The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1062: Ingeniously

Sandra Bullock's version of Ryan, with the memory fragments of a daughter's unexpected death, successfully established a bond between the female role and the gestation of life, and then sublimated the theme.

Ryan in the Lanly-Hall version now needs to get rid of the complexity brought about by gender differences, return to the origin of life, and expand the original magnificent theme again.

This is no easy task for Lan Li. It is like squeezing all the 139 minutes of the "Tree of Life" into the scattered fragments of the "gravity" picture, and then through Lan Li's performance Presented, and further sublimated, bringing reflection. It's so difficult, just to imagine it, it makes people stop.

Now, through repeated thinking, Lan Li has constructed the entire character's context, origin, transition, return and sublimation. But the question is, how to refine it? How to streamline? How to perform?

Birth, family, search for self; chase, fulfill dreams, drift away, cut off family ties, social attributes disappear; numb, lost, give up, and die; then, return to the source, re-explode, reincarnate, and reopen the meaning of life.

Then, the whole starting point should be the family.

In Lanli’s several ideas, the family has always been an indispensable part, because among the social attributes, the family is the origin of life. However, the context and core, power and origin of the story are completely different.

After entering the second stage, the memories of his parents and younger brother once again appeared in Ryan's mind. But the point is here. What Ryan thinks of is not family affection and care, nor family and care, but their expectation and attention, as well as Ryan's own original intention.

In the process of pursuing self and realizing life, his family has never questioned or worried, but followed him wholeheartedly and ran forward and walked side by side; they were not his source of motivation, but they were the best partners. . Especially in the eyes of my younger brother.

For his younger brother, Ryan is his goal in life, and he will follow it step by step, overcome all difficulties, and make a breakthrough in life.

Once upon a time, Ryan determined his goal, ran all the way, faster and faster, and gradually left his family behind him, drifting away, and finally disappearing completely.

Deep down in his heart, he once blamed his family because they didn’t understand his world and there was no common topic between them; but after calming down, he really understood that they understood him, they always supported and followed, truly What I don't understand is actually him.

Their company and support always reminded him of his goals, his dreams, and his persistence; however, after becoming an astronaut, his dreams were realized, his life stabilized, and his daily routines became more stable. He suddenly discovered that those reminders The sound has long since disappeared, and the motivation of life has fallen asleep unconsciously.

He didn't notice the abnormality. Or, he noticed the abnormality, but he didn't take it seriously.

Now, in the illusory space, the first image that comes to mind is the image of his brother when he was born. He stood timidly outside the nursery, looking at the small, pink, soft baby, the loud crying, filled with curiosity and joy. Pea-sized toes, lovely and gratifying.

Then, the image that appeared again was another pair of toes the size of a pea. It was not the younger brother, but the younger brother's child.

My brother got married and had children, and he was preparing for the next space flight in Houston. Missed the wedding, and then missed the birth of the baby. He didn't show up in person, didn't even receive the phone call, in the end he just received an email, and then he replied.

"My brother is an astronaut. He is a genius and his way of thinking is so different. Did you know that if someone talks to him about quantum mechanics, he can feel a pure orgasm." "The younger brother said with pride. Even when he was dating his current wife for the first time, Ryan was still indispensable in his topic.

But that is already incomparably far away.

In despair, those memories that had almost disappeared appeared in Ryan's mind, and then again recalled the original dream: studying the universe, studying life, studying the unknown, this is his pursuit; exploring black holes, exploring space, It is his persistence to explore the meaning of the existence of the entire world and explore the origin of the universe.

Now, he is a dedicated space station astronaut. No less, but no more, nothing more. The meaning of existence seems to have long been forgotten.

Therefore, he must survive. He needs to return to his family, to his younger brother, to his nephew/niece who has never been masked, to feel the joy and curiosity at the beginning of life; more importantly, he needs to leave NASA, Return to the study of the universe, rediscover the mystery of life, and rediscover the meaning of one's own existence.

