The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1032: Artistic resonance

"Drunk Country Folk Song", this is a very poetic name.

But in fact, this is a derivative interpretation of the Chinese translation. The original English name of this movie is "About Lewyyn-Davis (Inside-Llewyn-Davis. As the Coen brothers said, the title comes from Dave Fan. -An album of punk.

Compared with the original English name, Lan Li prefers the translated name in Chinese, with the sadness and casualness of the frustrated and the wanderer.

The story of the movie takes place in New York in the 1960s. The actor is called Levine Davis. He is a little-known folk singer. He lives in poverty, is homeless, does not even have a regular job, and does not have a regular job every night. Don't rely on the relief of friends to settle down. Despite the deep embarrassment, the stubborn Levine refuses to compromise in order to conform to the preferences of the public, which makes his life more difficult, chasing the dream path of folk songs, and never sees the end.

After the film, directed by the Coen brothers, was officially released, very different feedbacks were received.

Film critics ushered in a frenzy of praise. Not only did they get a high score of 93 points in the media review, but they also won three authoritative professional media such as "Film Critic", "New York Times" and "Voice of the Village" in 2013. The title of the best movie of the year also frequently appears on the top ten lists of other professional magazines.

The audience generally don't buy it. They think this movie is unspeakable. It is not only inferior to classics such as "Ice and Blood Storm" and "Old Nowhere", even if it is different from the previous work of the Coen Brothers, "Thunder in the Ground" Several grades, from box office to word-of-mouth performance are mediocre, even the IMDB score is only 7.5 points.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand.

"Drunk Country Folk Song" is not a typical American movie, but more like a European movie. The work does not tell a complete story: there is no cause, no result, and even no plot advancement, but in a cycle of reincarnation. It tells a state, a wave, and an era.

The whole movie is just a snippet of Levine's life, telling about the trivial things he experienced in four or five days, showing his status quo, nothing more.

The beginning and the end are almost the same scene, connected by Levine’s live performance in the small bar, the lines are almost exactly the same as the plot, there is not much change, just the camera angle is slightly changed; the story has no inheritance and transformation, and the character has not grown epiphany. , Even the core ideas are not sublimated and refined, vividly interpreting the profound meaning of "shooting is equal to not shooting".

More importantly, Levine is a frustrated person. This is not an inspirational story, nor a story of a dreamer, but a story of a loser who is still a loser after going round and round. At the beginning of the story, there is no hope; at the end, it remains the same.

In Europe, this kind of film is very common, telling a kind of life state, reflecting the general environment of society, leaving space for philosophical thinking to the audience, and slowly savoring it; but in the United States, such an artistic film is too high and low, and it is really difficult to win the audience's echo. . On the two lands, the difference in artistic heritage and connotation can be seen from this.

The later Oscars also proved this point. The Coen brothers, who nominated the best film three times in four years with the help of "Old Nowhere", "Serious Man" and "Thunder in the Ground", have become the darling of the academy; "But they only received two nominations for best photography and best sound effects, and even the best original soundtrack and best original song were not nominated, and they were completely left out.

Of course, objectively speaking, compared to the profound social reality reflected in the other works of the Coen brothers, this work does seem a bit too pediatric; but as far as Lan Li is concerned, this is his favorite Cohen. brothers.

The Greenwich Village in the 1960s has now become a legendary history. Countless music fans talked about it, discussing every move that happened here that year, which promoted the progress of history and laid the footnote of history; but in that year , It was a arduous journey of a whole generation of people searching for, digging, and firming themselves. There was no glamour, no dreamy bubbles, everything was cold and gloomy.

Under the call of the entire wave of times, countless people have plunged into the torrent of folk songs. As Ethan said just now, "It doesn't matter who you are, the important thing is that you are a part of this wave of folk songs"; but the problem is It is that there may be only one successful person among one million people, and all the others are struggling with poverty, without seeing the future or hope.

Everyone aspires to be Bob Dylan, but there is only one Bob Dylan.

So, everyone is faced with choice, persistence, change, or give up? This is true now, and it was the same before. Time flies, and the contradiction between dreams and reality has never changed.

In the story of "Drunk Country Folk Songs", several such characters appeared. Justin Timberlake played Jim, Carey Mulligan played Jane, and Oscar-Isaac played Levine.

