Tianyuan Continent, Suppressing Demon Pass.

This is the front line of the battle between the Endless Fire Territory and the evil races outside the territory!

Outside the Demon-Suppressing Pass is an endless grassland. Standing on the heights of Guancheng, you can catch any movement in this grassland.

But now, outside this grassland, it is filled with black fog. Under the black mist, you could vaguely hear the sounds of fierce ghosts and demons coming from the depths of hell, and a soaring evil aura filled the air, making everyone above Guancheng look solemn.

In the center of the Demon-Suppressing Pass, there is a palace standing tall. In the center of the palace group, there is an exceptionally grand hall. There are many people sitting in the hall at this moment, but no one speaks, and the whole hall is shrouded in a heavy feeling.

At the head of the hall, three figures were sitting on it.

In addition to Xiao Li and Gu Lie, who came to support these three people, there was also one of the original gatekeepers of Zhenmo Pass, named Zhuhuo, who was the former great elder of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. The powerful men of the same generation as the old Dragon Emperor Zhukun are now also beings at the level of the Immortal Heaven Supreme.

These three people are the strongest people in the Demon Suppression Pass now, and they are also the key trump card to intimidate the three Xuan Demon Emperors on the opposite side.

"Everyone, the demon army is approaching. Today is just a tentative attack. Maybe within three days, the opponent will start to take formal action..."

In the silent hall, Xiao Li's eyes slowly swept across the audience.

Seeing that no one showed panic because of the demon army's invasion, and many people even looked eager and impatient, Xiao Li also had a smile on his face.

The next moment, Xiao Li stood up and said loudly: "Since the establishment of my Endless Fire Territory, I have fought with these devils no less than a hundred times, and the small-scale battles have never stopped. But no matter how ferocious those devils are, they have always been You haven’t taken a step beyond my demon-suppressing barrier!”

"Now that the demons are back, tell me, what should we do?"




Loud shouts of killing resounded through the sky.

In addition to the commanders of the Burning Sky Army, those present were the frontier troops who had been fighting against the demons all year round. The ferocious aura in them was no less than that of the demon slayers in the Holy Abyss Continent who had been wandering on the edge of life and death all year round. It was even worse. !

Perhaps to the vast majority of people in the world, those extraterrestrial evil races are demons that bring death, but to everyone present, those are just the merits of their own swords.

"Very good, then let's get ready."

Following Xiao Li's words, everyone left the hall one after another, and then returned to their own army to convey the order.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Zhenmo Pass was crowded with people. Hundreds of thousands of troops stood upright to close the gate, looking at the rolling demon clouds that kept approaching in the distance...

Within the demonic cloud, three huge demonic shadows towered above the sky and the earth, and the terrifying demonic power rolled toward the Demon Suppression Pass.

Xiao Li looked at this scene, snorted coldly, and took a step forward to reach the sky above the Demon-Suppressing Pass. Terrifying purple thunder burst out from his body, instantly dyeing the sky purple.

At the same time, Gu Lie and Zhu Huo also stepped forward at the same time. A war god tens of thousands of feet tall and a ten-thousand-foot divine dragon appeared on the left and right under the thunder, and the rolling demonic power was completely dispersed in an instant.

In the demon cloud, one of the three demonic figures saw this and laughed wildly: "Jie Jie Jie... Xiao Li! How dare you not hide in your lair under the protection of your younger brother?" Appear, it seems that today is the day of your death!"

"Haha, who is it? I didn't expect it to be Emperor Huanmo, you coward. When I killed your brother, I sent you to reunite with your brother underground today!" Xiao Li smiled coldly, with disdain in his words. road.

Obviously, the people who came this time were all old faces. Although the Phantom Demon Clan was not among the thirty-two major clans, it still had strength no less than that of the Flame Demon Clan. There were two Demon Emperor-level experts in the clan. of.

However, during the demonic battle with the Endless Fire Territory decades ago, the leader of the Phantom Demon Clan was beheaded by Xiao Li with the force of thunder.

Although Xiao Li was also seriously injured at that time, he was rescued by Xiao Yan in the end, and then he swallowed a pill and became full of life again.

At that time, this made the senior officials of the Outer Territory Evil Clan furious. After all, a powerful person at the level of the Xuan Demon Emperor was an absolute leader among the Outer Territory Evil Clan. The death of one of them was a huge loss.

