The Golden Stone Territory, the Wood Spirit Territory, and the Ancient Insect Territory are the three major regions surrounding the Yunxiao Mountains.

In addition to the Wood Spirit Domain, which is completely ruled by the Wood Spirit Lineage, the Gold and Stone Domain has two medium-sized branch lines, the Gold Vein and the Stone Vein, while the Ancient Insect Domain is dominated by the Ancient Insect Lineage and the Juli Lineage.

As for the small branches in these three major regions, there are naturally more small branches. Most of them are dependent on the medium branches. Of course, relatively strong small branches like the Zhanpuppet branch have more of autonomy.

Wood Spirit Realm, Zhan Puppet City.

As the main city of the War Puppet Clan, War Puppet City is also ranked among the top five cities in the entire Wood Spirit Realm. There are a hundred thousand War Puppet in the city. Even if the strength of these War Puppet alone is only three days, but so The scale, coupled with the command of the battle formation division, is enough to have the combat power to rival the supreme ones in the lower ranks.

But don't think that this kind of combat power is very weak. You must know that many small branches of the Supreme Power don't have it, that is, only the war puppet clan has this ability.

In the central hall of Zhanpuppet City.

"The Master of the Wood Spirit Vein sent us a message, asking us to enter the Yunxiao Mountains to find a kind of Mingguang wood for them. How do you think we should respond?"

Zhan Puppet Li, the leader of the Zhan Puppet lineage, asked the clan elders below with a worried look on his face.

As a battle formation master who can condense millions of war patterns, Zhan Pupuli has strength comparable to that of the Earth Supreme, but this is based on the bloodline ability of his natal spirit insect, spirit war insect, but after all, he and the spirit insect are both He is not the Earth Supreme, so his durability is relatively poor, so he can only show his power under the Earth Supreme. It is still difficult to face the real Earth Supreme.

With their strength, how could they dare to provoke a Holy Son...

"Pulse Master, we must never agree to this request. As far as I know, the Holy Son of the Yunxiao Mountains has recruited many masters from outside. Now there is a powerful man who is at the top of the earth and is stationed at the border of the Golden Stone Territory. Even Jinshiyu who is under pressure does not dare to act rashly, how can we be the first to take the lead at this time, wouldn’t we be regarded as the chicken that kills the chicken to scare the monkeys?”

The great elder of the Zhan Puppet lineage advised nervously.

Other elders also echoed.

"I also know that what the Great Elder said was mature and prudent. But the leader of the Wood Spirit Lineage personally sent me a message about this matter. How can I refuse so that the Wood Spirit Lineage will not be blamed?"

After all, their Zhanpuppet lineage still has to live in the Wood Spirit Realm. If they offend the Wood Spirit Lineage, will they be able to live a peaceful life in the future?

There are mature and prudent people, and naturally there are also some people who want to take advantage of the fire.

"Pulse Master, I heard that the Wood Spirit Tribe has promised us a lot of benefits. If my Zhanpuppet lineage doesn't want to be in the same situation as now, then we must take risks and take a chance sometimes. It’s not necessarily a bad thing!”

The speaker is the newly promoted elder of the Zhan Puppet lineage, Zhan Puppet Qiyue. He is also the youngest elder. Although his talent is not the strongest in the Zhan Puppet lineage, he is very close to the Mu Ling lineage. Recently, it has received a lot of resource support from the latter, so its strength is considered to be at the forefront of the war puppet lineage.

Moreover, there are many talented young people from the Zhan Puppet lineage gathered around him, so even the leader Zhan Puppet Li has to pay attention to his opinions.

But as soon as he said these words, Zhan Puli's expression darkened.

The reason why he deliberately didn't mention the benefits promised by the Wood Spirit Lineage was not because he wanted to monopolize it, but because he didn't want some people's eyes to be confused by these things.

Obviously, as the great elder said before, in this kind of fight between two giants, they, the little ants, should stay as far away as possible, because no matter which side you join, they will definitely suffer in the end. .

What's more, the matter this time is even more complicated than that. When even the Wood Spirit lineage doesn't dare to really quarrel with each other, if their Zhanpuppet lineage just rushes out like this, then the Holy Palace will be able to raise their hands and kill them first. They followed and beheaded...

Zhan Puppet Li was very convinced that the Wood Spirit Clan wanted to commit murder with a borrowed knife, forcing their Zhan Puppet lineage to participate in this torrent and become a small sampan that could be overturned by the storm at any time.

