Among the mountains, not far from the ruins of Lingdie Danxian, on a lush mountain, a figure stood under the pines with his hands behind his hands. He looked into the depths of the mountains for a long time. After that, he suddenly turned his head, looked behind, and said with a faint smile: "Brother Dong, it seems that your plan has failed when you come back now."

In the forest behind that, a gloomy-looking figure walked out. It was Dong Shan who had been captured by the sky insect before.

"Wu Tong, your plan failed. Wen Qingxuan is very smart. He can see at a glance that I have cooperated with you." Dong Shan said gloomily: "And the other party is very strong. We can't defeat each other alone." They will all die without a doubt!"

"Haha, I can see it..." The smile on the corner of Wu Tong's mouth was a bit sarcastic.

This made Dong Shan furious. If the other party hadn't bewitched him, how could he have suffered such humiliation?

It was a pity that after thinking that his life was still in the hands of others, he still suppressed the anger in his heart for the sake of his mission.

"Haha, brother Dong, don't be angry. I have said before that the Celestial Insect is very powerful. If he insists on helping the Wen family, he must withdraw first. Only then can we have a chance of winning together... …”

It's a pity that Dong Shan didn't listen at all. He was very confident that his proposal could impress the other party.

On this day, Wu Tong actually had a clear conscience, so he had no sympathy at all for what Dong Shan was going through now...

But now is not the time to fall out with this person. After all, if you want to deal with the Wen family, you still need the strength of the other party.

After all, Dong Shan is also a Dzogchen-level powerhouse. No matter how strong the insect is, they will definitely be able to deal with it when the two of them join forces. As for the people of the Wen family, to be honest, Wu Tong has no Take it to heart, because he is also very confident in the strength of his men.

"My Wu family has been preparing for this spiritual butterfly ruins for many years. Even if there is a slight accident, they don't have the slightest chance."

With that said, Wu Tong turned his head, smiled at Dong Shan and said: "Brother Dong, please go to the ruins with us next. Don't worry, when the time comes, I promise you a reward, and my Wu family can increase it by another 30%, which can be regarded as giving to Brother Dong." compensation."

Hearing this, Dong Shan's expression softened slightly, but he sneered in his heart.

At the same time, while Dong Shan was communicating with Wu Tong, a group of people were quietly approaching among the many peaks outside this mountain.

"I didn't expect Sister Lingxi to be a high-level spiritual formation master. Without your breath gathering formation, it would be really difficult to avoid the Wu family's eyes and ears..." Wen Qingxuan looked at Muchen and the others with a pretty face and a smile. The beautiful woman beside him said.

"Miss Wen, you are flattering me. I think even without my spiritual formation, the Wen family would definitely have other means to achieve this." Lingxi said with a faint smile.

The main reason why she chose to take action was for Muchen.

After all, although they joined the Wen family's team, because they did not help the Wen family repel Dong Shan and others like in the original book, the Wen family did not know the strength of the four of them at all.

Especially at this time, the false reputation from the outside world alone is not enough to make people like the Wen family look at Muchen differently.

As for what it means to be a high-level spiritual formation master, she believed that everyone present would know it, so when everyone was discussing how to avoid the Wu family's detection and approach them, Lingxi stood up without hesitation.


At this moment, a voice suddenly stopped the entire team's progress.

Muchen and Wen Qingxuan were both startled, and then looked towards Tianchong who made a sound.

"Haha, it seems that the Wu family is very vigilant, and they have even arranged such elaborate realm methods on the periphery..."

Tianchong smiled softly, and when he noticed that everyone was still confused, he said lightly: "Listen carefully..."

Just when everyone was puzzled, suddenly there seemed to be a subtle buzzing sound in the world, and immediately everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

Under the green sky ahead, they could see a dark red cloud floating in the sky, and looking at the trajectory, it was heading in the direction of themselves and others. When they got closer, everyone realized what kind of cloud it was. Rather, it is a swarm of mosquitoes composed of countless dark red mosquito beasts...

"It's actually an insect beast?" Everyone except Tian Chong looked shocked.

The mosquito swarm was extremely huge, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. They were only the size of a finger, but their sharp mouthparts shone with green light, and they were obviously highly poisonous.

