The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 512: Landing on the beach again

It is relatively flat on the beach five miles northeast of Brunei City, with fine sand spreading all the way down to the sea, while the rest are rugged rocks, and it is difficult to land on the shore due to turbulent waves.

Or there may be a suitable place to land, but it is too far from the city and the road is difficult.

Therefore, the Southeast Army chose this place as the landing site. At eight o'clock in the morning, the battleship lifted the anti-aircraft artillery, raised the muzzle and fired it from a distance.

In fact, there are certainly not many enemies hit, even the chance of a blind cat hitting a mouse, wasting shells and wasting money.

However, the army has conducted a survey and found that 80% of the Marines and Army soldiers like the Navy, and the more they fight, the better.

The simple minds of the soldiers-we are supported, we are not fighting alone.

The morale goes up with a lot of shots, so even if the shots are emptied, they can still be shot.

This is also one of the reasons why the Southeast Army won the battle!

There are no enemies on the beach, but from a high-powered telescope, we can see the natives peeping in the jungle.

The cruise ship and transport ship headed to the shore, and ten landing craft rushed forward!

This type of landing craft named "Sea Roach" belongs to a kind of cutting-edge warship, but the soldiers call them "Cockroach No. 1" and "Cockroach No. 2"... omitting the word "sea" and saying " I rode a cockroach to the shore", ordinary people certainly don't understand, but the ones who understand are brothers.

It was inspired by the inability to deploy a large number of troops in time and lack of artillery support when landing on the beach. The main designer is Yan Dashao. He has no hobbies and has time to design warships. "Sea Cockroach" is his new design. Er, it is named like this out of Yan Dashao's obsession.

The hull is flat, with a single mast, with thirty oars on each side for paddling, and can carry a hundred fully armed sergeants.

The front part of the hull is equipped with a unique artillery. Its barrel is straight-through. It can be seen from one end to the other. The barrel has a caliber of 12 pounds.

The recoilless rifle comes out!

The so-called recoilless gun is an artillery that does not recoil when fired. The principle is that when the artillery fires, a considerable part of the gas generated by the gunpowder overflows from the rear of the artillery, thereby generating a reverse momentum close to the momentum of pushing the projectile forward. This makes the artillery almost without recoil.

It is small in size, light in weight, simple in structure, but has a large flame behind it, so a baffle was specially made and placed behind the gun body.

The gun body has wheels and a special track, which can rotate 90 degrees and is very flexible when attacking the enemy.

The shells of the recoilless guns are driven by black powder, which has less kinetic energy, and with the recoilless design, the firing range of the shells can be imagined.

But there is no need for it to hit far, no need for it to attack tough, it only uses one kind of cannonball, that is shotgun!

It is used to support the landing of the Marine Corps and suppress the enemy on the beach. As long as the Marines go to the shore and form a gun formation, there is no need for recoilless guns.

Regardless of the small size of the "Sea Roach" landing craft, the cost is not low, its bottom is embedded with a solid brass plate!

Since it is a landing craft, it is beneficial to use a brass plate to resist the abrasion of the bottom of the ship.

Brass is money. No wonder Chen Zhongji and Chen Hebin scratched their heads and put on a boss like this. It really is the temper of the young master, and they don't treat money as money!

For other countries, only a few of the ramblings can afford them, but let them choose, I am afraid that they would rather sacrifice soldiers than spend money like this!


In the army that landed, there was a platoon led by Lieutenant Reid. He had already shown his face in previous battles. After learning, he was promoted to lieutenant. He led a platoon on the "Cockroach Six". They were ready to face combat operations. The trickiest stage in the ——Cross the coral reef in front, it is everywhere in front of the waves.

"Our problem is to get over it and not to deviate from the intended direction of attack!" The captain of Roach 6 shouted to several officers on the ship. He said that now they are going to head against the wind.

Ten landing crafts stretched out their long oars and rowed forward. They formed a good formation and approached the coral reef. The heavy artillery shells of the rear battleship passed over their heads, dragging long white smoke, black smoke and gray smoke, without interruption, Reid Be in awe of such a spectacular sight.

The landing craft climbed forward and appeared in the blue-green water in the lagoon. At this time, Lieutenant Reid saw the flames emerging from the jungle on the front beach, **** it! Brunei people used cannons to bombard us!

The combat literacy of the Brunei people is still acceptable. They accurately determined the landing position of the Southeast Army, and they dragged six 12-pound artillery pieces overnight to deal with the Southeast Army’s landing troops.

The artillery was bought from Hong Mao Fan, and the control was also Hong Mao Fan. The Kingdom of Brunei is a big power and can afford a Hong Mao Fan gunner.

Cockroach No. 7 was bombarded first. It ate two shells, which immediately reduced its speed and fell behind the team. Then a few more shells flew in. In panic, the landing craft was in a mess. Huddled together.

The captains of the boats yelled at each other in an attempt to guide the landing craft forward, while the soldiers on the boat were worried, wondering when they would be hit by a shell!

Many people are praying for Mazu's blessing.

The time to come is finally here, a cannonball hit the bulwark of Cockroach No. 6, blowing up a large piece of sawdust!

Second Lieutenant Reid saw that the leader, Captain Qian Shiping, was covered in blood. The blood sprayed all over the sky like a fountain, splashing Reid all over!

He thought: "This is blood spurted from the captain." When he saw Qian Shiping wagging his fingers as if he was checking whether he was alive, Reid knew that the accident was not the captain, and both of them turned around. Turning around, he saw a non-commissioned officer standing behind them. He was fatally injured.

A wooden thorn was inserted into the non-commissioned officer's neck and he was hit in the carotid artery!

Reid shouted: "Put on the neck guard!"

The deerskin armor neck protector can effectively protect his fragile neck, but he was uncomfortable wearing it. This guy was careless, and he died as a result.

The unfortunate non-commissioned officer was just an episode on the way forward. The shells of our battleship kept falling, which seemed useless, and the opponent's artillery continued to attack.

Cockroach 6 suffered a near-missing bullet, exploded a large area of ​​spray, and drowned the officers and soldiers on the deck of the ship.

Then Reid saw a large group of indigenous people pouring out of the jungle, with bows and arrows and spears in their hands, and soon there were densely packed people on the beach.

Accompanied by the shouts, the spears flew up and shot towards the landing craft. The bows and arrows screamed strangely. The officers and soldiers on the boat rushed to resist with shields, but the spears and arrows were blown by the sea breeze, and most of them were thrown into the sea.

The speed of the landing craft slowed down and kept bumping, "You try to drive the boat toward the coast so that we can put in troops and kill them without leaving a piece of armor!" Qian Shiping shouted to the captain.

"I can't drive any closer!" The captain also yelled.

So Qian Shiping asked the captain to turn the boat sideways and let the left side of the boat face the beach, and then he issued a loud order to let the troops disembark on the right side, which had never been attacked by the enemy.

Reid got into the water for the first and it touched the ground, the water only reached the thighs, very good!

He made an OK gesture to the soldiers who probed on the boat. This was passed down from the upper level of the Southeast Mansion. Everyone was puzzled. They learned to use it anyway, so the soldiers jumped into the water and splashed. Gather in groups.

The troops on other boats were also launched into the water, almost all deployed in the same battle. There was a sharp whistle, and the soldiers, led by their respective officers, rushed towards the beach.

When the spears and arrows of the natives fell among the soldiers, the bow guns on the landing ships also fired!

"Boom boom boom!..." Thousands of hot projectiles splashed down in the crowd, and the indigenous people fell down a large area, **** and screaming, and the beach became **** in an instant!


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