The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1715: : The secret of the stream stone

If you rush to take the Lord of the Temple, you will surely bring a catastrophe in the city, making it known to the world.

For the predecessors, it is not a good thing for the city, the opposite side.

What's more, the holy mountain is now stationed in the mass city on a large scale. Although it temporarily affects the Grand Canyon and the Wild Demon Forest, it is true that the plot is true.


I took a long breath, so a series of things I wanted to come, Su Yi couldn’t help but have a cold back, and the eyes were shot in the cold.

"If the sacred mountain is the idea of ​​the predecessor, this grudge will be even more profound!"

Su Yi swallowed a sip of water, and looked at Duanmuman, and there was a trace of anxiety in the dark eyes.

"Master, the predecessor once agreed with me after the Yuanzong territory, and then go to find him, can I wait for my Yuanzong territory, I will accompany you!"

If at that time, the predecessor is Duanmu Qingtian, he can also help the master.

Su Yi thought in her heart, and she was absolutely enemies with her world in her character! When the world is in chaos, the wild city can be dangerous.

Grandpa Su Yuntian is still not desperate!

For a long time, watching Su Yi's gaze, the eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and then released the lips and said.

"In fact, Su mad songs used to find the sky in the sky palace with the celestial stone of the sky more than 40 years ago. This is what I just said, and the origin of the mad song!"

The concept of Liu Ying, the natural way of life, is the object used to exchange information between the top six strong people in the six continents.

You can keep the words you want to say in a way that is a special product of the Temple of Heaven.

Therefore, the Tiantian Palace is often preserved in the world by new and strange things.

Su Yimei was sinking, and some incredulously said: "Does the elder Sue know your brother?"

This listening, but a bit confused, Su Yi continued to ask: "Duanmu Qingtian has not disappeared for a long time? How come there will be a stream of stone."

Duanmu 筱man nodded and said with a sad look: "When Su sings to send a stream of shadows, he has suffered a very serious internal injury, the meridians are retreating, the whole person is at risk, and the stream stone is also extremely damaged. The repair of the elders of the Tiangong top refiner, only a few words left inside!"


No wonder!

Su Yi’s heart was in a state of utter disappointment, and the whole pores were opened in an instant. Listening to the disciples of Shenjian often said that the swords of the swords and sorrows were a talented person, and Yushu was in the wind.

But I don't know how it changed, but it became the size of a child of seven or eight years old. Since then, my heart has also changed dramatically, often moody.

It can be imagined that the elders of Su will be treated in the Tianmen Palace. After returning, their appearance changed greatly and their temperament began to become violent.

Daddy, a terrible thought moment in the heart of Su Yi, how strong the sword of the year, even the elders of Su were hit hard, that Duanmu Qingtian is not...

The cold eyes cast on the beautiful face, Su Yi feels more and more, I am afraid it is not that simple.

"What did you say inside the stream stone?" Su Yi looked forward.

Duanmu Yuman indulged for a while, the beautiful eyelashes flipped, and a moment of crystal clear air, like a flying snow crystal.

"Qingtian only said a few words in it. I know that his state was very bad at that time. He said that he actually came back more than 20 years ago, but he was chased by the enemy, so he left in a hurry. A little something in Yunzhou! Let me guard it! When it is mature, he will come back!"

"What's left?"

Su Yi brows more and more tight, the invisible feeling is involved in a great whirlpool, if the deep pool, suddenly bite his lips.

"Is it still used? I think this is the blood sword!" Iron Soul pulled his eyes and said with a little thought.

When stealing blood and swords at that time, Iron Soul once said to Su Yi, this blood sword is not something here.

"Blood Sword Fruit." Duanmu Yuman's eyes trembled, and the words were sighed in the red lips.

Suddenly, Su Yi’s scalp began to numb, and the blood sword fruit turned out to be the thing left by Duanmu Qingtian. And because of this incident, Su crazy songs are still desperate to guard, what happened in it?

The coldness of Su Yi’s gods spread quickly, and a strong sense of dignity swept through the entire vein.

The aura of the earth's veins is swallowed, and the light is swollen, and the small space is filled with extremely dignified meaning.

"Can you be sure that he is the blood sword?"

Duanmu 筱man nodded heavily, the atmosphere condensed, and the emei was wrinkled like a mountain, and the chill and danger came at the same time, solemn.

"In the twenty years after he disappeared, I have been looking for traces of him. I have searched all the six continents and three seas, and there is nowhere!"

The sigh sighed and the jade feet were lightly lifted. Duanmu Yuman took a step forward and turned his back to Su Yi.

"After that, I still didn't give up, but I set my sights on Yunzhou. I searched for Yunzhou. I just believe that if I find the thing that Optimus said, I will protect it and I will be able to come back."

Duanmu's nose was slightly pumped, and the moon was deep and said: "I haven't found it until recently. I found out that there is a change in the sword under the sea! So I changed the location of the Soul of the Soul, otherwise it will be the flow of the left hill. Not enough to let me out of the mountain, just did not expect that this sinister hidden under the Jianhai Sea is far from what I imagined!"

As soon as the voice fell, Duanmu’s eyelids flashed a hint of coldness, and the coiled soul energy spread instantly.

In the next moment, the graceful and moving figure is like a solidification. Facing the gleam of the ground, Duanmu Qiaoman began to talk about his past and his brother's past.

Su Yi was silent for a moment, just wanted to watch her so quietly.

The sound is not shaking at all, as gentle and dignified as ever, but Su Yi can feel the woman shaking slightly in front of her eyes.

Referring to Duanmu Qingtian, she is really weak, like a white rabbit that needs people to guard.

Why didn't she have her own weakness?

Perhaps, she accepted me as a disciple, but also because the blood sword fruit was refining by the Gorefiend.


Su Yi sighed, and sadly, the blood sword was finally formed, but Duanmu Qingtian did not return.


A teardrop is like the rain under the eaves. Even the bead line is usually sprinkled over the veins. Then, because of the impact, it becomes a thin teardrop and flies.

Tears infiltrated the land and also infiltrated Su Yi's heart.

Duanmu Muman, who was detached from the dust, was white and innocent. Su Yi did not have any thoughts at this time, but he went uncontrollably toward Duanmu.

Extending his hands and holding his arms around his arms, Su Yi could feel the slight vibration of Duanmuman, like an electric shock.

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