No matter what the outcome is in the end, their Zhan Puppet lineage will no longer have the chance to threaten the status of the Wood Spirit lineage in the Wood Spirit Realm.

How could these elders of the Zhan Puppet lineage fail to see this, but at this moment, they may not all be thinking about their own lineage...

Just when Zhan Puppet Li was thinking about how to suppress these young people who were easily tempted, a faint voice rang out.

"I didn't expect that there are many ambitious people in the Zhan Puppet lineage... It's just that taking a risk may bring benefits, but more people will be knocked to pieces in the danger, I don't know Are you ready to bear this outcome?"

There was a touch of indifference in this voice, which was a kind of indifference to the lives of people like them...

"Who?! Who dares to trespass on my lineage of war puppets!"

Zhan Puppet Qiyue was the first to shout angrily.

At the same time, an invisible storm instantly erupted from the body of Zhan Puppet Li, who was at the top.


An invisible storm broke out and the space trembled.

The expressions of Qiyue and the others who were about to continue the war suddenly changed drastically, because they felt that invisible force, which actually caused bursts of tingling sensation between their eyebrows.

That kind of power is invisible and ghostly.

"Battle Formation Master? It's the Pulse Master..." The eyes of everyone following Zhan Puppet Qiyue suddenly flashed with excitement and awe.

But this made Zhan Puppet Qiyue's expression even more gloomy.

"Eh? That's great. I didn't expect that the master of the Zhan Puppet lineage has reached the level of one million war marks. It seems that it is not an empty lie to say that the Zhan Puppet lineage has a strength that is not inferior to that of the medium-sized branch lineage."

There was a little surprise in the faint voice, but it could be heard from his tone that even the battle master with millions of battle marks didn't seem to take it to heart.

This made Zhan Puppet Li and others' hearts sink, knowing that the strength of this person might be far beyond their imagination...

"Who is your Excellency? Zhan Pupuli neglected your distinguished guest. I would like to apologize to you and ask you to show up to see me..." Zhan Pupuli said with a serious face.

"Haha, not bad. He is worthy of being the leader of his lineage. He is quite courageous."

Following a burst of light and shadow, a figure walked out of the light and stood straight in the center of the hall.

When he saw the figure of the visitor clearly, it turned out to be a young man who looked to be in his twenties, Zhan Puppet Qiyue immediately wanted to scold him...

But before he could say anything, Zhan Puli's exclamation had already sounded.

"Lord Twelve Holy Sons?!"

Twelve Sons...

As soon as these four words came out, the entire hall of the Zhan Puppet lineage seemed to be stagnant. Even Zhan Puppet Qiyue, who wanted to scold him, stopped breathing.

"Oh? Do you recognize me?" Tian Chong was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the leader of the Zhan Puppet lineage actually knew him?

Zhan Puppet Li obviously never expected that the Holy Son would come to their Zhan Puppet lineage in person. Could this be what happened? But they haven't done anything yet?

Faced with the question of Tianchong, Zhan Pupuli did not dare to be negligent and could only answer honestly: "When you, Lord Saint Son, won the championship and were named the Twelve Saint Sons by the patriarch, I was watching from a distance. I was honored to see you. It’s time to see you, Lord Holy Son.”

Tian Chong nodded slightly, but then he also had a better understanding of the status of the Zhan Puppet lineage.

You must know that although countless tribesmen came to the original Holy Son Selection Battle, most of those people were powerful and prestigious people in the main line and major branches. Those small branches, such as those in small branches, were not qualified to enter the main city.

"Lord Holy Son, I didn't know you were here..." Zhan Pupuli asked cautiously.

After all, just now they were discussing whether to go to the other party's territory to harvest wool, but now the real owner appeared in front of them, which would inevitably make everyone in the Zhan Puppet family feel guilty.

Coupled with the opponent's status and the strength he had just shown, the senior leaders of the Zhan Puppet lineage present were even more uneasy.

"Haha, I originally came here to discuss some things with the war puppet master, but I heard some bad news..."

"Lord Holy Son, please don't misunderstand us, we..."

Zhan Puppet Li was shocked when he heard Tian Chong's words and quickly wanted to explain.

However, Tian Chong raised his hand to stop him, and then Tian Chong said without changing his expression: "Okay, I'm not in the mood to listen to your explanation. I will only say the next words once."

"I am very fond of your ability to fight puppets, so from now on you will go to my holy palace to be guards..."

"This..." Zhan Pupuli was a little confused for a moment.

Unexpectedly, instead of blaming them, the Holy Son actually gave such a huge piece of pie and smashed it on their heads?