"Is it possible that the Wu family also has insect masters?"

Muchen frowned.

Although this formation can hide the aura, it cannot become invisible, so as long as the insect swarm is close, they will definitely be discovered.

Of course, everyone was not panicking at this time. When it came to spiritual insects, who could compare to the spiritual insects?

Tian Chong smiled slightly, raised his hand and released a piece of spiritual power, which directly enveloped the insect swarm in front of him. Then everyone found that the originally murderous insect swarm suddenly became docile, and the poison on his body also seemed to be restrained a lot. .

"With Wu Tong's status in the Wu family, he definitely has powerful martial attendants by his side, and there are definitely a lot of them!" Wen Qingxuan said with a solemn face: "These people all have all kinds of strange abilities and can control spirits. Insects are not surprising either.”

The so-called martial attendants are people specially trained by the Wu family who can be called dead warriors. Only those who are direct descendants of the Wu family with a high enough status can have the power to mobilize these people.

And this Wu Tong is the most outstanding person in this generation of the Wu family. It is rumored that he has been designated as the next head of the Wu family. This man is extremely talented. After decades of practice, he has reached the realm of the Supreme Perfection of the Earth. He is also among the Wu family. They are all ranked strong.

Only such people are qualified to mobilize the high-level martial attendants of the Wu family!

"Indeed." Tian Chong smiled softly. At this time, in the palm of his hand, a green mosquito the size of a thumb was sitting there obediently.

"However, the opponent should not be a bug master, because these ghost-faced mosquitoes are only controlled through simple sound wave transmission. It is very simple to crack. But in that case, it will be easily discovered by the controller. I think this is the real purpose of the Wu family. .”

"Then now...?" Muchen frowned.

"Haha, let's go, they will help us solve the trouble ahead."

After hearing Tian Chong's confident words, everyone immediately felt relieved.

Playing with insects in front of a spiritual insect master is like playing with a big sword in front of Guan Gong.

Led by this group of ghost-faced mosquitoes, Tianchong and others soon arrived at a forest sea. Soon, people like Muchen, Wen Ziyu and others discovered that there was a weak spiritual power fluctuation in the forest sea. .

There was no need for them to do anything. The originally harmless ghost-faced mosquitoes suddenly became violent and then turned into a sharp sword and rushed into a certain place in the forest.

There was no scream at all, just a slight fluctuation, and then it returned to calm.

"The poison of the Ghost-faced Mosquito can paralyze the enemy. Even just a little bit is enough to make a ninth-grade supreme master unable to move. With such a large-scale insect swarm, even a strong Dzogchen master will be attacked without defense!"

Soon, the two Wen family members rushed into Lin Hai at Wen Qingxuan's signal, and when they returned, they carried a man in gray in their hands.

"Haha, this guy also hid poison in his mouth, but when we went there he was unable to move and couldn't commit suicide..." one of them said with a smile.

Tian Chong looked at the man and said calmly: "It seems that this guy's strength is indeed good. He was not poisoned to death, but his whole body was paralyzed."

"Kill them directly." Wen Qingxuan said: "It is impossible for these martial attendants to betray, and there is no use keeping them."

Hearing this, the strong man from the Wen family who was carrying the man in black did not hesitate and directly raised his hand to crush the man's neck...

At this moment, a jade talisman in Wen Qingxuan's hand suddenly shattered, and everyone's expressions suddenly froze when they saw this. This was the signal they had agreed with Dong Shan. It seemed that something unexpected had happened to the Wu family.


Not caring about hiding, everyone rose directly into the sky, turning into streams of light and disappearing into the sky.

When Tianchong and others finally arrived at Dong Shan's location, they saw Dong Shan and the two people around him who were being besieged. However, the conditions of the three of them were not good at this time, and even the two younger brothers had already It was on the verge of collapse and could be killed by the martial attendants of the Wu family at any time.


In an instant, everyone in the Wen family and Long Xiang rushed to the battlefield.

Opposite, Wu Tong stood in the sky, looking at Wen Qingxuan and others who suddenly came to kill him, his face already as gloomy as water.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and prepared to leave. Beside him, there were two bodies completely covering him. The figure in the gray robe did the same thing.

