The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 238 Deep in the Insect World

As the spiritual power of the perfect spiritual liquid continues to integrate into itself, the bright spiritual power turns into a mysterious light. The light shines on the body of the heavenly insect, and the flesh and blood are shining with a dazzling mysterious light under this light. , the light invaded the flesh, bones, and blood, causing his already powerful body to be tempered to perfection.

Over a long period of time, the special energy of the spiritual liquid began to gradually blend with the spiritual power in the Celestial Insect's body. With the fusion of the two, the originally highly devouring spiritual power in the Celestial Insect's body gradually gave birth to an inexplicable... The feeling of heaviness.

Obviously, this is a deeper evolution of spiritual power. This kind of thick spiritual power is probably at least one level stronger than the previous spiritual power in terms of quality and power.

This is also the difference in the changes of the Earth Supreme. Each state is a qualitative change for the spiritual power in the body.

The spiritual power as thick as a mountain flows through Tianchong's body like a torrent, which makes his entire body emit a subtle vibration sound. The subtle vibrations echo endlessly, and each reverberation will deepen. Strengthening within the body.

Such strengthening allowed Tian Chong, who had not been in close combat for a long time, to finally improve the sixth level of the Golden Chan Reincarnation Technique again. At this time, there was only one opportunity left to advance to the seventh level.

Finally, there was movement in the golden light, and there was a sudden sound of thunder in the ray of light. It was not the real sound of thunder, but the earth-shattering sound of spiritual power erupted between friction. sound.


The roar between heaven and earth became more and more intense, and later it was like an overwhelming force, which was shocking.

And just when the sound of thunder reached its peak, suddenly, there was a torrential rain pouring down in the space on the seventh floor. These are not ordinary raindrops condensed from water vapor, but are all condensed from spiritual power, roaring down overwhelmingly.

Various visions indicate that earth-shaking changes are taking place within the body of the Celestial Insect at this moment, and it has even reached the point where it can trigger changes in the spiritual power of the outside world.

And this also indicates that Celestial Insect’s training is coming to an end...


The spiritual rain fell overwhelmingly.

But these spiritual rains were not wasted. Instead, they quickly gathered into pillars of spiritual water when they were halfway down, and finally disappeared into the ray of light in the sky...

In the light, a figure could be vaguely seen, seemingly opening his mouth, sucking all the pure spiritual water into his mouth like a whale sucking water.

This kind of absorption continued for half an hour, until all the glow disappeared, the spiritual power was completely swallowed up, and the figure of the sky insect finally became clear.

At this moment, behind the sky insect, a spiritual light curtain roared out, within which mountains and rivers were looming, and everything in the world revolved around it, evolving in countless ways, and the mystery was endless...

"Spiritual power transforms mountains and rivers... Haha, is this the ability of the Supreme Being?"

Feeling the changes in himself at this moment, Tianchong couldn't help but smile.

"The Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique has finally entered its seventh turn due to the previous spiritual strengthening. Now, my pure physical strength is enough to crush those supreme geniuses!"

At this time, Tian Chong felt that he already had powerful men who could crush most of the Great Perfection. As for comparing with those demon kings from the evil races outside the territory, Tian Chong could not judge since he had never really fought against them, but he should compare with them. Mu Chen in the original work must be stronger when he is in the same realm...

After the breakthrough, Tianchong looked at the seventh layer of space at this moment. The spiritual power had dropped very seriously. It was almost the same as the sixth layer. It seemed that during this period, he had really given away the resources of the seventh layer. Depleted.

But this is enough. If this were not the case, it would not be possible for him to break through to the supreme realm in such a short period of time.

"If it's suitable in the future, we can find a suitable space to intercept it and put it on the seventh floor."

Of course, if you want to achieve this level, you cannot do it with the cultivation of the Earth Supreme, so you can only wait until you break through to the Heaven Supreme.

After leaving the Nine Realms Tower, Tianchong realized that his training had only lasted a month.

But in just one month, not only has his own strength undergone earth-shaking changes, but even the Holy Palace has been completely different. The most obvious change is that a huge square has been built again within the Holy Palace. , this is specially prepared for those puppet guards. People of the war puppet lineage usually use the puppet army in their hands to gather their fighting spirit in this square and try to attack the realm of the battle formation master.

