The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

066 Since I Can't Resist, Then Try To Enjoy It! (The New Book Asks For Flower Evaluation Votes!

Sikong Ye hurried to the room where the Sapphire Pirates kept their treasures, and brought all the treasures on the floor into the system space.

"Ding! Achievement mission: the total wealth has exceeded 10 million and has been completed. Please choose the captain skill!"

"Option 1: Chat with the soul ship."

"Option 2: Haishi Shipbuilding."

"Option 3: Transforming ship armor."


◆Transformation Ship Armor: The captain can control the Emperor Star to assemble it into a giant battle armor for all-round combat by sea, land and air. The durability loss of the Emperor Star will increase in this skill state.


The first two options have both appeared before, and the new third option is equivalent to the robot warrior in Pacific Rim.

However, the current Emperor Star's defense is too weak to play with such a high-end ability, so choose from the first two skills.

Haishi Shipbuilding can create phantoms, but the effect is not particularly great. In comparison, the effect of Soul Ship Chat is a little more significant.

"System, I'll choose one." As Sikong Ye made his choice, an interface different from the system panel also appeared in his mind.

Sikong Ye named it the Ship Chat Panel.

The ship chat panel shows that three chat groups can be established, and Sikong Ye took the lead in establishing a main ship group without even thinking about it.

Then pull all the crew into the group.

[The main fleet has been established! 】

【Captain Sikong Ye becomes the group leader! 】

[The group leader has pulled Luffy, Zoro, Kuina, Carina, Kaya, Usopp, and Ace into the main fleet! 】

[Luffy: Huh? How did words appear in my head? And there is sound? 】

Luffy was wondering, and then found that the words in his mind appeared on the blank screen in his mind.

Zoro on the side rolled his eyes: "Are you an idiot? This is obviously the owner of the group... Ah no, it was the captain who made it."

【 Luffy: @ Zoro, why don't you chat in my head? 】

Luffy stared at Zoro face to face, and Zoro's head was covered with black lines.

"Are you stupid? The distance between the two of us is not more than one meter!"

【Luffy: What's the matter? Chatting here is very interesting. 】

[Kaya: This chat group seems to be quite fun! 】

[Kuina: Communication is very convenient, you can communicate with a single thought. 】

【 Carina: @监主, is there a distance limit for this chat group? 】

[Group owner: No, you can chat no matter where you are, and you can ask for help in the group if you are in danger. 】

Sikong Ye's words completely shocked everyone in Ziwei Pirates.

No distance limit!

Just this point alone, once Marine finds out, he will definitely go crazy!

【 Ace: How come you guys are in my head? 】

On the other side, Ace, who took Sabo to hide in the forest, suddenly felt rows of words and voices in his mind, and he panicked.

He was worried that Sikong Ye would find his place, and forced him to join the Ziwei Pirates.

"Ace, what's wrong with you?" Sabo, who had already woken up, wondered.

After Kaya's healing, Sabo is now like a normal person.

"Those lingering guys, I don't know what method they used to appear in my mind." Ace's face was full of anxiety.

"Huh?" Sabo's expression became serious when he heard that, and he also felt fear for the Ziwei Pirates.

Especially the flame dragon cast by Usopp, which made him unable to resist at all. However, judging from the fact that Ziwei Pirates cured him, it is obvious that they have no malice towards them.

"Ace, tell me the details of the voice in your head."

Ace did not hide from Sabo, and told Sabo all the information in his mind, and Sabo's expression became more serious after thinking about it.

"If my guess is correct, this should be some kind of Devil Fruit's ability. If there is no distance limit as the group leader said, then this will be no less than a strategic weapon."

"Strategy is not important, how do I get out of this group chat?" Ace just felt bored at the moment.

"Can you quit voluntarily?"


"Can you block it?"

"also can not."

"From this point of view, the authority should be in the hands of the group leader, and he intends to recruit us, so it is probably useless."

Sabo spread his hands, and then thought of another question.

"Since they pulled you into the group, why didn't they pull me?"

"Uh..." How could Ace know what Sikong Ye was thinking, and shook his head directly.

So Sabo continued to brainstorm.

"Is it possible that agreeing to join the Ziwei Pirates is a necessary condition for joining the group? Or the group leader didn't plan to add me before confirming whether I agreed to join?"

"Sabo, what should I do then?"

Seeing that Ace is still so anxious, Sabo suddenly said earnestly: "Ace, I guess this group chat will accompany you for the rest of your life. Since you can't resist, then try to enjoy it."

Ace: "..."

What kind of tiger-wolf word are you talking about?

Are we still good brothers?

I was harassed by this inexplicable group chat because of you!

【 Usopp: @Ace, where did you go, return to the team quickly, and bring that toothless guy Sabo, or I will immediately send 8,000 men to search the mountain. 】

[Carina: Don't run away, you can't escape the captain's Wuzhishan! 】

A series of barrages appeared in front of his eyes, and Ace felt his head explode.

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