All three of them are folk singers and friends with each other, and they are all small characters floating up and down in the waves of the times in Greenwich Village.

Jim is an enthusiastic and kind-hearted man. After struggling to pursue his dreams to no avail, he chose to compromise and began to sing some cliché commercial songs, and also began to compose some saliva songs in line with the social trend. This is not what the dream originally looked like, but it allowed him to gain a firm foothold in society and have a relatively stable life.

Jane is a woman who grew up under a hippie culture. She is more open to "sex" and has no baggage. For her, music is just an interest. When the interest cannot sustain her life, she has made herself The choice-being with Jim, made life gradually stabilized.

Levine was the only stubborn fellow.

Jim chose to change, Jane chose to give up, and Levine chose to persist. Different choices lead their destiny to a different path.

In these three roles, what is hidden is the Coen brothers’ reflection on dreams, art, and even the entire industry and the entire era; among these three roles, the Coen brothers chose Levine as the protagonist. All The attention is focused on this persevering loser, in the form of a ring structure, showing a state of being trapped between dream and reality, sad and lost.

This state is something the audience cannot understand and comprehend, but it is exactly what the Coen brothers hope to express and present.

One is that the dreamers are trapped in an inexplicable solitary place that cannot move forward or retreat. It is like being exiled, living in isolation, and lost. They can't see the future, but they are unwilling to give up, relying only on the deep inside An enthusiasm, persistently and stupidly rampaged in this lonely land, hitting his head and bleeding.

The second is that era of innocence that passed away. Those talented, young and impulsive artists are now gradually submerged in the torrent of an age where interests are supreme and entertainment to death, lost in themselves, silently giving up their favorite careers; that newcomer has emerged , Greenwich Village, which is full of art, is gradually submerged in Manhattan's high-rise buildings and busy traffic.

For most viewers, this seems to be a work that does not need to be filmed. No one cares about the story of the loser. No one remembers the years of the folk song era. No one cares about the struggle of the dreamer. The Coen brothers struggled to capture the story. This state, in the fast food culture and the Internet age, has become superficial and exaggerated, no one cares about it, and no one understands it.

But for Lan Li, that's not the case.

Levine Davis of "Drunk Country Folk Songs" is just like the old Frank in the nameless bar.

Next to the cemetery where Heather Cross was sleeping, in the nameless bar, the old Frank who whispered "Cleopatra", the old Frank who was always happy even if it was a free performance, that was in reality. Old Frank, who gave up his dream under the heavy pressure, persevered in his own way.

From any perspective of social reality, Old Frank, like Levine, is a loser, a total loser, and may even become the object of their people's ridicule and ridicule, and may also become a negative teaching material for parents to educate their children; but In the dead of night, when people are alone, the flame of dreams deep in their hearts is still burning, but it illuminates their lives.

This is a story about persistence about dreams and life, this is a story about George Slander and Heather Cross, and this is still a story about Chu Jiashu and Lan Li-Hall.

This was the case when I was trapped in the hospital bed in my last; when I came to New York to chase the dream of an actor, when I was alone; when the album "Don Quixote" was created and produced. This is true; it is also true when Heather Cross stopped before the threshold that his dream was about to come true.

On the road of dreams, it is not difficult to give up. Everyone can choose to give up. Just let go of your hands, the dream will fly to the sky quickly like a hydrogen balloon, and disappear in a blink of an eye; change is somewhat difficult, but as long as you save it After the struggle of compromise and bowing, everything will become logical, and then self-comfort, as most people above society do.

Choosing the Sunshine Avenue, choosing the mainstream of society, choosing to follow the current, this is always easy, hiding in the vast crowd, no need to think, no hard work, no struggle, just follow the context of the predecessors and the waves, blind to the present OK, that's enough. Under the huge social machine, everyone gradually polished away the edges and corners and became a cookie-cutter appearance.

Choosing to stick to oneself, choosing to chase freedom, and choosing to keep edges and corners requires courage and perseverance. Because they have no reference object, they must explore on their own and walk out a path of their own, a unique path.

In the story of "Drunk Country Folk Songs", in Levine Davis's body, Lan Li can see his own shadow, as well as his own story.

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