The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2304: Half Man, Half Snake 【Wang Wen, 6 Million Words, Seek Slaughter】

At this moment, I saw a half-man half-snake floating there.

Its upper body is female humans, charming figure, beautiful face, long hair and waist, beautifully entered the world of heaven.

The lower body is a snake, the disc is in a ball, the scales are blue, very beautiful.

At the moment, I saw that she was stirring a strange egg.

A strange egg covered with a hot red mark.

Well, there is no need to rap, this strange egg is Yan Ziyu's spiritual pet, and then enters the form of nine birds.

The existence of the half-man and half-snake is the so-called Ms. Poseidon, which is a wonderful existence conceived by the center of the ocean.

In fact, the country of the ocean was also changed by the center of the ocean.

What is the heart of the ocean?

It is a very mysterious thing, a kind of spirituality born in Xinghai after long-term pregnancy.

If the heart of the sea goes further, it can become a human form, that is, the son of the ocean.

This son of the ocean, known as Ms. Poseidon, is now half-human and half-snake, which is obviously half the battle.

At this time, the strange egg contained a strange soul named Shen Qianji, and he was naturally unwilling to accept the fate of fate.

Therefore, he did his best.

However, he was surrounded by the true anger of the enemy, as if he had fallen into the seabed of infinite depth. The pressure around him was too great. He had a bad hunch that he could not afford it.

In particular, the enemy ’s real poison gas is the property of the water system, just to suppress his flames and make him feel a powerful nowhere to use, which is too uncomfortable.

Compared with Shen Ganji's bitter state, Ms. Poseidon is so relaxed, she does not even need to concentrate on dealing with the enemy, but her thinking is slightly different.

"It's annoying that I didn't expect a boy named Pan Chen to fall against the sky. This matter is really difficult to solve."

"Well, in fact, his physical body is not difficult to deal with, but his understanding of the ocean has a mysterious door. Once my initial strength enters the sea, it is like a mud cow entering the sea, there is no return, there is really some trouble. "

"But when I put a little effort into this egg, there is an immortal fire, water and fire, and yin and yang help each other, and then we can completely become a person, you can leave here, right?"

"At that time, as soon as my real body arrived, the boy named Pan died."

"Well, as long as I kill him and get the secret of that mysterious door, I will be able to go beyond reincarnation and live forever."

Ocean Kingdom.

"Oh, there is a small village in front of me."

"Oh my goodness, I have been working hard for almost a month. Can you at least make me meet a familiar face when I persevere?"

"This time, I hope you will not let me down."

Pan Chen flew to the small village with hope again.

In the morning, he hoped that everyone should worship Poseidon's throne in the glass pagoda.

So he landed directly in front of the gate of the glass tower.

As soon as I entered, a group of people worshipped there.

As soon as the soul is released, everyone's face is reflected one by one into his knowledge of the ocean.

"Huh? Is it sunset now?"

"In this case, it should also be Xie Changting."

He distinguished each face carefully, and when he separated to the nineteenth face, he suddenly became happy.

Now, he put down his spirituality and looked at the third little girl in the first row with his naked eyes, and sat in front of the temple with his right hand. The more he saw her, the more she felt like Li Xi'er, and he was very happy.

Secondly, he did not disturb the worship of these people.

And basically confirmed that the little girl is Li Xier, Pan Chen naturally dare not mess with it.

Pan Chen lived in that small village for more than a month.

Every day, he stayed next to the little girl suspected to be Li Xueer, carefully observed her every move, more and more determined that she was Li Xueer.

At night, he walked into Zhao Xue'er's room and sat down to practice the "Great God".

In this more than a month, he often tried to save the road, but did not know.

Finally, he left, planning to go somewhere else to see if he could find other companions.

Therefore, in the next period of time, Pan Chen ran again and again.

Every time he found a small village, he stayed, and after confirming his unknown companion, he decided to destroy Poseidon's throne at night.

Every time he moved that throne, he would have a strange power to turn him into a real sword, knife, fork and other terrifying soldiers to kill him.

On the other hand, Pan Chen used it to hone his ability to control the power of Yuanshen.

Now, after countless exercises, his skills have become more and more proficient. If he likes, he can be with the liar day and night.

But he didn't think it was necessary.

Each time, after playing with him for half a day, he deliberately won a step.

Then, with the help of Jianmen, the liar's attack collapsed in one fell swoop.

More than a month passed quickly.

During this period, he found 23 small villages, but found no other companions.

But he will not be discouraged because he firmly believes that other children will never be in danger.

this day.

I saw that Pan Chen still carried the power of Yuanshen and became a pair of wings, flying in the air.

Suddenly, he found a magnificent glass pagoda in front of him, standing in the clouds.

After a rough calculation, he found that the pagoda is nearly a hundred floors, and it is really fashionable.

"Ah? This glass pagoda is so special, it must be the base camp of Mrs. Poseidon, isn't it?"

"The emperor is not interested in people."

Pan Chenqing couldn't help being a little excited.

At present, he speeded up, like Can Fei flew to the magnificent glass pagoda.

Soon, he was close.

At this time, he saw that the appearance of a large wooden house around the glass pagoda is not less than thousands of appearances, which is breathtaking.

The wooden houses showed a congenital eight patterns, but also added a little mysterious atmosphere.

Pan Chen looked up at the sky, the sun is still in the east, the sun is very bright, this is a good day.

Then he suddenly flew down and landed directly in front of the glass tower.

From the inside, thousands of people gathered in countless circles and silently worshipped an idol in the center.

"Huh? This time, the objects of worship are idols?"

"Half man and half snake, as beautiful as a fairy. This blue idol must be the so-called Mrs. Poseidon, isn't it?"

"A lot of people? This time, there must be two familiar faces, right?"

After Pan Chen's eyes stared at the statue for a while, he began to scan the faces of some admirers.

It can be said that thousands of faces squeezed together are easily dizzy.

However, Pan Chen's "Yuan Shen Dao" is extremely high and deep, and everything within ten miles of the circle is full of light.

After a long period of spiritual distinction, a smile appeared in the corner of the mouth.

Of course for some reason.

Yes, he found two familiar faces, Yan Ziyu and Princess Lan Qian.

But how to say, in this world, many people look alike. ..


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