The Government Assigns A Daughter-In-Law, Which Needs To Be Chosen?

160. Chapter 159 Carry Out The Toughness To The End

Chapter 159: Carry Out a Tough Stance to the End

The army was mobilized overnight and launched a surprise attack.

This was unexpected by everyone, including the rebels.

The momentum from the previous day indicated that both sides were prepared for a decisive battle. They had gathered all the necessary supplies and weapons.

But overnight, everything changed.

The rebel alliance was ambushed and suffered heavy casualties, retreating over a hundred miles and licking their wounds in another temporary base, completely devoid of the ability to launch a counterattack.

The mastermind behind the scenes was also exposed and suffered significant damage in the hasty rescue operation.

It can be said that the situation, which was once favorable, collapsed in an instant.

"No one expected that Martial Emperor would play a trick, deliberately withdrawing the elite army to make the rebels lower their guard. Then, when they were most relaxed, he turned the tide and launched a surprise attack, catching them off guard."

"Brilliant, truly brilliant!"

"No wonder he is the Martial Emperor. His military tactics are truly unpredictable. The rebels deserved their defeat."

Countless people who learned of the situation began to discuss and praise Martial Emperor.

However, there were some who had a different opinion.

"Heh, is this really wise? It's just that the rebels had a hole in their strategy. Otherwise, why didn't they launch a decisive attack when the elite army had clearly been withdrawn? If they had fully utilized this opportunity, they could have not only gained half of the territory but also completely controlled the western region, ruling alongside Martial Emperor!"

These remarks were made by young people with a lot of enthusiasm.

Such opinions spread and gained recognition.

The situation was indeed as such. Martial Emperor played his hand beautifully, but it was a risky move.

If the rebels had been more decisive and dared to fight to the death, they might have had a chance to gain a significant advantage.

But the rebels missed their opportunity and wasted a golden opportunity.

Two opinions spread throughout the world.

One praised Martial Emperor once again, while the other belittled the rebels.

Originally, some restless martial heroes or powerful forces from the martial world wanted to join the rebels and seek a bright future.

But now, they no longer had that intention.

The foolish rebels were incapable of achieving anything.

These opinions quickly reached the rebel group, and many martial experts who had joined earlier quietly withdrew, as they no longer saw any hope of success.

Only ordinary farmers, who couldn't survive otherwise, chose to continue on this path.

But this was a world where strength was paramount. Without powerful experts as support, no matter how many ordinary people there were, they were just a mob. It was difficult for them to withstand the impact of experts.

Only the experts from the White Lotus Sect remained and showed no intention of leaving. However, compared to their previous fanatical and unwavering attitude, they now began to voice their opinions.

"Your Highness, why didn't we take action earlier? Look at how the world is evaluating us. They say we are foolish and even call us brainless. All the experts we tried to win over have left!"

Some high-ranking members of the White Lotus Sect found the White Lotus Princess and emotionally sought her guidance.

Losing was one thing.

During this period, their White Lotus Sect had also suffered losses, even losing their leader.

But no matter how many times they lost, it was only because of their lack of strength.

But the current situation was different. They were directly being called brainless by the world.

How could they bear this?

Moreover, they believed that they should not have missed the previous golden opportunity.

Facing the complaints of her subordinates, the White Lotus Princess responded coldly, "This is the decision of our master. If you question it like this, do you want to die?"

"The decision of our master?"

Upon hearing the explanation from the princess, the expressions of these high-ranking members changed.

As the plan for the change of power unfolded, the mysterious master gradually revealed himself. The Blood Spirit Guards, who had been secretly trained, also began to carry out their missions, and these high-ranking members were no longer unfamiliar with them.

It was also because of this that they understood the terrifying nature of their master.

They dared to complain to the White Lotus Princess, but they did not have the courage to complain to the mysterious master.

Before this, there were high-ranking officials who were dissatisfied and did not want another former emperor above their heads.

But in the end, they died a miserable death.

The entire family, young and old, did not survive intact.

Although they dare not question it anymore, they have accumulated resentment in their hearts.

The White Lotus Saint saw all of this but did not say much, only calmly watching.

The rebellion in the west is still ongoing.

However, the elite army of the Capital Garrison, which achieved a great victory, has begun to pursue the enemy. Among them, the three army marshals were personally promoted by the Martial Emperor and their use of military strategy is unparalleled.

Under their command are two great generals.

One is a young general wielding the Fangtian Halberd, reaching the level of an unparalleled master and a master of battlefield combat. No one can stop the Fangtian Halberd.

The mysterious master once sent a team of Blood Spirit Guards to assassinate this invincible general, but in the end, they were all smashed into minced meat by the incredibly heavy Fangtian Halberd.

The other general, although not reaching the level of being unparalleled, possesses innate divine power. He wields a pair of Wengjin Hammers with great skill and astonishing endurance. He once single-handedly pursued and killed tens of thousands of rebels, killing several thousand in a day.

With just these two great generals, they are enough to carry the banner, not to mention the many first-class generals under them.

They truly deserve to be the elite of the court, and their strength is not just empty talk.

The mysterious master has accumulated considerable power, but to change the situation, the strength displayed now is clearly not enough, unless a true Blood God can be created.

But it is not easy to create a being that surpasses the unparalleled existence.

Even Lin Fan, the divine pharmacist, can only slowly cultivate without precious herbs.

Of course,

This does not include himself.

With the Dragon Blood Pill obtained from Long Kui, his current strength has reached an unknown level. He can easily lift a hundred thousand jin boulder.

No need to boast.

Naiwa is definitely not his opponent now.

But Long Kui is not aware of this. Her understanding of Lin Fan is still based on their previous encounters.

At this time, information about the battle in the west was transmitted back, giving her some confidence, and she became more assertive in dealing with Lin Fan.


This is the strength of the court.

Although your strength is strong, it cannot be easily grasped.

When the two sides compete,

It only benefits others.

Lin Fan smiled when he saw this.

He even became arrogant.

"Do you think you can handle it?"

Lin Fan glanced at the other person and asked.

Long Kui's expression instinctively changed, but she quickly regained her composure and said calmly, "It's not that I think I can handle it, but the soldiers of my court cannot be offended by anyone, and they cannot be easily grasped."

Lin Fan also acknowledged this.

But that's just acknowledgment. It's far from enough for the other party to stand up.

It seems necessary to let the other party know how powerful he really is.

Lin Fan sneered.

"What are you going to do?!"

"What do you think?"

"Don't come over!"

"Hmph! I won't listen to you!"

Long Kui quickly exclaimed, losing the confidence she had before.

But Lin Fan was determined to show the other party how powerful he was. It couldn't be resolved by begging for mercy.


He must be firm to the end!

Two updates in the morning, and two more later. Thank you for your support, especially to the reader who gave 10,000 Qidian coins as a reward. Thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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