The conversation between the two fell into the ears of the onlookers, word for word.

The eyes that originally looked at Lin Zhengyang with reverence have now turned into contempt, and Lin Zhengyang's image gradually collapsed in their hearts.

Although no one dared to say anything due to Lin Zhengyang's majesty, it was unclear what they were thinking in their hearts.

If this happened to ordinary people, it might not cause an uproar, but it would be different if it happened to Lin Zhengyang.

‘Yi Bo Yuntian’ Lin Daxia turned out to be a man who abandoned his wife and children. Is this still the Lin Daxia they admire?

They can't help but ask themselves!

But everything shows that the extraordinary Lin Daxia in the past was just pretending.

This is a complete hypocrite!


Everyone present felt chills in their hearts. Thinking of what Lin Zhengyang had done over the past decades, they couldn't help but shudder.

Thanks to the fact that they had admired Lin Zhengyang so much for so many years, who knew that Lin Zhengyang, who had done things like abandoning his wife and children, had other shady deeds that no one knew about.

Qin Qing on the side was a little surprised. He didn't expect the well-known Hero Lin to have such a side.

She looked at him coldly and did not make any comments on what Lin Zhengyang did. Instead, she had some sympathy for Mu Jue.

That's all.

Some looked at it with cold eyes, while others naturally took pleasure in others' misfortune. At this time, they had no time to watch the big show.

There was no sense of urgency as before, nor was there any uneasiness about harboring worries, because Lin Zhengyang could no longer be the leader of the alliance.

Lin Zhengyang, it’s over!

"Yi Bo Yuntian" Lin Daxia is already a thing of the past, and no one will mention it anymore, otherwise it would not be a compliment but a satire.

Maybe some people will say, look, the righteous hero respected by Qingzhou turned out to be a man who abandoned his wife and son, and even acquiesced in the murder of his wife in name only for the sake of reputation.

How can such people be called heroes, let alone the reputation of "Yuntian Bo Yuntian", who abandoned both humans and gods.

"I'm sorry Fei'er, I live in torment every day. I regret leaving a step too late." Lin Zhengyang's eyes were full of tears, looking at Mu Jue, who was as cold as ice, and said in pain.

"Regret?" Mu Jue sneered, "You have lived in lies your whole life, and you have been immersed in the praises given to you by the world. You will not regret it."

"Fei'er, you must have had a bad life before. Come back. Let me make it up to you. How about you using the resources of my Lin family at your disposal."

The look of regret on Lin Zhengyang's face gradually deepened, taking on a look of pleading. He kept begging Mu Jue, as if he really regretted it.

This pair of tearful words, no matter what wrong things he had done before, what stupid things he had committed.

The balance in everyone's hearts was also constantly tilting towards Lin Zhengyang.

In Buddhism, you can put down your butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!

As the saying goes, no one can make mistakes without being a sage. If you know your mistakes, you can improve a lot!

It seemed that as long as he repented, he would be forgiven and the wrong things he had done would be wiped out.

When Lin Zhengyang said that all the Lin Mansion's resources would be used by Mu Jue, many people looked envious.

After all, Lin Zhengyang has been running the Lin family for so many years. How can the Lin family's resources be taken lightly? Not to mention cultivating to the Yuanshen realm, there is no difficulty in cultivating to the Grandmaster realm.

This was a height that they could never reach in their lifetime. Now that Lin Zhengyang had saved Mu Jue decades of struggle with just one word, how could they not be envious and even a little jealous.

Perhaps, in their eyes, interests are above all else.

Nothing else matters, even the blood feud can be forgotten.

This concept is ubiquitous in the world. Even if there is a deep hatred, as long as there are enough benefits in exchange, one can survive.

They can turn conflicts into friendship, or even collude into collusion and chaos. These are all common things.

Therefore, these Jianghu people did not find anything wrong with their own ideas. On the contrary, they thought they were very sensible.

"Lin Zhengyang, do you believe it when you say this?" Mu Jue sneered repeatedly. For some reason, looking at Lin Zhengyang at this time, he felt a bloodthirsty impulse.

Mu Jue knew that this was how his mother was deceived, by this thick layer of disguise.

In the end, after waiting for several years, he passed away in despair and grief.

"Fei'er, you have to believe me!" Lin Zhengyang's hair was disheveled and he was in a mess. With this look, it was hard for anyone to blame him.

Suddenly, Mu Jue's thoughts changed and he said coldly: "Okay, I promise you!"

When Lin Zhengyang suddenly heard this, he felt it was a bit unbelievable. After a random thought, he felt that it was natural. No one could resist the temptation of the Lin family's resources.

Even if this person is his son.

Lin Zhengyang showed joy on his face and said: "Okay, okay... I was the first to apologize to your mother back then, and now I will make it up to you.

By the way, you also have a younger brother Lin Feng. I believe you can get along well with him. "

Mu Jianjie was unconvinced, "Really?"

Then, Mu Jue's eyes fell on the secret book in Lin Zhengyang's hand and said: "Since you said that the Lin family's resources are at my disposal, then give me this technique!"

"This..." Lin Zhengyang's eyes flashed and he hesitated.

Then I thought about it, except for that method, the Eight Styles of Jue Knife is just an ordinary sword technique, far from as evil as stated in the sword manual.

After getting the Eight Styles of the Jue Sword from her, she spent decades studying it just to find a new way.

Without using that method, can we reach the state of great success?

In vain!

It's obviously in vain.

Therefore, it's okay to give it to Mu Jue. She probably won't tell her children such vicious methods.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

"Dear relatives..."

Suddenly, an indescribable look flashed across Lin Zhengyang's eyes as he looked at Mu Jue.

give him……

Agree to all his requests...

Lin Zhengyang thought silently in his heart, and a hint of cruelty kept growing in his heart, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net is growing like crazy.

Although, in front of the martial arts comrades in the world, he had just promised to use it as a reward for arresting Gu Xichao, would giving it to Mu Jue at this time cause dissatisfaction among the people in the world.

This has to be considered!

But he, Lin Zhengyang, is not afraid!

However, what he didn't expect was that this time he thought differently. After hearing what Mu Jue said, everyone present sneered.

The secret book was in Lin Zhengyang's hands, and they couldn't take it away, but if it fell into the hands of a small Xiantian realm, they couldn't just manipulate it as they pleased.

Therefore, when Mu Jue finished speaking, no one present said anything, but instead expected Lin Zhengyang to give him the secret book.

Some people are even eager to try it. Xuan-level advanced martial arts are considered high-level martial arts in the entire Qingzhou.

Even higher up, such as earth-level martial arts, they can't even think about it.

Once the prefecture-level secret book appears, it will probably cause a bloody storm.

It's not something they can think of, but they can still keep the Xuan level, and they don't dare to ask for the Earth level.

After pondering for a long time and looking at Mu Jue's cold eyes, Lin Zhengyang saluted his martial arts colleagues and said, "The Eight Styles of the Jue Sword were originally belonging to the Mu family. Now they are returned to their original owners, but Lin is right?" Stay with me all my colleagues."

However, very few returned the gift, and the tea was left to cool down.

It's a pity that he hasn't left yet, but his reputation is gone. He, Lin Zhengyang, doesn't have such great prestige now.

Everyone present is the leader of a faction and famous figures in the world. If you, Lin Zhengyang, lose your prestige in the world, then we will only speak based on interests in the future.

There is no longer the gathering of followers from the past.

Lin Zhengyang had already thought that this would happen, and sneered in his heart. He wanted to change this view for a long time, and he was not in a hurry.

Now, isn't he just slowly conveying the opinions of people in the martial arts community about him?

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