It is not easy, but he will not give up.

He needs to cut all thorns, he needs to break all obstacles, he needs to break the entire chaos, just like the first big explosion in the origin of the world, then he needs to feel the center of gravity of life, he needs to feel the call of gravity , Fall, fall again, feel the weight of gravity with your feet down-to-earth.

Thus, the second stage transitioned to the third stage.

In fact, all of these occurred in Ryan's mind, even in Lan Li's mind. In the actual scenes of the movie, there may only be a few sporadic scenes-continuing the entire script The streamlined style, with the most core and deepest picture, outlines the entire magnificent picture scroll in a few strokes, at least it will not be completely integrated into the narrative line like "interstellar crossing".

In other words, all of these contents will be presented through Lan Li's performance.

How much can he show, and how much can the audience understand? How well does the performance fit the story, and can it promote the sublimation and transformation of the theme? How much fineness and depth are there, and how much aftertaste is left?

Everything depends on Renly's performance. This also proves once again that "Gravity" is a work whose performance is beyond imagination. It is easily "buried alive" and surpasses any of Lan Li's previous works.

From constructing the entire character, to comprehending the source power and core meaning of the character, to refining the character segment, resonating with the character core through the memory segment, and finally to determining the performance foundation and context. The whole process is extremely long and extremely difficult. Even now, Lan Li's thinking is still not completely clear, and further discussions with Alfonso are needed.

However, such a process has made Lan Li excited. After so many movies, and the test of West End and Broadway, Lan Li can still clearly feel the enthusiasm and excitement of blood boiling. People are completely immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves.

For Lan Li, the fun of actors lies not only in "deduction", not only in "interpretation", but also in "interpretation and extension", but also in "study and polish." Through a performance of a character, one can glimpse a real person and a real life experience.

Artistic life, taste life.

Art and life are always inseparable, and this is also the most beautiful and important part of art.

"The script itself leaves the actors with limited thinking space. The real performance space comes from the director. Therefore, the creative team needs to communicate well before the official shooting. What are your thoughts on the characters?"

Standing in front of Lan Li, Rooney held the same idea.

Compared to the role of Ryan Stone, the role of Alex-Koalski is obviously weakened, but the significance is not trivial.

The first is in the dilemma. Either two people die together, or Alex sacrifices himself to fulfill Ryan. At the moment of life and death, under the influence of survival instinct/ability, this is definitely not an easy choice-everyone wants to live. Coming down, but Alex cut his own rope without any hesitation, leaving the chance of survival to Ryan.

Secondly, in desperation, Ryan fell into an illusion, almost gave up the desire/hope of survival, but saw Alex again. She became Ryan's spiritual support, awakened the mixed emotions deep in Ryan's mind, and cheered up again, and started fighting for survival again.

Ryan and Alex are the only characters that appear from beginning to end in "Gravity", and the degree of importance is self-evident.

After careful consideration, Alfonso named this female character "Alex". In fact, like "Ryan", many women now actively choose "Alex" as their name-such as "Modern Family". The second daughter in China, in a sense, blurs the gender differences, allowing the audience to focus more on the essence of life.

After the definition of the two roles changed, Alfonso also adjusted the script.

Although the role of Alex is not so important, Rooney still read the entire script carefully and thought about the role in depth. The preparation work before the official filming started, you can see the difference. .

"I think that if Alex and Ryan can resonate and connect, they should get rid of hormonal attraction, and more of it comes from ideological and spiritual communication.

Therefore, I think that Alex needs to make some adjustments according to Ryan's settings to find unique feelings in the two characters. Otherwise, at the critical moment, why could Alex wake up Ryan's will to survive? If it's just love, it would fall short, and I don't think it suits the theme of the movie. "

After speaking, Rooney did not wait for Lan Li to express her opinion, she confided her thoughts, and then waited for Lan Li's response.

With such words, Lan Li's eyes lit up slightly: The two of them actually reached an agreement!

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