportunity to attack the three tribes of the Alliance! At that time, even if Pan Chen and others had suspense, they could not take care of them. Pan Chen can also use this opportunity to reap the core of these three tribes.

Therefore, what Pan Chen needs to do next is to go to the Dapeng tribe and sit down completely on the black pot of the Baixiang tribe so that he cannot wash it away and promote the outbreak of war. Of course, he can also kill some cows and demons and obtain crystal nuclei.

In the afternoon, the Dapeng tribe, the Central Sweat Account.

A personal guard hurriedly reported: "The captain is just a black tiger tribe envoy from outside the camp, but was hit by a spear outside the camp."

The residence of the Dapeng tribe is a wooden cottage, which is a bit like a military camp. It is heavily guarded and has only one entrance.

The tribal leader Peng Yu changed his face, instinctively felt something bad happened, and hurriedly asked, "Did the assassin catch it?" Did the messenger bring the letter? "

The assassin saw the army coming and fled, but the messenger carried something. This is a brief book.

The guard handed a roll of bamboo to Peng Yu.

Peng Yu looked at it, and was immediately stunned, saying: "The White Elephant Tribe has such a power that can kill Xiong Meng and destroy Xiong Ba Tribe." There are assassins who can escape. "..

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