Of course, these are all talented children of the Zhan Puppet lineage brought by Zhan Puppet Li, and they are all members of the younger generation. As for the real masters, they are all working with Zhan Puppet Li at the moment, trying to kill the demon. The insect transformed into a war puppet.

Just when Tianchong came out of seclusion and returned to the Holy Palace, an excited Zhan Puppet Li came to the Holy Palace to report his results...

"Master Tian Chong, are you out of seclusion?" Zhan Puppet Li's face was full of joy. After seeing Tian Chong, he couldn't wait to show off his achievements: "We have finally made the Demon Devouring Insect Battle Puppet. These battle puppets Not only is he powerful, but he can also communicate with the leader, making it easier and stronger to gather fighting spirit like an arm and a finger. He is definitely qualified to become the strongest fighting puppet!"

"The most important thing is that even if one of these war puppets is alone, their strength is comparable to that of a fifth-grade supreme, and even stronger than the armies specially trained by many large branches!"

This kind of war puppet, which is extremely powerful both individually and in battle formation, is definitely what war puppet Li desires most in his life.

Tianchong also nodded with satisfaction when he heard this. It seemed that his original decision was right. This person from the Zhan Puppet lineage is really very capable.

"Very good, then let's start mass-producing this kind of war puppet. Set a small goal first. Make 10,000 to see the effect. If the expected goal can be achieved, then make 100,000. Millions!"

The number shouted by Tianchong made Zhan Puppet tremble in his heart. Make ten thousand first? Then one hundred thousand, one million production?

How many resources will be consumed to do this?

You know, making a war puppet is not just about having suitable spiritual insects. It also requires a lot of auxiliary materials and precious metals, so each war puppet is a big expense.

To make one million, the amount of supreme spiritual liquid required would be an astronomical figure!

Of course, at this time, Zhan Puppet will naturally not do anything to disturb his boss's interest. He will not think about it for a million dollars, but ten thousand is still okay... Now the Zhan Puppet they made consumes the supreme spiritual liquid. It's probably just over 10,000, but that's a lot because of the experiment. Once they become more proficient, they can reduce the cost...

In this case, ten thousand war puppets would only require tens of millions of supreme spiritual liquid. Although it is still a terrifying number, it is already acceptable.

"With these ten thousand battle puppets, I will have the confidence to face the supreme powerhouses below, and then I will also have the qualifications to take on the role of guarding the Holy Palace."

Wanting to secure his position in the Twelve Sacred Palaces, Zhan Puli was still under great pressure during this period.

After all, after Su Qingyin accepted the bloodline awakening and broke through to the Earth Supreme, now the only few high-level officials in the Twelfth Holy Palace, including the great housekeeper Su Qingyin and the ancestor of all insects, are already the Earth Supreme. He was a powerful man of the same level, and the first two were still masters and apprentices, which put a lot of pressure on Zhan Puppet Li, who was the third person in the Holy Palace.

Tian Chong didn't care what his subordinates thought. The reason why he was willing to spend resources to recruit these people was to help him solve the problem. So after arranging the task of fighting Puppet Li, Tian Chong directly approached Su Qingyin, the great housekeeper, asked her to take care of all Zhan Puppet Li's needs and complete the task as quickly as possible.

As for the next step, the ancestor of Wan Zhong, Su Qingyin and Zhan Puppet Li will work together to solve the Golden Stone Domain. This can be regarded as a test for the three of them.

The Heavenly Insect, who broke through to the upper level Supreme, found the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan again after stabilizing his cultivation for a period of time...

After all, the clan leader had previously said that he wanted Tian Zhong to meet the legendary Zong Ancestor who allowed the Spirit Zerg tribe to survive to this day, but why did he not believe it during this period? Could it be that there are other changes?

Seeing the arrival of the Celestial Insect, the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan was also a little surprised. After all, he still knew the actions of the Twelve Sacred Palaces during this period, but these were all default things. Besides, this guy also got some answers here before. Knowing this As long as this kind of thing doesn't go to a crazy level such as annihilating the family and slaughtering the whole family, the clan will not get involved.