Xiao Li's words immediately made the Phantom Demon Emperor furious. With a demonic roar, he transformed into a demonic shadow and rushed over.

"Haha, just in time!"

Xiao Li laughed loudly when he saw this, raised his hand to hold it, and a spear condensed with purple thunder appeared in his hand, and then his whole body turned into a bolt of thunder and lightning, and collided with the demonic figure.

The fight between the two was like a fuse on the impending battlefield. In an instant, the millions of demonic troops on the opposite side surged towards the Demon Suppressing Pass like a tsunami.

"Array up!"

Gu Lie gave an order, and the four Burning Sky Army legions rushed out instantly, and then each battle formation rose into the sky. A huge red shadow giant, which was completely condensed with fighting intent, soared into the sky, and then waved the giant in his hand. The ax struck at the demonic tide ahead.

Each of the five legions of the Burning Sky Army has a powerful battle formation master, even more powerful than Mu Chen today.

As for the frontier troops, although they are slightly lacking in battle formations, there is also no shortage of battle formation masters with millions of lines. So what everyone sees at this moment is colorful battle formations of different shapes rising into the sky outside Zhenmo Pass. The spirit of fighting spirit is like a heavenly general who slays demons and evil spirits, constantly waving the soldiers in his hands to wipe out the demons one by one.

The war reached fever pitch almost instantly.

Gu Lie and Zhu Huo watched all this with expressionless faces. Although soldiers were killed every moment, as generals, they could not tolerate any distraction.

"The powerful Demon Emperor on the opposite side has taken action. You guys should go too..."

Seeing a dozen huge demonic shadows rushing into the battlefield from the depths of the demonic cloud opposite, the old voice of Zhuhuo also sounded in the ears of the dozen or so powerful Lingtian supreme men below.

These people are not all those who followed Xiao Yan to the Great Thousand World from the lower planes, but many of them are some superpowers or strong men on the mainland who rely on them around the Endless Fire Territory.

There are even many strong people who choose to join the Endless Fire Domain because they admire the name of Emperor Yan.

These people form the strongest fortress in the Endless Fire Realm and have been active on the front line against the demons. Over the past many years, the number of demons that have fallen into their hands has reached a terrifying number.

With the addition of the Demon Emperor and the Heavenly Supreme, the movement instantly surpassed that of the legion battle formation.

The monstrous demonic energy filled the entire sky. Although there were only a dozen of them, the intensity of the demonic energy was actually more terrifying than a million demonic troops!

Of course, the dozens of Heavenly Sovereigns on the side of the Endless Fire Domain are not weak at all. Although the aura soaring into the sky is not as good as the demonic energy, they are still like rocks in the sea, unmoving.

In fact, it can also be seen from this battle between good and evil, why Emperor Yan only occupied half of Tianyuan Continent as a battlefield, but did not continue to go deeper... In fact, the powerful men of the same realm in the world, whose battle The strength is still slightly inferior to that of the Demon Emperor of the same level.

"It seems that this time it is such a stalemate..." Gu Lie's strong figure stood upright in the sky, looking at the fierce formation in front of him, he couldn't help but frowned.

He has seen this scene many times. According to past experience, this war will still end hastily after both sides lose a large number of sergeants...

But the moment he said these words, both Gu Lie and Zhu Huo suddenly changed their expressions, and the former even shouted loudly at someone!

"You bastard, how dare you!"

Deep in the ground where no one was paying attention, a terrifying energy suddenly burst out.

The ground shook suddenly and violently, and immediately cracked open. A huge crack spread rapidly, and in just the blink of an eye, a bottomless demonic abyss appeared in front of everyone's shocked eyes.

Along with the appearance of this demonic abyss, a strong and nauseating smell of blood burst out from it, and faintly, there were extremely shrill screams coming from the abyss...

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the sound of liquid flowing in the Demonic Abyss became louder and louder. After a while, a blood-red color suddenly emerged from the dark deep stream, and it was a thick sea of ​​scarlet blood!

Gu Lie saw at a glance that these were all tricks created by the demons, and immediately became angry, and then slapped the demonic abyss with his palm.

One can imagine the power of an angry blow from an Immortal Grade Heavenly Supreme. If it exploded completely, it would be possible to break the entire Tianyuan Continent in half with one blow.

But after the majestic spiritual light beam rushed into the Demonic Abyss, it was all swallowed up by the blood sea. Apart from making the blood in the blood sea a little thinner, this palm did not change anything.

