The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1074: Desperate survival

Time began to turn back, and the magnificent universe was transformed into colorful colors, returning to the starting point where everything began.

Once, he was angry, resisted, broke out, vented, he resisted, struggled, pained, resented, and finally calmed down, he was ready to give up, he was gradually numb, he was already Such as walking dead. However, everything changed after "Trumen's World", a faint light was ignited, and a small seed was planted.

"Trumen's World", that is the origin of everything.

It is not the opportunity of the "Pacific War", nor the struggle of Lanly-Hall, but on this hospital bed, in this immovable skin, all the magic and magic begin here. It was just a glimmer of hope that opened this magical and wonderful journey.

Now, back to the starting point again, everything seemed familiar, and in a trance, he seemed to have returned to the time when he had just been involved in a car accident, when he had just realized his high paraplegia, and when he had lost all thoughts and vitality. The world is like a chaos, so gray that no light can be seen.

Once again, he stood at the origin.

He raised his eyes again and looked at Heather in front of him.

But I don't know when, an extra guitar appeared in Heather's arms, appearing out of thin air, inexplicably. However, now that everything is so magical, a guitar is the most normal thing.

A bright smile appeared on Heather's face, "Remember our agreement? I kept it, I didn't give up. I fought until the last moment, even if there was no hope, I still refused to give up. I remember, I always Remember,'I won't give up'."

Caught off guard, his vision blurred again. Looking at the girl in front of her, she smiled cleverly, and she was so energetic, as if she only needed a smile to light up the entire starry sky.

"But, I still owe you a promise. Then, it's now." Heather lowered his head and started to play the guitar in his hands intently, humming softly, "So we got up and pursued our destiny in the dark, I saw you scarred late at night last night, I saw you dancing in the arms of the devil."

"The Beast", the promise that belonged to him also belonged to her, the promise that had never been fulfilled.

Heather is so focused, that sweet and tender voice outlines a touch of settled vicissitudes in the guitar strings, like a bard who has been wandering for a long time, and finally found the way to chase his dream, no matter how long and hard the road is. , Still firmly and persistently embarked on the journey.

Listen, it is Heather's humming, singing happily, like a mermaid in a fairy tale. On the quiet sea in the dead of night, singing as much as you like. The beautiful singing guides the wanderers who are lost on the sea. Back on the right course, continue sailing towards the lights of dreams.

"So we arrived, a lonely place that I can't go back to. You are the face that made me go through fire and water. This is the name that children will inherit, forging charm and crowning."

He remembered, he remembered everything.

The reason why he is him is not only because of the hard work and hard work of reincarnation, but also because of the pain and difficulties he once had. If there is no ten years above the sickbed, then he will not be so firm and persistent; if there is no ten years above the sickbed , Then he would not browse and watch so many movies, which made it possible later.

He is Chu Jiashu and he is also Lan Li. Without the former, he cannot become the latter.

People always hate their past, trying to deny all those painful, sad, and struggling memories, and even want to completely cut off all the suffering and leave only the memory of happiness.

But people have forgotten that the appearance of happiness is similar, but the experience of suffering is unique. It is precisely those setbacks that have carved their own edges and corners little by little, and they have created who they are now.

To deny the past is to deny yourself; to deny the past is to deny the present.

Tears kept coming out like this, blurring the sight. In the haze, the smile on the corner of Heather’s mouth bloomed with a bright halo, becoming more and more blurred and brighter, and finally disappeared completely in the halo. , There was only the wanton flying singing in the ear, carrying the dream, spreading its wings, and soaring freely.

Everything in the line of sight began to disappear, Heather turned into dots of light and completely blended into the halo, and the white ward also evolved into the stars illuminating the entire world, and the halo became more and more turbulent, Hao It illuminates everything vigorously and fills every corner of the field of vision.

In a daze, he returned to the universe again, the vast universe, the sun, the earth, the light, the openness, the vastness, the familiar scenery became real again, and the tingling sensation in his wrists and ankles changed again. It must be clear, tearing the mind of the brain, so that every detail around it gradually reappears in outline.