When the leader of the Spirit Insect clan thought about it, the Celestial Insects who had received such an answer should be busy attacking the medium-sized branches and areas around the Yunxiao Mountains, and should not have much time to deal with other things.

Just when the leader of the Spirit Insect clan thought that something unexpected had happened, he suddenly discovered the changes in the Celestial Insect at this moment...

"You... have been promoted to the supreme position?!"

Did you read that correctly? How long has it been since this little guy came back? Has it been three months? He actually breaks through again... How come this feels like a horror story...

Looking at the Heavenly Insect who nodded, the leader of the Spirit Insect took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

To be honest, if I hadn’t watched Tian Chong step by step to reach this point, it wouldn’t be enough for a young and high-ranking Earth Supreme to be so rude. Many superpowers can actually cultivate such genius monsters. come out.

But the leader of the Spirit Insect clan knew very well that this monster of his own really didn’t get much support from the clan, and the other party’s improvement speed was a bit too fast...

He was promoted to the Earth Supreme in less than two years after becoming the Ninth-grade Supreme, and successfully completed a journey that many people would take decades or even hundreds of years to complete.

Originally, the head of the Spirit Insect Clan thought that this was the limit, but he didn't expect that this guy would break through again in such a short period of time and become a high-level Supreme. This is a bit unacceptable...

"Could it be that God is really going to let us, the Spirit Insect Tribe, rise..." The leader of the Spirit Insect Tribe clenched his fist fiercely and couldn't help but think in his heart.

First, he had been in seclusion for many years and suddenly seized the opportunity and was directly promoted to the Heavenly Supreme Being, who had not appeared in the Spirit Zerg tribe for tens of thousands of years. Then, there was such a monster of a genius descending from the Heaven Spirit Zerg tribe...

No matter how you look at it, their clan is favored by the fate of heaven. This is a sign that they will develop.

"Let's go, come with me to see Zongzu now. This time I must confirm your identity as the successor to the first leader of my Spirit Zerg tribe!"

If possible, the leader of the Spirit Insect clan would like to take the Zen position directly, so that he can take off the burden on his shoulders and practice hard without worrying that the clan will decline because of his abandonment.

But he also knows very well that monsters like Tianchong need more time than him now...

Even if he trains hard for dozens or hundreds of years, he may not be able to break through to the middle stage of Lingpintian Supreme, so his strength cannot be significantly improved in a short period of time.

But Tian Chong is different. With his incredible cultivation speed, given this time, he might really be able to break the rules and be promoted to Heaven Supreme.

That would definitely be more helpful to the Spirit Zerg Tribe!

Tian Chong didn't expect why his family leader suddenly became so eager. Before he could speak, he felt himself being restrained by a strange force, and then immediately disappeared.

When Tian Chong appeared again, looking at the unfamiliar environment and even the unfamiliar spiritual energy around him, he knew that he had arrived in another dimension.

But he didn't feel scared or anything, instead he was a little surprised...

It turns out that this is the power of the Heavenly Sovereign level, what is in the heart comes instantly.

No wonder Xiao Yan and Lin Dong were able to quickly come to the rescue across endless distances when they were in the Ancient Heavenly Palace.

"Clan leader, where is this?" Feeling the somewhat vast and ancient aura of spiritual energy around him, Tian Chong couldn't help but ask.

The spiritual insect clan leader smiled softly and said: "This is the center of the insect world, and it is also a special space that has existed since ancient times..."

Tianchong raised his eyebrows, I see, no wonder everything here gives me an ancient and depressing feeling.

And just when Tianchong wanted to take a closer look at the difference between this place and the outside world, the golden cicada's voice suddenly sounded in his mind...

"Oh no! Xiao Chong, where did you take Uncle Jin Chan? Why do I feel that this place is full of scary guys who can threaten Uncle Jin Chan? We won't be eaten, right?"

Tian Chong couldn't help but laugh when he heard this. This was the first time he saw Jin Chan so nervous. It was indeed the center of the insect world and the core area of ​​the insect race. There were indeed many powerful beings.

And just when Tian Chong wanted to comfort the frightened Jin Chan, a gentle and old voice suddenly sounded in the minds of one person and one Chong at the same time.

"Haha, don't be afraid, greedy little guy, no one here will eat you, so don't worry and come here..."

Supplementary update

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