The Godfather of Basketball

Chapter 122 A Little Show (Part 3)

Sun Yue's advantage lies in his height. He is 2.05 meters tall but can play point guard, which is rare in the NBA.

After grabbing the rebound, he immediately saw Barea galloping forward, followed by a long swing.

The long throw is the most commonly used passing method in the NBA fast break, but there are not many guards who can do it well. Sun Yue's pass is a bit big.

But fortunately, the rest of the Warriors never thought he would do this!

Barea runs to get the ball and then scores an easy layup.

With 1 rebound and 2 assists, Sun Yue made a fantastic start in his NBA debut.

But a good start does not mean a good result. In the next few rounds, after Ellis paid attention to it, he beat Sun Yue in succession, and Sun Yue was a bit blown away.

After all, the strength between the two is a few levels behind.

At this time, Tang Tian replaced Barea with Pietrus, pushing Sun Yue to the starting point guard position.

Sun Yue heard the short whistle from the sidelines, and when he saw Pietrus standing on the sidelines, he thought he had been replaced, but when he saw Pietrus pointing at Barea, he realized that he was still left on the field.

He turned to look at Tang Tian, ​​who nodded to him.

It's a kind of trust.

Sun Yue was beaten into two by Ellis in a row. If he had been replaced by other coaches of other teams, he would have been replaced long ago, but Tang Tian's trust made him feel his adrenaline soaring rapidly, and his chest was even more hot.

Leave Monta to me, and you follow Azubuike. Pietrus said to Sun Yue after he came up.

That's what the coach said. Afraid that he might have doubts, Pietrus added another sentence.

Understood. Sun Yue nodded, looked away from Tang Tian, ​​and then walked directly towards Azubuike.

Ellis held the ball and pushed it to the frontcourt. Seeing that the man defending him had become Pietrus, and seeing that Sun Yue was still on the field, he reached out to call for Azubuike to come over for the pick-and-roll.

But Pietrus is not Barea, his defense is very tight, plus Pietrus is a veteran of the Warriors, and he is very good at picking and rolling the Warriors.

Azubuike's small body blocked it twice and failed to block it.

There is not much time left in the attack, Ellis gave up the idea of ​​​​playing a dislocation, called Webb to come out for a pick-and-roll, and broke through the basket after breaking the ball.

The Rockets shrank the defense at the basket, and he turned back and passed the ball to Webber.

Although Webber is no longer the superstar of the past, there is still some distance in his hands.

It's just that the speed of the shot is a little slow.

The moment he shot, a figure suddenly came out from the side.

Sun Yue!


With a slap, Old Weber's shot was slapped out of the field.

There was cheers at the scene.

After Sun Yue blocked the shot, he jumped several times on the spot, looking quite excited.

A very beautiful assist defense block, Sun has a full sense of presence on the defensive end. Brin gave a high evaluation.

This may be the last year of Weber's career. Mark Jackson on the side was quite emotional.

The Warriors sent a sideline kick, and there was not much time left in the attack. Belinelli's three-pointer missed the basket, and the rebound was accepted by Gasol.

Gasol gave the ball to Pietrus outside the three-point line with a long swing.

Like a fired shell, Pietrus held the ball from the backcourt and galloped towards the frontcourt.

As a veteran of the Warriors, he has long been familiar with fast break.

However, Ellis' retreat was also quick.

The two were former teammates, and they both knew each other well. At this time, they came to the Warriors' half court one after the other.

Pietrus chose a layup after the confrontation.

Ellis dodged for a while, and successfully interfered with Pietrus when he stretched out his hand again.

The basketball hit the front of the rim and bounced high.

Ellis was about to grab the defensive rebound, but at this moment, a figure jumped up from behind him and quickly took the ball.

He didn't even have time to jump.

Sun~~ Yue!! The DJ shouted in a drawn out voice.

It's Sun Yue again! Came from the backcourt and put the ball into the basket.

The cheers at the scene were deafening.

The rookies of the Rockets have different strengths, but the enthusiasm for playing is higher than the other!

Tang Tian also stretched out his hands to applaud at this time, and it was a bit like he wanted to stay in the NBA.

Old Nelson saw that the momentum was wrong, and replaced the main players of the Warriors in advance.

The Rockets also changed players, but Tang Tian kept Sun Yue on the field as a small forward.

The Warriors' offensive possession, with Baron Davis and Jackson running the high pick-and-roll.

Davis faced Sun Yue after the pick-and-roll, and swayed directly and quickly with a cross step.

Davis's personal ability is far superior to Ellis'. After a quick change of direction, Sun Yue's center of gravity was unstable and he was directly thrown to the ground.

Oh! God! Brin couldn't bear to look at it after seeing it.

This is really a bit cruel for a rookie!

Davis took the ball and went to the basket quickly.

Yao Ming came out from the inside at this time, ready to gamble on the bullet point.

After Davis saw it, he pulled the ball up with his left hand, and snapped a sharp change to the right, ready to break through from the right.


But at the moment when he changed direction, he felt a lightness in his hand, and when he looked back, the ball in his hand was gone!

There was a burst of cheers at the scene.

Under their noses, Sun Yue, who was swayed, jumped up from the ground like a chicken blood, and while Davis was focusing on Yao Ming, he turned around and broke the ball. up!

The cheers from the sidelines were loud, but everyone on the field was stunned.

No one expected that Sun Yue would break the ball.

After picking it up, Sun Yue turned around and ran. Before the Warriors could react, she took big strides and rushed forward.

The Warriors reacted at this time, but they couldn't catch up after a while, so they simply slowed down and watched Sun Yue rush to the frontcourt.

Sun Yue rushed to the frontcourt, looked back and saw no one was defending, facing Kong Lan, suddenly jumped two meters away from the basket, took the ball with his right hand, then threw himself into the air, and spun in circles!

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

After a circle in the air, Sun Yue finally smashed the ball into the basket with his right hand.


There was a pause of cheers at the scene, and then it exploded!

360° turn and dunk!

It's a bit of a show!

Tang Tian was also stunned. In the words of his previous life, this is simply Chen Duxiu, Dihua Zhixiu, and Good Fortune Zhong Shenxiu!

But this is not too strange, Sun Yue is still a flamboyant person in his bones, and he does have the ability to complete this dunk.

Opportunity is in front of him, no matter how much he suppresses it, his true nature will be exposed in the end.

After the dunk, Sun Yue shouted and yelled excitedly on the spot, desperately venting.

Tang Tian left him on the court, his adrenaline soared up and never came down, this dunk was a complete dunk.

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