The Godfather of Basketball

Chapter 119 Mr.big (Part 1) (Testimonial attached)

The tradition of the Pistons was created by the beast coach Chuck Daly in the 1980s. The root of the Bad Boys's outstanding record lies in defense.

If the Jazz's defense is tough, the Pistons are downright dirty.

In the last century, when the rules of the league were not yet perfect, choking, hugging, and even taking off pants were the usual tricks of the Pistons. The famous Jordan Rule was also born because of them. In modern times, although limited by rule changes, Those are gone, but this Pistons team still lives up to it.

When the two teams played against each other last season, some members of the Rockets were injured consecutively. This time, under the influence of the atmosphere on the scene, they played more violently.

McGrady was knocked off the stage by Wallace, Yao Ming was pushed down by two people, and Pietrus and Prince almost staged a full-scale martial arts.

The game turned into hand-to-hand combat, and the smell of gunpowder on the field became more and more intense.

The Rockets' shooters were a little out of order in this unconventional confrontation. The two teams started from the first quarter and were anxious until the fourth quarter.

With about a minute left in the game, the Rockets led 83-81 and the Pistons had the ball.

Rasheed Wallace held the ball in the high position on the right, Hamilton began to run around the court, McDyess and Prince continued to do off-ball pick-and-rolls on the baseline.

Hamilton ran high, back low, turned around and back high again.

As the well-known long-distance running king in the NBA, Hamilton once had the experience of throwing up defensive players.

Tireless movement finally won him a chance, and Wallace threw the ball at random.


Hamilton made a mid-range shot and the Pistons tied the score.

Tang Tian smiled wryly at this time.

This Hamilton is a wonder among the players. After a whole hand-to-hand fight, he still has so much strength to run.

He then stood up from his seat and reached out to Billups to make a 1st position tactical gesture.

In this game, the performance of the rest of the Rockets was abnormal. Otherwise, the team with an average of nearly 110 points per game this season would not have scored 80 points until now. Even Yao Mai was struggling , only Billups, because of his familiarity with this team, can always find scoring opportunities.

Billups took the ball to the frontcourt and made tactical gestures.

Yao Ming mentioned the high post pick and roll, and at the same time, McGrady used Battier's pick and roll to go outside.

This is a tactic designed for the No. 1 position. When the ball holder breaks through, he can choose to play himself or pass the ball.

McGrady contained part of the Pistons' defense, and Billups chose to play by himself.

Facing McDyess who switched defenses, Billups accelerated to the basket, followed by an emergency stop throw.

McDyess had a serious knee injury and couldn't keep up with the speed. Seeing that he couldn't defend, he directly stretched out his hand and hit Billups in the face, trying to prevent Billups from scoring in this way.

But Billups faced the defense without shaking his hands.



The basketball hit the net, and McDyess slapped Billups in the face.

Billups fell to the ground.

The referee blows his whistle, signaling a foul by McDyess' thug.

Technical foul! That's a technical foul! Tang Tian saw Billups holding his face on the ground and hadn't gotten up for a long time. He rushed to the sidelines and shouted loudly at the referee.

There was also booing at the scene at this time, but they were not booing the referee's penalty, but booing Tang Tian.

It's just a foul, they have long been used to it, why are they so excited.

The referee did not intend to make further penalties.

Coach, I'm fine, I'm fine. At this moment, Billups was pulled up by Yao Ming, holding his eyes with one hand, and turned his head to shout to Tang Tian.

Cole also came up to pull Tang Tian at this time.

Tang Tian saw that Billups was fine, so he retreated to the bench.

Billups let go of his hand after a while. There was a red patch on his left eye, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Obviously the slap just now was not light.

Billups walked to the free throw line, and the scene suddenly booed.

How much I loved him once, how much I hate him now.

Billups took a deep breath, closed his blurred left eye, and then shot a free throw.


The basketball hits steadily.

The Rockets once again took a 3-point lead.

At this moment Tang Tian stretched out his hand and called for a timeout.

