The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1059: Back to the crew

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Surrey, located only 30 minutes’ drive southeast of London, is a quiet town. The River Thames flows quietly through the town. It is comfortable and peaceful, comfortable and beautiful. The University of Surrey is located here in England. In this century-old school, the bustling students have brought a bit of vitality to the local life, as well as youthfulness.

However, compared with other parts of the British Isles or the beautiful or magnificent scenery, Surrey’s life is more intense, and the unique rural atmosphere of the suburbs is also more vivid. This is a small town suitable for settled life, but for tourists who are on vacation and traveling, the attraction does not seem so graceful.

Standing on the side of the reeds in the country road, you can see the dark red brick walls of the country dwelling houses slowly spreading out. The messy bushes, damp soil and dilapidated huts outline the chaos of lack of order. The large tracts of dark clouds blocked the sunlight tightly, and made all the scenery in the line of sight dim, and the hurried footsteps would not want any stop at all.

However, Lan Li's footsteps stopped, standing on the trail, carefully appreciating the scene of life in front of him.

The grandfather who was in the garden, leaning back, was concentrating on trimming the fence of lilac trees, and the sound of the creaking scissors stepped on a special rhythm in the sound of the wind.

The postman who delivered the mail on his bicycle, with a bright smile on his face, warmly greeted the residents standing on the balcony on the second floor.

There is also a grandmother in a floral dress standing at the crossroads, carefully looking at the empty intersection, looking for an opportunity to cross the intersection.


There are no special images and pictures, full of rich life breath, even a little trivial, but let the mood slowly settle down, and a faint warmth comes to my heart.

"What are you looking at?" Nathan looked around curiously, standing beside him, following Lan Li's sight, but found nothing. Not only did he not get the answer, but he also became more confused.

A smile was drawn at the corner of Lan Li's mouth, and he said with a chuckle, "That's it, a corner of the town."

Nathan frowned slightly, not knowing why: Is there anything special in this corner of the town? I have been standing here for at least three minutes, and it looks more like I am enjoying a masterpiece.

"The artist's quirks are always unpredictable, so don't guess." A chuckling voice came from behind him, without turning his head, but Nathan turned his head directly, and then saw the oncoming. Rooney Mara.

Today's Rooney, dressed in a light dress, a white shirt and sky blue jeans, paired with a pair of white canvas shoes, and finally put on a smoky gray jacket, her dark long hair is casually tied into a bunch of ponytails, there is nothing on her body. Any extra embellishments and dresses are simple and generous, but they reveal a Scandinavian coldness, which makes her eyes fall involuntarily on the corners of her mouth.

Nathan blinked, and the unresolved question marks on his head added more: When did Rooney appear? Why didn't he hear any engine noise? Did Rooney walk over on foot? Also, what do Rooney's words mean? Is the conversation partner him or Renly?

While thinking and hesitating, Nathan saw Rooney blinking with a smile, revealing a playful look. In an instant, the coldness faded away, as if a glimmer of light was brightening little by little. , Revealing a touch of warmth.

Rooney's footsteps came to a halt on her side, did not immediately speak, but cast her gaze towards the front, joined the ranks of Lan Li, quietly admiring the tranquil rural scene in front of her.

The tranquility surging between the two people, inexplicably, calmed Nathan's eagerness and irritability. Numerous questions still remained unanswered, but he was no longer eager to pursue answers. Then, Nathan also joined them, watching the scene in front of them, but he was still ignorant and ignorant.

"It's been a long time? I guess, you will miss all of this." Rooney broke the silence, her cold voice revealed a slight smile.

"Ha." Lan Li chuckled lightly, then shook his head left and right, not in denial, but noncommittal.

It has been ten months before and after, for more than ten months, I have stayed in the city, from Berlin to Los Angeles, then to London, and finally New York. Since 2012, all the time has been here. I rushed back and forth between several cities, working one after another, without touching the ground, I could hardly stop.

Now, after a long absence, I left the city again and came to the countryside. The large blocks of buildings and bustling people in my line of sight have all faded, and even the noise and screams in my ears have completely disappeared, and the swelling from the inside out. The tranquility makes people want to be immersed in it and wander slowly.