This scene made both Gu Lie and Zhuhuo change their expressions, and then they decisively decided to destroy the Blood Sea Demonic Abyss.

But before the two of them could take action, two terrifying attacks were already coming towards them, forcing the two of them to change their targets, and then they were entangled by the remaining two Xuan Demon Emperors.

And the monstrous blood sea that lost its suppression instantly became more violent, and a steady stream of blood rushed out from the blood sea demon abyss, directly condensing into a huge blood cloud above the battlefield...

"No, attack that blood cloud quickly!"

Immediately, everyone in the Burning Sky Army quickly discovered the horror of the blood cloud. It was actually absorbing the flesh and blood spiritual power of their own soldiers who had fallen on the battlefield, and then continued to grow...

But when they controlled the battle formation to defeat the blood cloud, the blood cloud was like a blood-colored curtain, directly sweeping up and covering the battle formation.

A quarter of an hour later, when the blood cloud spread, all the more than ten thousand soldiers in the battle formation disappeared without a trace, leaving not even a trace!

Such a terrifying scene caught the Endless Fire Domain off guard, and all the battle formations had to retreat under the pressure of the blood cloud. As for the attacks on those blood clouds, they were unable to cause any substantial damage to them. Even until this moment, the Endless Fire Territory had no idea what the blood clouds were!

"Retreat! Retreat into Guancheng and rely on the formation to resist the blood cloud!"

A terrifying thunder dragon knocked back the Phantom Demon Emperor in front of him, and then Xiao Li looked at the blood clouds covering the sky below with a gloomy face, and ordered loudly.

This time they really fell into trouble. They were plotted by the group of demons on the opposite side, and the losses were not small. You must know that those in the battle formation spent countless resources to train them, and those battle formation masters were It is even more precious, and even if you have resources, you may not be able to exchange it for it.

"Huan Mo, it seems that you have a plan this time. If I read correctly, is this blood cloud the work of the Blood Demon Clan?"

"Jie Jie Jie, why, Xiao Li, are you feeling distressed? Yes, this is indeed the method of the Blood Demon Clan. I have taken great pains to prepare this gift for you."

The Phantom Emperor smiled strangely.

"The Blood Demon Clan... I originally thought that the Corpse Demon Clan was the only one behind this demonic war, but I didn't expect the Blood Demon Clan to be there." Xiao Li thought with a solemn expression.

Each of the thirty-two major clans among the evil clans outside the territory has very difficult innate magical powers. Compared with existences like the Phantom Demon Clan, even he, the demon emperor of the thirty-two major clans, often has to be resigned to being inferior.

Of course, judging from the abilities displayed at this moment, the powerful Blood Demon clan member who appeared this time should be just a Youmo Emperor. But even so, except for Xiao Li and other three immortal-grade heavenly supreme beings present, In addition, any remaining Heavenly Sovereign is absolutely no match for the other party.

But the three of them were dragged by the three Xuan Demon Emperors, and they couldn't spare any time to find the strong man from the Blood Demon Clan.

Just as the blood clouds were approaching the Demon Suppression Pass, and those armies that had not had time to retreat into the city were about to be swallowed up by the blood clouds, a handful of small flames suddenly appeared under the blood clouds...

After the small flame appeared, it expanded rapidly and turned into a huge fire lotus more than three meters high in a moment...

The next moment, the petals of the fire lotus opened layer by layer, and a figure appeared on the black lotus platform in the center of the fire lotus, looking up at the blood clouds in the sky.

"What a rich smell of blood, what a terrifying blood cloud..."

The figure first murmured, then gently raised his hand, and the fire lotus under his feet suddenly broke away, spinning and expanding rapidly at a faster speed, reaching a scale of several thousand feet in a moment.


Following the figure's soft drink, the rotating thousand-foot fire lotus rushed into the blood cloud that covered the sky without hesitation.

The next moment, a loud explosion sounded, and endless glazed flames poured out from the blood cloud. The terrifying high temperature easily burned the blood cloud into air, completely dissipating it between heaven and earth.

This scene shocked countless humans and demons on both sides, and even the attacks in their hands did not know when they stopped.

Xiao Li forced the Huan Demon Emperor back again, and looked down with a surprised look, especially the familiar flame breath, which made him unable to help but say: "Emperor Yan? Third brother?"

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