The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 142 Don't worry, I'm here

Destroying Voldemort's Horcrux is indeed the key to killing Voldemort. From this point of view, Hendry's so-called weapon that can defeat Voldemort is probably Voldemort's Horcrux.

And the place Regulus Black is going to take Hendry to may be the place where Voldemort's Horcrux is stored!

Thinking of this, Dumbledore broke out in a cold sweat, as if he had sensed some key information.

"Voldemort has more than one Horcrux, you should have guessed it."

At this moment, Lynn spoke lightly, bringing Dumbledore back from his wild thoughts.

Dumbledore took a deep look at Linn. He did not expect that Linn, as a third-year wizard, could analyze so many useful things from such pitiful clues.

Dumbledore sighed in his heart, maybe he is really old.

"Professor, I hope you can investigate the truth of my father's death, perhaps the key to defeating Voldemort is hidden there."

Lynn looked at Dumbledore seriously and begged.

Dumbledore nodded slightly, looked at Lynn complicatedly, and said, "I will, Lynn."

"But now, it's time for you to rest..."

Dumbledore leaned down and stroked Lynn's blood-stained black hair, looking like a kind elder.

After getting Dumbledore's promise, Lynn's goal was also achieved.

So, he no longer controlled the tiredness that came flooding in like a tide, closed his eyelids, and passed out.

After Lynn fell into a coma, Dumbledore stood up, and he looked at Lynn very complicatedly.

"Please, Fox."

Dumbledore said softly.


With a crisp cry, Fawkes flew off Dumbledore's shoulder and came to Lynn's side.

Fox's eyes became moist, and not long after, crystal clear tears dripped from the corners of Fox's eyes, and kept falling into Lynn's mouth.

After about ten phoenix tears were dripped into Lynn's mouth, Fawkes flew back to Dumbledore's shoulder.

As the most powerful white wizard of this century, and even dubbed the White Demon King, how could it be possible that Dumbledore could not see Lynn's physical condition at this time? !

The moment he entered the school hospital and saw Lynn, Dumbledore was sure that Lynn had overused the power of the Sorcerer's Stone. In his eyes, Lynn's body was like a candle in the wind. The huge magic power destroyed it and it was riddled with holes.

Even if such a serious injury is sent to St. Mungo's Magic Injury Hospital for treatment, it may not be completely cured.

If it is not cured, even if Linn can recover in the future, his magic foundation will probably be severely damaged.

Under such circumstances, his magical talent has been greatly reduced and he has become a mediocre wizard, or he has lost his magical foundation and become a squib who is looked down upon in the wizarding world.

Perhaps based on Linn's own resistance, the most he can do is reduce his magic power, and his magic power will no longer increase for the rest of his life.

But Dumbledore was not willing to see a good child who had devoted himself to the school end up like this. Since the Phoenix Tears that could cure Lynn's injury were within his reach, he would naturally help Lynn heal his injury.

Soon, Phoenix Tears took effect.

The wounds on Linn's skin scabbed rapidly, his pale complexion gradually turned rosy, and his somewhat fragmented right arm, washed away by the excessive magic power of the magic stone, was gradually healing.

Lin En, who was originally the most seriously injured among the three, became the least injured among the three with the help of Phoenix Tears.

There was a faint sound of snoring, and Linn seemed to have fallen into a peaceful sleep.

Dumbledore waved his wand gently, and Linn's body floated, then slowly landed on the bed adjacent to Irina's bed.

After doing this, Dumbledore found Madam Pomfrey and asked her to help treat Lynn before leaving.

"Well... um..."

I don't know how long it took, but Irina groaned and opened her ice-blue eyes.

Although the trauma caused by the Cruciatus Curse had healed her, her stimulated muscles were still twitching as she tried to get up.

"woke up?"

A soft voice came from her ears. Irina turned her head and saw Lin En sitting on the hospital bed, holding a book in his hand and looking at her with a smile.

After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, Irina understood that Linn succeeded. He successfully killed the basilisk and destroyed the diary, taking her out of the secret room.

Irina twisted her body uncomfortably and asked in a low voice: "How long have I been asleep?"

Lin stretched out his hand to smooth Irina's tangled hair, and said gently: "It's been five days, today is the weekend, I guess Harry and the others will come to see you soon."

As early as the second day after coma, Linn woke up. After waking up, he found that his body was actually in a very healthy state.

He was well aware of his physical condition before coma, so he also knew what Dumbledore had done for him.

Phoenix tears?

After waking up, Lin En murmured, knowing that he was judging a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart.

As the guardian of Hogwarts, Dumbledore would protect any young wizard studying at Hogwarts, rather than risking the lives of students for a prophecy as he imagined.

Although Linn had generally recovered after waking up, Madam Pomfrey was really worried about his blood-covered appearance the night before, so he was asked to stay in the school hospital for a week for observation.

So, Lin asked his friend Irwin Foley, who was in the same grade as Slytherin and was visiting him, and was the wizard who partnered with him in every Potions class, to help him bring his alchemy books from the dormitory. Allowing him to kill time in the school hospital using these alchemy books.

In this way, time soon came to Saturday, the day when Irina woke up.

As for Ginny Weasley, she left the school hospital as early as the morning after they arrived. Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley also came to Hogwarts Castle on the same morning. Confrontation with Lucius Malfoy at Hogwarts Castle.

At that time, Harry happened to come to the principal's office and planned to ask about Irina. After seeing the destroyed diary that Dumbledore brought back from the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, Harry identified the diary on the spot as belonging to Lu. The one that Hughes Malfoy stuffed into Ginny's cauldron.

After hearing Harry's testimony, the Weasleys wanted to kill Lucius with a curse on the spot. Fortunately, Dumbledore stopped the two of them in time, so that they did not do anything stupid.

Unfortunately, at that time, there was only Harry's side of the story and no solid evidence, so they had no choice but to let Lucius go.

However, after seeing Dobby being released from Rowe Manor by Gale and returning to Lucius, Harry had an idea and put his smelly socks in the diary to induce Lucius. He threw the socks out and was caught by Dobby, allowing Dobby to regain his freedom.

"So that's what it is...well..."

After learning from Linn what happened in the castle during the past few days when she was unconscious, Irina nodded slightly and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"If you're still tired, just sleep a little longer," Linn's eyes were full of softness, "Don't worry, I'm here."

Under Linn's gaze, Irina still couldn't bear the sleepiness and fell into a deep sleep again.

Thanks to book friend Yunmo Danxin for the 400 book coins reward, thank you for your support!

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