The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 213 Purgatory Demon Puppet

After learning that both Lin En and Irina had reached the threshold of practicing ancient magic, Irwin no longer wanted to take them to visit the manor.

Irwin seemed to want to verify whether Linn and Irina could release the ancient magic that no one in the Foley family had been able to use for hundreds of years. He led Linn and Irina directly towards Foley. Walk in the direction of the castle.

When the three arrived at Foley Castle, Mr. Foley was still resting in the living room on the first floor.

After seeing the three people arriving, Mr. Foley asked in surprise: "Have you finished visiting Foley Manor?"

Irwin took a step forward and explained: "That's right, father, Linn and Irina told me that they have reached the threshold of practicing ancient magic."

Hearing this, Mr. Foley was stunned and said, "Irwin, are you telling the truth?!"

You know, those in front of him are all third- and fourth-year wizards. Even those elite Aurors may not be able to cast spells silently and without a wand, let alone some basic small magic. What about the underage wizards? !

Even if Lynn and Irina had the deeds to repel Voldemort's remnant soul and kill the basilisk, Mr. Foley was not willing to believe that the two could release magic in a single thought.

After all, they are only thirteen or fourteen years old!

Seeing that Mr. Foley didn't believe it, Irvine did not refute, but turned his attention to Linn and Irina.

Feeling Irwin's gaze, the two of them naturally understood what he meant.

A flame the size of a basketball ignited out of thin air in front of Linn, and the red light illuminated the originally dim Forlì Castle; while a dozen dagger-sized ice picks condensed in front of Irina. The ice cones flew around Irina, bringing up bursts of ice mist.


The sound of breaking teacups was heard.

Mr. Foley's hand holding the tea cup was still frozen in the air. He seemed to be motionless in place as if he had been cast a restraint spell, and his face was full of surprise.

"I didn't expect that you have such a powerful level of magic...Lynn, Irina, can I call you this?"

Mr. Foley looked at the two of them with a complicated expression.

Linn and Irina looked at each other and said in unison: "Of course, Mr. Foley."

Mr. Foley did not care at all about his status as the patriarch of the Foley family, one of the twenty-eight holy pure-blood families. He bowed slightly to the two of them and said, "I underestimated you. Now that things have happened, I think, It is an honor for the Foley family that Irwin can join you! As for the Foley family's book collection, please feel free to take a look at it!"

After speaking, Mr. Foley looked at Irwin and said, "Irwin, take Linn and Irina to our library!"

Irwin nodded, waved to Linn and Irina, and said, "Lynn, Irina, follow me!"

Irwin led the two of them towards the stairs.

Unlike Rohr Castle, the book collection in Foley Castle is on the third floor of the castle. This entire floor is filled with all kinds of magic books.

There are not many magic books in Rolle Castle. That is because the magic books in Rolle Castle all record advanced magical knowledge, and some basic magic books will not be stored in Rolle Castle.

This is also why Linn has not been exposed to magic from the time he was born to the age of eleven. If Rolle Castle can be like Forlì Castle, no matter how advanced or shallow the magic knowledge is, it will be stored in the library, then I am afraid Linn is now The level of magic needs to be improved to a higher level.

After arriving at the library on the third floor, Irwin simply ignored the rows of books on the tall shelves in front of him and led Linn and Irina toward the deepest part of the library.

Soon, the two passed through the rows of bookshelves and arrived at the end of the library.

It was a cabinet made of crystal, and no more than thirteen books with various strange patterns on their covers were sealed in this crystal cabinet.

Seeing the magic books in the crystal cabinet, Linn and Irina's eyes couldn't help but become solemn.

You know, in the West, whether in the magical world or the Muggle world, people are always taboo on the number thirteen and think it is an ominous one.

For example, when people in the West are entertaining guests, they will try their best to avoid the number thirteen. If the number of guests has to be thirteen, the host will also place a teddy bear on the fourteenth table. The chair serves as the fourteenth guest.

However, the number of magic books placed in the crystal cabinet in front of them was no more than thirteen.

Lynn and Irina don't believe this is a coincidence.

The two set their sights on Irvine.

Irwin naturally understood what the two of them were thinking. After all, when he first came here, he had the same problem in his mind.

"Our Foley family once owned more than these thirteen books recording ancient magic. However, nearly a thousand years ago, the Foley family experienced a war. It was a catastrophe, and the Foley family almost lost its inheritance. , thanks to the efforts of the patriarch of the Foley family at that time, we have left these last thirteen books. We regard it as a shame, so we use this unknown number to warn ourselves, not to let the Foley family fall into the abyss again. .”

Irvine said in a low voice.

Linn pondered: "So, is this the reason why the Foley family chose to protect themselves more than ten years ago and neither joined Voldemort's camp nor wanted to become his enemy?"

Irwin nodded. He didn't speak. He just walked forward alone and opened the crystal cabinet.

Irwin took out the thirteen books one by one and spread them flat on the ground.

Lin En and Irina quickly gathered around and looked at these books recording ancient magic.

On the covers of these books, the names of the ancient magics they recorded were written in ancient runes, and the "Lightning Technique" that Irvine had mentioned before was also among them.

In addition, Linn and Irina also saw ten other ancient magics, but with their simplified spells, neither Linn nor Irina could cast spells silently and without a wand.

However, when they saw the last two books, there was a look of surprise on their faces.

I saw the ancient magic recorded in these two magic books, and their simplified magic happened to be the fire spell and the freezing spell!

Linn couldn't wait to pick up the simplified version of the ancient magic called Fire Spell, and looked at the four big words on the cover: Infernal Demon Puppet!

This purgatory demon puppet is the name of this ancient magic, and its function is to give the flame a soul, turning the flame into a soldier with independent consciousness and capable of fighting.

Lin En believed that this purgatory demon puppet would definitely become an invincible blade in his hands in the future! (End of chapter)

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