The Greatest Showman

Chapter 988: Absurd mode

"What the hell?"

This is the first reaction in Gavin's mind. First, the heroine hangs up, then the protagonist team hangs up, and finally the male lead also hangs up? what's next? The movie is over? This... Isn't this ridiculous?

Just now, the audience was still excitedly looking forward to a turning point in the story, and they were a little disappointed in their hearts. Isn't the protagonist going to hang up next, and the Jedi will counterattack? Such a routine is really common in Hollywood. But this is popcorn, and they can't ask for more.

At this moment, the audience sat on the spot with confusion and astonishment, their brains full of question marks, as if...just like William Cage in the movie: What happened? What is going on now? What should they do? Or does the projection equipment really break down this time?

After Cage died, the movie screen was plunged into darkness, one second, two seconds, three seconds...The strange silence slowly spread in the projection hall, and even the beating of the heart froze. , Countless doubts could not be answered, but they did not dare to act rashly, so everyone froze in place.

Suddenly, "drink", a breath of cold breath broke the dark silence and silence, the movie screen lit up again, and Cage appeared on the screen again, "Ah! Ah!" Cage was terrified. And began to touch his cheeks in a panic, trying to get rid of the nightmare that the cheeks melted just now.

"What... ghost?"

Gavin immediately realized that the director had succeeded again, or in other words, the entire premiere had succeeded again.

Through this abrupt cessation effect, the audience further got rid of the standpoint of the bystander, and gradually entered the perspective of William Cage-just now Cage looked dumbfounded, and now the audience looked dumbfounded. Then, like Cage, the audience was curious about what happened and what happened next.

one stone two bird. First, the audience truly empathizes and enters the world of movies; second, there is a resonance between the audience and Cage. After the vigorous debut and the sharp turn of the image, the audience is now gradually entering Cage's perspective. A protagonist of a commercial film that cannot win the audience's love is doomed to box office failure; for "Edge of Tomorrow", the turning point is here.

Even Gavin himself couldn't help but become curious at this time and completely entered the story. Such a fascinating narrative method is definitely the most important part of commercial films; Paul Greengrass has once again dedicated the sharp operation of the "The Bourne" series, which is eye-catching.

After being resurrected, Cage immediately found that he was repeating the content of the past day: waking up from the recruit training package.

Then, just like Cage, all the audience was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and confused, watching all the deja vu content once again staged. Cage always felt that this was a dream. He couldn't believe that everything fits perfectly with his previous experience. When his feet were standing on the battlefield on the beach, things finally started to become exciting.

Cage ran away quickly, dodging the crashed plane; but Kimmel still couldn't get away, looking at Cage with a stunned expression, as if to say, "How do you know there is a wreckage of the plane behind? "The next second was swallowed by flames.

After hesitating, Cage moved forward again and saw Rita who was fighting heroically. Realizing that Rita was the hope of the war, Cage threw down Rita at the very moment of the fight, avoiding the stray bullets flying behind him, but because the duck's footsteps were too clumsy, Cage was hit by himself. .

"I was shot, I was shot." Cage said with an expression of fear of death, and then fell aside, pretending to be tragically inquiring, "How serious?" But the expression could not be maintained. For a second, it collapsed, "Uh, is it... Uh, is there a lot of blood?"

"There is a hole in your chest." Rita said lightly.

"Really?" Cage widened his eyes, with an expression of "Baby is frightened".

"Yes." Rita replied calmly, and then began to busy herself. After Cage noticed Rita's movements, he said in disbelief, "Did you just take my...erh , My battery?"

Rita didn't answer, leaving only a back figure, and turned and left with strides.

Cage blinked, and then saw an alien rolling in. He only had time to curse for a while, and then... and then regained consciousness on the recruit training package.

"Ha. Hahaha!" There was a cheerful laughter in the projection hall, and he couldn't help it.

Now, the audience gradually understands that this is actually the "Groundhog Day" of the sci-fi warfare version. The protagonist is trapped for a day and must repeat and repeat. "Groundhog Day" is a classic comedy that reflects the awakening of life; what about "Edge of Tomorrow"? How will the story unfold?

Cage regained consciousness again and decided to take the initiative. He began to make various attempts, and the movie entered a full-range high-energy mode.