Of course, the crew is the same.

The stage and the crew are two completely different performance methods. After further honing his acting skills on the stage, Lan Li is now gearing up and can’t wait to return to the crew, stand in front of the camera lens, and enter the world of performance again. , To test what I have gained in the past six months.

Therefore, standing on the trail in the country, Lan Li still stopped, letting the tight heartstring relax little by little.

Rooney understands, and truly understands Lan Li's inner feelings.

Just like last year's Oscars, Rooney almost escaped from Los Angeles and headed to Seattle. In the architectural space of Seattle, she can still feel the dull and depressing sense of suffocation. If she hadn't been sitting on a bench with Lan Li and chatting, Rooney would choose to go to the city park and disappear into the blockbuster. Among the green.

"Are you sure your nerves won't be too tight? Only a week ago, you just finished the Broadway show. I thought you would rest for a while." Rooney said again.

"Yes, I regret it." Lan Li readily confessed, which made Rooney's smile rise involuntarily, "but it's worth it, this work is worth it." Then he added, "In fact, after the last show on Broadway, I couldn't put down the script and really start to plunge into a whole new world."

"Uh..." Nathan said in a hesitant voice, "After the show, didn't you go to Hawaii for surfing?"

Nathan's piercing on the spot made Rooney laugh happily, but Lanly didn't see any embarrassment, and said frankly, "Between surfing, I mean."

After finishing the Broadway show, Lanly purchased the air ticket for the next day and went directly to Hawaii, where he stayed for seven days, relaxing on vacation, and completely emptied his brain while surfing. Otherwise, as Rooney said, the itinerary from Broadway to the "Gravity" crew is too intensive, and Lan Li can't bear it.

"Are you sure, is this skin color suitable to be an astronaut?" Rooney looked up and down at Lan Li and joked.

Lan Li said calmly, "Astronauts can't like surfing without a rule." Seeing Rooney's eyes show a joking smile, he knew that he could not continue to ridicule. The astronaut was on the space station. The skin condition after working for a medium and long time really cannot be compared with that during surfing, "Well, if the director needs it, I will whiten my skin."

That helpless expression made Rooney laugh happily, but did not continue to entangle her, "But I must admit, this is a very special script. To be honest, I don’t have much clue right now, I don’t even know. How did I get this role."

"Did you just join a brand new crew when we communicated via email before?" Now I finally have the opportunity to ask in person.

Rooney turned her head and stared her eyes wide. "That was already two and a half months ago. Soderberg's shooting progress is very fast. It took less than a month." That's why Rooney had it. Enough time to join the "Gravity" crew, the first time to cooperate with the filming was stunned, and then Lan Li realized that when he was working on Broadway, Rooney was also working Unfolded in full swing. Obviously, he just made a mistake of carving a boat and begging for a sword, and it seems that his head has not completely tightened.

"Maybe, starting today, I should regain my habit of thinking." Lan Li ridiculed himself, Rooney and Nathan both laughed, "So, after studying the script, what is your conclusion? "

"The script itself leaves the actors with limited thinking space. The real performance space comes from the director." Without pause, Rooney immediately expressed her opinion, "So, before the filming officially starts, the creative team needs Have a good communication. What are your thoughts on the character?"

As Lan Li and Rooney said, "Gravity" is a very special script. Not only because of the large number of one-man shows, but also because of the large amount of blank space, the actors’ performances are used to explore and deepen the core ideas. This also means that the actors must fully understand the director’s creative intentions and behind the composition of the screen. Deep meaning.

Furthermore, the actor must also have enough understanding of the role. What happened to the character’s past, which led to the thinking and struggle within the time frame of the movie; how the character’s psychological state fits with the story situation, which in turn triggered the thinking under the situation; also, the source of the character’s motivation is What pushed the whole story forward.

Before officially entering the performance, the actor must have a clear understanding of the entire story, the entire role, and have an accurate control of the entire movie and the director's ideas. Only in this way can the work be carried out smoothly.

Now, Lan Li and Rooney have started a discussion, and this is only the first day when the two arrived on the crew, and they have not even formally entered the set.

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