"Why, you don't want to?" Tian Chong raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

"No, no, no! It's an honor for us, Lord Holy Son, that you can take a liking to our lineage of war puppets. We are very willing to serve you, Lord Holy Son!"

Zhan Puppet Li said happily after reacting.

The original reason for hesitation was because they, as weaklings, didn't know how to deal with themselves between the two powerful men. After all, Zhan Puppet Li had never imagined that the Holy Palace would be interested in people like them...

Those who can enter the Dharma Eyes of the Holy Sons are not medium-sized branches, and they are all relatively powerful among the medium-sized branches. The resources of this Holy Palace do not support waste.

"Well, since you, Master of the War Puppet Lineage, are already a Million Pattern War Formation Master, why not come to my Holy Palace as the leader? It just so happens that making an army of war puppets for combat is also your strength."

Zhan Pupuli was also moved after hearing this. To be honest, he was a little tempted.

After all, it is a rare opportunity to be able to become a middle-level and high-level person in the Holy Palace as soon as you join, and also a powerful figure in charge of the army.

"Thank you, Lord Holy Son, for your kindness. I'm willing!" Zhan Puli just bowed before bowing. "It's just that we are fighting against the puppet city..."

After all, this is still the foundation of their Zhanpuppet lineage. If I leave, the power of Zhanpuppet City will be weakened too much...

"Don't worry. From now on, all Zhan Puppet City will belong to the Twelve Holy Palaces. If anyone dares to cause trouble, they are provoking the Holy Palace. I will make the decision for you when the time comes!"

Tian Chong said lightly, not caring about Zhan Puppet Li's worries.

Although everyone in the surrounding areas wants to test him, if these people really jump out, none of them would dare.

What Tianchong is doing now is to enrich the power of his Holy Palace in the shortest possible time, so that his subordinates have the ability to help him with these trivial tasks.

He himself doesn't have that much time to scheming with a group of little Karami...

"Yes, Lord Holy Son. Please give us some time to get familiar with and prepare."

"Well, go ahead..."

Nodding, Tian Chong casually walked to a seat and sat down.

Seeing this, Zhan Puppet Li bowed respectfully again, then winked at the Great Elder and others, and hurried out of the hall.

When leaving, Zhan Puppet Qiyue was still a little unwilling, and even looked at Tian Chong with an annoyed look.

He thought that the Celestial Chong was facing away from him at this time and would not notice his small movements. However, he did not know that at the realm of Earth Supreme, any gaze directed at him would not be able to escape the Celestial Chong's induction.

It's just that people never pay attention to the thoughts of ants at their feet. They just stomp them to death when they want to bite them.

Zhan Puppet Li did not let Tian Chong wait for too long and came back soon. However, he was accompanied by many young people from the Zhan Puppet lineage. It seemed that they were all favored by the clan. People with potential and talent.

"Lord Holy Son, this time I have brought fifty of the most talented people in the clan. They are all able to control the fighting spirit skillfully, and several of them can even condense the spirit of fighting spirit. As for making war puppets, they are also They have achieved very good results, and in the future they will be able to command a legion of ten thousand soldiers in the Guards."

Tianchong smiled and nodded, saying: "Yes, that's good. In the future, the Holy Palace will provide you with enough resources, and strive to become a battle master as soon as possible!"

Think about it, if you have dozens of battle masters in your hands, coupled with endless high-level battle puppets, they will be able to fight for you in all directions without having to take action yourself!

"Thank you, Lord Holy Son!"

The people below suddenly prostrated themselves. Judging from their expressions, it was obvious that they were all very enthusiastic about the Celestial Insect's promise.

"Then let's go..."

As soon as he raised his hand, the huge body of the Earth Flame Scorpion Emperor appeared in the sky. In an instant, the terrifying pressure of the Insect Emperor alone enveloped the entire Zhanpuppet City.

"That's...the Insect Emperor?! The real Insect Emperor!"

Feeling the aura that made him want to worship, Zhan Puli was trembling in his heart.

Who would have thought that this newly promoted Lord Holy Son would actually have a real Insect King as his spiritual insect... Doesn't that mean that this Lord Holy Son also has the strength of the Earth Supreme?

Although he had already made a guess in his mind, Zhan Puli was still shocked when it was finally confirmed.

"It seems that I really made the right choice... Could it be that my lineage of war puppets is really going to rise from now on?"

Thinking of this, Zhan Pupuli felt like he was falling into the clouds.

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