Just as he turned around, he saw a woman wrapped in dark green armor standing in front of him, and the woman's lower body turned out to be a huge spider.

"Haha, Master Wu, are you planning to abandon your subordinates and leave alone?"

Tian Chong walked out from behind the Death Emperor slowly with a smile and said calmly.

"Heaven insects..."

"Brother Tianchong, no matter what reward the Wen family promised you, I, Wu Tong, can give you double it, as long as you get out of the way, how about it?"

After discovering Dong Shan's abnormality, Wu Tong had already prepared for the worst. Originally, he was planning to take down Dong Shan as quickly as possible to see what conspiracy the other party had against him. Thinking that the other party actually joined forces with the Wen family, and the latter came so quickly...

You don't need to think about it to know that this group of people must have come behind Dong Shan. The arrangements he made on the periphery were actually avoided by the other party by unknown means. This was a bit unexpected, and that's what happened. A small mistake directly put Wu Tong into danger.

"Tsk tsk, the conditions are very good, but I still refuse..."

"Then go to hell!"

Amidst Wu Tong's sharp shouts, the two gray-robed figures beside him suddenly stepped forward. The robes on their bodies were shattered, and it was seen that the bodies were covered with ancient runes, and each rune was It was like a chain that penetrated deeply into the flesh and bones of the two people.

The eyes of these two people were red and emotionless, like wild beasts. At this time, low roars came from their throats, and then the runes covering their bodies burst into blood-red light.

Seeing this, Tian Chong narrowed his eyes slightly. He knew how someone like Yi Wutong could beg for mercy so easily. Sure enough, the other party just wanted to use words to hold him back for a moment, giving him time for his next move. That’s all.


Under the dull gaze of Tianchong, the bodies of the two people began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a few breaths, they stood like little giants in the sky, and a violent fluctuation of spiritual power came from them like a storm. The body exploded.

That kind of spiritual power fluctuation has also reached the level of the Supreme Perfection of the Earth!

"Tsk, tsk, this Wu family is indeed well prepared. There are three or four Dzogchen realms of combat power alone. If the Wen family met alone, I'm afraid they would be directly destroyed by the other party..." Tian Chong sighed a little, In this regard, the Wen family was obviously unprepared.

Of course, if you include yourself, the Wen family will still have the upper hand in terms of strength, not to mention Muchen and others...

Therefore, the Wutong Society has fallen into this situation. It is not a crime of war, but it is actually bad luck!

Wen Qingxuan's face changed greatly when he saw this scene in the distance. Then he glanced in the direction of Tian Chong with some worry and said quickly: "I'll help Mr. Tian Chong!"

However, her movement was directly blocked by Muchen. The latter looked helpless at this moment and said: "Qingxuan, please wake up. With your strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to help Brother Celestial Insect!"

"Hurry up and use your bloodline secret skills to help the Wen family and Dong Shan stabilize the situation here. I'll just go and help Brother Celestial Chong!"

"Luo Li, Sister Lingxi, be careful with this guy and don't let her do stupid things impulsively..."

After finishing speaking, Muchen turned to look at the two warriors who had begun to besiege the Death Emperor, whose bodies were erupting with violent waves. His slender palms slowly closed together, making a crackling sound.

It’s just a Great Perfection, and it’s not like he hasn’t fought before!

Then, Muchen didn't hesitate any longer, his originally smiling eyes suddenly became sharp, and the next moment, he tiptoed, and his figure turned into a ray of light and shadow and shot out.

Muchen, who was flying in the air, shot out a palm in the air, and the majestic spiritual power was directed towards a martial attendant with red eyes.

"You don't know how to live or die, how dare a high-ranking supreme master dare to challenge the top martial arts attendant of my Wu family?" When Wu Tong saw this scene, he was slightly startled, and then a cold and sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, his eyes turned to Tianchong, his cold eyes already filled with murderous intent.

"A spiritual insect master dares to get involved in the affairs of my Wu family. Without that ugly spider by your side, I wonder what strength you still have to dare to face me!"

Before he finished speaking, Wu Tong's body shot out like lightning, and with a punch, the vast spiritual power turned into a huge spiritual power fist seal, and he struck at the sky insect with unparalleled violence. Boom away.

I don’t have time during the day these days, so I’ll update at night.

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