For the first time, as a prophet, Cage spoke out everyone's private information, predicted the future, and then tried to tell everyone that the battlefield tomorrow is a trap, and the enemy is waiting for them to die. In the end, the mouth was sealed with tape and sent to the battlefield; but after Cage avoided the wreckage of the plane, he hung up when trying to push Kimmel away.

The second time, Cage successfully pushed Kimmel away, but was hit and killed by a car while trying to save Rita.

For the third time, avoiding the car in advance, saving Rita, and then accurately predicting the next enemy's location. Unexpectedly, Rita gave up resistance and actively shouted, "When you wake up, come and find me." Then, an explosion caused both Rita and Cage to die.

For the fourth time, Cage cleverly covered the J team, concealed their playing cards, and then blended into the team by himself. In the following physical training, he looked for opportunities, tried to leave the team, and found Rita. Cage's whimsy tried to roll over under a passing truck, but...

He was crushed to death, looking at Farrell's frightened expression, "What the **** is thinking in the mind of this mentally retarded?" The laughter in the whole theater could not stop.

After trying again and again, Cage finally left the team successfully and found Rita who was training.

On the training ground, a heroic woman, supported by one hand, her body suspended in the air, a black strong suit outlines a graceful figure curve, and the sweat slowly slipping on her cheeks is very sexual/feeling. This is Valle Mount Angel, Rita Wolatarski!

Realizing that her training was interrupted, Rita supported her hands on the ground and made a slow fish jump out of the water to completely relax her body muscles. However, the beautiful arm lines and bronzed skin luster made her crazy. Wild's charm has been exerted to its extreme. Although this was not Jennifer's first appearance in the movie, this scene caused a low exclamation.

Cage and Rita finally met, and then they met Dr. Carter.

Under the explanations of Carter and Rita, the story of "Edge of Tomorrow" revealed the whole story. Among aliens, the highest-level brain is Omega, and the strongest combat power is Alpha. Omega has the ability to reset the time. Every time an Alpha is killed, Omega will reset the time. It will remember everything that happened, and then take the initiative to complete the slaughter.

When Cage died for the first time, it was Alpha who killed him. At the same time, he swallowed Alpha's blood, so he also had the ability to reset the time, which formed an infinite loop on the same day.

In the battlefield of Verdun, Rita was Cage. Thanks to the ability to reset time, Rita led the human race to victory; but later, Rita lost her ability and realized that Verdun Den’s victory was a decoy. Omega deliberately allowed humans to win, and then lured/launched this time of annihilation plan to lure/bait the human army into all forces, which allowed the aliens to complete a fatal blow on the French battlefield. !

Then, then the earth will fall.

The only way to win this war is to eliminate Omega. Now that Cage has the same ability, Omega will start to search for Cage’s location. As Omega gets closer and closer to Cage, illusions will gradually appear in Cage’s mind, indicating the location of Omega. .

If you want to achieve this goal, this also means:

Cage must die. Die again and again, set the same day again, and win the same opportunity again.

Cage's first reaction was to shrink back. The survival of human beings is very important; but Cage didn't have enough courage and His first reaction was to find the general, report the situation, and then gather all the human forces to jointly destroy Omega.

However, Rita rejected the proposal. Because she tried, and then became a prisoner, became a research specimen; Carter was the only one who believed her, for this, Carter lost his job in the White House.

This means that Cage has no choice but to bite the bullet and go into battle. Under Rita's guidance, he has invested in training, he needs to become stronger and become a super soldier.

But obviously, this is not an easy task.

During the training, Cage was extremely embarrassed and unable to parry, Rita had to be forced to take action; Cage, who was standing on the side, did not know how to dodge, was hit by the training equipment, and flew to the side. He was paralyzed and unable to move. The broken doll slumped down, "I feel like it broke somewhere."


"Well, back?" Cage tried to make a strange expression, "I think the only thing I can move now is my lips." No wonder Cage kept making kisses hard, which made the audience laugh. The sound is completely released.

Rita walked over step by step, "Listen carefully, this is an extremely important rule, and the only rule. If you are injured in the battle, you must make sure that you die. Last time, I was caught in the war. When I hit, I lost a lot of blood and almost died. I woke up in the battlefield hospital, only to find that they had lost three bags of blood to me, and then... my ability was lost. Do you understand?"

Cage was thoughtful, and Rita took out her pistol, "So, we better start again, right?"

"What?" Cage didn't know, so Rita raised the pistol, aimed it at Cage's head, and pulled the trigger.


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