When the players left the field, he walked quickly to Billups' side, seeing the bloodshot eyes, his heart trembled, the Pistons were really cruel.

Do you have anything to do? Take a break if you have something to do. This is just a regular season. Tang Tian said loudly. He didn't want Billups to get injured again right after he came back from injury.

No, coach, I'm sure I'm fine. Billups said, shaking his head.

Team doctor. Tang Tian stretched out his hand and called the team doctor over.

The team doctor checked for a while, and concluded that the eyeball was congested, which greatly affected the vision, but he could still play.

Coach, I know it. Billups said with a smile.

Seeing that Billups persisted, Tang Tian didn't say anything else.

Back from the timeout, the Pistons have the ball.

It was still Hamilton, still running tirelessly on the field, and the entire defensive formation of the Rockets was a little messed up by him.

This time it was Sessions who made the pass, and Hamilton caught the ball beyond the three-point line.


The shot was a little shorter, and the three-point line was not Hamilton's best area.

But maybe it was fate, after the ball bounced after a knock, it rolled in again.

86 to 86!

The Pistons tied the score again!

The scene cheered loudly.

Because tactics had been deployed in the previous round, the Rockets served directly from the backcourt.

Billups advanced to the frontcourt with the ball despite the boos.

At this time, there were only about 30 seconds left before the end of the game.

If the Rockets can score in this attack, they will basically take the victory into their pockets. If they don't score, the Pistons will have the last chance to kill the ball.

After Billups arrived in the frontcourt, he handed the ball to McGrady, and then went around the off-ball pick-and-roll to cut to the basket.

This is still a No. 1 tactic, but it's changed from on-ball to off-ball.

But this time, after switching defenses, Hamilton successfully judged the Rockets' offensive intentions, dodging left and right like a loach, and always followed Billups firmly.

After Billups left the Pistons, Hamilton became the well-deserved core of this team, not only on the offensive end, but also on the defensive end.

McGrady didn't have a good chance to hold the ball. Seeing that the attack time was more than half, he called Yao Ming to do a pick-and-roll, and then directly held the ball and went to the basket to kill.

The Pistons quickly shrunk their defense, and Wallace, who switched defenses, kept hitting McGrady with his body.

McGrady chose the dry pull with an emergency stop.



It's finally going to be on the shelves. Brothers have waited hard, and I have endured long enough. At this time, let me take a long breath, and I can finally explode!

Thanks to the starting point, thanks to the editor-in-chief Huihui and editor-in-chief Changtian, of course, the most important thing is to thank the brothers who have supported me all the way, you are my parents, and now I am full-time, whether I am a young model in the club or go to sea to work, it all depends on the brothers We spoke.

The most important thing is to report the status of the manuscript, which is still a bit lazy, there are only about 80 chapters.

I used to talk about adding more and more, but this time I will play a big one.

In this way, if the first order of this book exceeds 2,000, then there will be a guaranteed minimum of 4 updates per day for the rest of this month. If it exceeds 3,000, it will guarantee a minimum of 5 updates per day. Anyway, it can be done full-time, and more depends on the support of the brothers.

Then it’s about adding updates. Each rudder owner adds one chapter, the alliance leader adds ten chapters, and monthly tickets add one chapter every 100. This is a common practice.

In the end, it is a small wish. If you are lucky enough to enter the top 20 sales list tomorrow, you will add 10 chapters at once the next day.

I hope you will subscribe more, and finally, I wish you all the best of luck, two dragons playing with pearls, three sheep in prosperity, peace and stability, good harvests, smooth six and six, seven stars shining brightly, all directions making treasures, ninety-nine return to one, perfect.

Group 539855046, brothers can add it, spray the author, urge more, and hate fans of other teams.

ps: Finally, let me tell you the truth. I have been writing a book for four or five years. I am not young, and life pressure is also high. I hope everyone can subscribe and support it as much as possible. At least give me a chance to work hard, thank you.

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