His hands and legs were still tied up, unable to move; the melody in his ears began to become clear again, not a "beast" but Schubert; a sense of reality returned to the body again in accordance with gravity, It began to fall heavily, and the pull of gravity instantly poured into the blood like mercury, and fell suddenly.

But at this time, he didn't think at all. He didn't care whether he was Chu Jiashu or Lan Li, or whether he was Ryan Stone, or even whether it was a dream or reality, but he started to survive.

He wants to break free of shackles, transform and be born again. If there is no way to survive in front of him, then he has to blaze a trail. No one can stop him, no one! The freedom that belongs to him, the dream that belongs to him, he wants to be in his own hands again, even if it is a dream, he must cut through the dream, return to reality, and start again!

Calm, he needs to calm down, and at the same time, he needs to focus.

This is not an easy task.

Without any reference, he cannot judge the passage of time, but what is certain is that he is truly exhausted now.

The full struggle just now almost squeezed the last trace of energy in the body, and even the muscles became sore and stiff, and the large amount of lactic acid secretion made the fingertips unable to feel any strength; re-experiencing the deepest pain and sadness in the memory After the most difficult period, the mental torture also made the whole person feel collapsed, and the brain could not even work; not to mention the hot pain in the wrists, ankles, chest and abdomen.

To make matters worse, the temperature in the light box is rising bit by bit, and the hot air is constantly scorching on the surface of the skin. The hot waves are everywhere, drilling down the pores into the blood vessels, and seeping The thin layers of sweat were all stuffed in the spacesuit, creating the effect of a sauna room.

Now, his whole person seemed to be emitting steam, as if he had just been fished out of volcanic magma, and even the glass mask of his helmet began to mist. Despite the certainty of the passage of time, he can be sure that in the long run, he will inevitably fall into the terrible dilemma of dehydration——

It's even possible that you are already on the verge of dehydration, and symptoms of limb weakness, muscle strength, and dizziness have begun to appear one after another. Moreover, the struggle just now is very likely to accelerate this process.

Through the vague helmet visor, he carefully looked at the surrounding situation, but there was only a gray halo in his sight, and at the end of the halo there was a darkness, endless darkness, the vastness and volatility of the universe, It showed before his eyes again, and it became more and more real.

Now, he doesn’t have time to distinguish, maybe, he is on the set of Surrey Studio; maybe, he really came to space; maybe, he is still immersed in Chu Jiashu’s dream, he is not dead, Everything is just a lifelike dream, like the story of "Pirate Dream Space", made true.

But, he doesn't care, his attention is not here at all.

Slowly and carefully, he began to earnestly start a large amount of the surrounding environment, looking for the possibility of survival, even if it is the slightest faint hope. After being immersed in it, he gradually calmed down and became more focused. All the distracting thoughts in his mind disappeared completely, and the brain started to work again after a long time.

Despair, not to mention whether there is a real despair in this world, even if there really is and he is in it now, he will never give up, and firmly regain control in the despair Own destiny. Even if it is death, he must use his own way, after burning his life, embrace the arrival of death, he refuses to give up!

This is him.

Although the body is firmly under control, after the mind becomes active, he has an accurate judgment of his own situation. He is now wearing a spacesuit, his limbs are all tied and fixed on an appliance, surrounded by a vast expanse of light, there is no lending point, and there is no breaking point, so he can only start from himself.

Spacesuit, binding, appliance, spacesuit, binding, appliance...

My mind started to move quickly, and at the same time I started to move my limbs, instead of struggling to resist, but moving a little bit, feeling exactly the scope of the space and the environment I was in.


He suddenly realized that his body was indeed fixed, but this was different from Chu Jiashu's situation.

Chu Jiashu's struggles all occurred in his brain, and there was no consciousness or movement in his body. Therefore, even if his resistance was a stormy sea, the reality was still calm.

His struggle was real. The pain in his wrists, ankles, knees, and chest all showed that his body had space for movement. Although this space was extremely narrow, this was an opportunity.


There was a flash of light in his mind, and he found a trace of life! The space between the space suit and the binding ropes, the space where the body moves slightly, this is his opportunity!

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