The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2385: : Colorful streamer!


At the same time, a larger golden beam of light emerged from Liu Ruoxi's body, and the glare of the arc of light continued to flash, which is a powerful energy for the audience!

Around the space, as the arc continued to flow through, Liu Ruoxi's breath swelled to the extreme.

The amazing power rushed out from the heart. Under the watchful eyes of the solitary rain, Liu Ruoqi stood up and walked slowly and hard to the Jianshan Stone Gate step by step.


In an instant, the energy in the solitary rain and ink swells gradually shrinks. In her eyes, the dazzling Liu Ruoqi is like a goddess, and the sun and the moon around it are surrounded by hundreds of millions of stars.

"If you lie!" The solitary rainless ink lost his voice, and watched Liu Ruoxi walk forward. The solitary rain ink perceives what Liu Ruoxi is consuming, in order to erupt such a terrible energy!

At this time, standing behind Liu Ruoqiang, Liu Ruoyu's moon capacity has been surrounded by the light, the slender palms above the warm and translucent, if there is a mysterious pattern, gently pressed on the sword-shaped mountain gate!


The sky is bright, the stars are hanging!

Under the stunned eyes, the whole Wansong Jianshan began to shake wildly, like a beam of light with endless energy to shine!


The mysterious and horrible picture once again appeared, and the numerous swords of thousands of stars were drawn away from Wanshan Jianshan.

Countless swordsmanship hangs above the void, as if the stars and rivers are swaying, and the swords are swaying, shaking the space and rumbling.

At the same time, a vast expanse of breath is also sweeping through the heavens and the earth!

Looking at Liu Ruoxi, the whole body is exuding a wonderful light, and the whole body even has a hint of purple-golden light flashing, mysterious lines lingering, and in the heart, a seven-color entangled light bursts out, impacting Wanzhang Tianyu!

Suddenly, this colorful energy seems to give Liu Ruoqi an endless atmosphere. Under the perfect body proportion, the light is entangled. This body seems to be purely ridiculous in this ugly world!

"this is..."

Under the blue crystal bimonthly, the solitary rain ink closely watched Liu Ruoxi, and he was able to observe it carefully, and suddenly he was alone and rained his eyes.

Looking at the lustrous Liu Ruoxi, Du Gu? The body also trembled, if you saw the most shocking things.

"what is that!"

Extremely far away, looking at the top of the Wanshan Jianshan, the Jianguang is winding around, the colorful light column rises to the sky, and many young strongmen follow the shocking screams, which makes them feel terrified and stunned!

At this moment, in the eyes of the public, Liu Ruoxi stretched out the palm of his hand, and the one opened the sword-shaped mountain gate!


At the moment of the open sword-shaped mountain gate, Liu Ruoqi’s body is tall and straight, and the colorful streamers flew to the world. The huge radiance like the current is covered in the whole piece of Wansong Jianshan.

Also because of the fall of Wanshan Jianshan, more than a hundred strongmen who tried to suppress at the foot of the mountain also released the painful sorrows, gathered together, and instantly burst into an amazing rolling sound!

Hundreds of figure-like flying kites retire backwards at a horrible speed, looking at the colorful clouds above the sky that make hundreds of millions of creatures tremble. These strong-eyed eyes are finally showing their horrified faces. !

In the midst of the rolling sounds, the battles between Yunjia and Longjia also immediately won the game. The other three battles were in full swing, and Yantiantian began to show signs of decline.

At this time, the seven-color ray hit the sky, proudly and unscrupulously put all the energy storms on the scene to suppress, Long Hao stopped the attack in his hand, shouted loudly: "Go, can't let her use colorful glass eggs!"

"Colorful glass eggs!"

The sound of the dragon's voice fell, and the entire heaven and earth space suddenly appeared a scene of trepidation. The five great families, the dragons, the clouds, the annihilation, the night memories and the solitary city released the dazzling light at the same time, rushing to the clock. Liu Ruojun's position!

"If you don't, don't!" How Liu Liuyi opened the mountain gate, Su Yi is very clear.

Watching Liu Ruoxi give his life for himself, the colorful brilliance that symbolizes the flow of life shines through the ages, and Su Yi, who is in the darkness, is covered with creeps, such as falling into the ice!

This is the picture that Su Yi doesn't want to see most. If you, your own dreams, your sweetheart, you will be broken!

In the chaos, Su Yi’s tears drip down and dyed the green shirt!

At this moment, Liu Ruoxi, who was floating in the air, had lost his knowledge, closed his eyes, and let the sound of the week be thundered for nine days. She was also deafening, and she ignored it. She had only one purpose - save Su Yi!

"Rain and ink, my sister, Ayi is up to you! The sword door is open! Go!" Liu Ruoxuan's voice was warm and blue, and he was slowly introduced into the ear of the solitary rain.

That kind of tranquility, so relieved, can save Su Yi, and if the heart is satisfied.

Standing in the closest direction, the solitary rain and ink stunned, she could not believe that Liu Ruoxi even overdraw his life.

Looking at the gorgeous colorful streamer, it is the tears of Liu Ruoyi's bloodshed!

"No! I don't want you to do this!" Tears are like a rain curtain, and the solitary rain ink trembles wildly, and the lips are broken and bitten under the excitement.

The next second, the five powerful and unrestrained breaths on the sky came, and Liu Ruoyi once again shot a long dazzling ray of light, like an invisible big hand to catch the solitary rain ink into the mountain gate!

"If you oh! If you oh!"

Before the crazy roar, the solitary rain ink couldn't speak at such a juncture. Seeing the five strong men descending on the mountain, between the electric and the flint, the solitary rain ink once again shot a little force from the dry meridians, silver. The light is now screaming like a wind, and Liu’s ankles are firmly hooked.

"Don't!" Long Hao only hates his own speed can not be faster, the flame in the pupil!

Finally, in a blazing gaze, Liu Ruoxi and the solitary rain ink, which lost their spiritual knowledge, broke into the mountain gate.

Five falling figures look at the closed mountain gate, the amazing Tianwei rotates in the air, the sun and the moon are co-occurring, but everyone's face is like a dead silence!

The pressure is high, the mountain collapses!

At this moment, Wanshan Jianshan began to shake again, and the towering Jianshan Mountain actually began to sink vertically in the eyes of everyone!

Under the horror of the Tianwei, hundreds of thousands of thousands of swordsmen and strong people can not help but feel guilty, and the five homeowners can only stand in the air, looking at the wind and the clouds, like a scene of extinction.

"Jianshan collapsed! Against the sky, is this going to kill me?"

The sky and the sky are dark, and all the faces of Wandao Jianmeng are the same expression, wrong and horrified.

Wan Wan Jian Shan, who has never been to the sky for thousands of years, has collapsed!

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