The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1078: Awakening from long dreams

Lan Li felt that he had had a long, long dream, that dream was so long, it traveled through time and space, and also through the universe, wandering in the long river of time wantonly.

He dreamed of Chu Jiashu and Ding Yanan; he dreamed of Lanly Hall, dreamed of "gravity"; he dreamed of Heather Cross, dreamed of "beasts"...

Rebirth, crossing, two lives as human beings, changing fate against the sky, reincarnation of fate, the chaos and chaos in the space-time tunnel burst with incredible energy, everything is disrupted, mixed, blurred, and hazy, as if Everything is real, but it seems that everything is false, as if--

It is like walking through the vast universe, standing at the height of the Creator, overlooking the birth and transformation of mankind, overlooking the birth and death of living things, and overlooking the rise and fall and ups and downs of the earth. He is so small, yet so majestic.

Small and majestic, this is a pair of contradictory antonyms, but they blend together in an extremely harmonious way, opening up a whole new horizon.

Lan Li's memory is a bit vague, and he is not sure which book he read from, ancient Greek philosopher, ancient Roman astronomer, or some ordinary person, but he once understood this point of view:

The universe is endless, vast and boundless, and it is impossible to reach the limit; and the only thing that can be explored is the human mind.

Those ignorant and ordinary humans who firmly imprison their thoughts in a world and refuse to accept the magnificence of the world and the vastness of the universe, then they will be destined to become an insignificant dust in the long river of time; only truly open their eyes. , Open your mind to find eternity.

Lan Li can understand the core idea of ​​these words.

He is experiencing it himself. Only by witnessing the turbulence of the sea can he understand the vastness of the earth; only by experiencing cultural differences can he understand the diversity of nations; only by experiencing group differences can he understand the complexity of the world.

Just like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, it has not really gone all the way, it will always be just a "special disease" in the news or rumors, and it is always impossible to empathize, let alone understand, it is real. This is true for blacks, same/sex/love, and this is true for women, as well as those who suffer from rare diseases.

Prejudice comes from ignorance and also from imprisonment.

In this regard, Lan Li expressed his deep understanding. However, until today, after truly experiencing the vastness of the world, the emptiness of the sky, and the vastness of the universe, Lan Li has completely opened the door to his thoughts and saw the height of another dimension.

"If you don't go out and take a look, you will think this is the world."-"Paradise Cinema".

The dream is too real, and the reality is too illusory, completely breaking all barriers of time and space, so that Lan Li is lost in the gap between time and space, unable to find a way back.

Slowly opening his eyes, he didn't know how long he had been in a coma--or how long he had been asleep, or that he had always been awake, and now he was only going from one dream to another, just like "Pirates The structure of dreams in the space is so average that it is impossible to judge.

"Lan Li, you are awake!"

Nathan's chubby face appeared in sight, and he was still holding a piece of cheesecake in his hand. The aroma of black tea was faintly surging in the room-not the best black tea, but Lipton's black tea tea bags. That's it, the faint aroma is almost negligible.

There was an expression of rejoicing and joy on Nathan's face, and he almost jumped in ecstasy, and the expression in his eyes that was overwhelmed with excitement was even more vivid. If it wasn't for the cake crumbs at the corner of the mouth, Lan Li might be moved to tears.

"Roy, Lanly is awake! Roy!"

Nathan turned his head, shouted towards the door, turned his head again, and asked urgently, "Are you hungry? You must be hungry. You have been asleep for so long, and now there is nothing in your entire stomach. , Those nutrient solutions are useless at all. How about, what do you want to eat now?"

Involuntarily, the corner of Lan Li's mouth formed a light arc. Even though the mind is still dizzy, unable to sort out his thoughts, and even unable to think, but still can't help but laugh.

First Roy, then Alfonso, then the doctor... In less than three minutes, the whole room was full; but then in less than two minutes, Roy and Nathan started to rush. The people and the crowd filed out of the room again, leaving the doctor alone.

Even if he was just lying on the bed in the room without witnessing it with his own eyes, Lan Li could hear the commotion coming from outside the door, and painted the scene in the corridor in his mind. It seemed that the entire photography base was agitated, and everyone was at the same time. Gathered at the door of his room. Such a lively onlooker scene is truly spectacular.

The doctor did a simple check and confirmed that Lanly’s physical condition was not in serious trouble, he suggested to start eating some liquid foods now, wait for the stomach to adjust to the food, and then start eating solid foods. Other than that, there is no problem. , Everything is well, as long as Lan Li thinks that he is ready, he can go to daily work.

To be honest, Lan Li has a lot of opinions on what Westerners define as "liquid food". It seems that I don’t know whether it’s rice cereal or oatmeal. It’s as slimy as vomit, don’t say swallowed, just use it. Stir it with the spoon, as if a golden hoop is stirring your stomach.

However, when you think about it, the liquid food in the ward is also a virtue in the ten years spent on the hospital bed. It is difficult to swallow. Lan Li has no more complaints about the food in front of him, but...why does he want to eat liquid food? Isn't his physical condition good? Are there any problems? Liquid food? Is this an exaggeration?

"If you keep stirring like this, I believe that it will not become easier to swallow, but it will only make the situation worse." A cold voice came from the door of the room, raised his head, and then I saw the dress. Rooney Mara in a light yellow sweater, with a faint smile on her face, bright and deep eyes, which reminded him of the stars in the sky.

Lan Li raised his head and stared at Rooney quietly. He didn't say anything. He just filled a spoon of liquid food with a spoon, lifted it up high, and saw the thick food filling up from the spoon little by little. Overflowing and sliding down, that look is really difficult to approach, let alone stuffed into the mouth.

Rooney couldn't help smiling, frowning, shaking her head in horror, and then pointing to Lan Li, "You are the one who needs to eat, not me. I think your stomach has already begun to protest. Right?" There was a hint of gleeful ridicule in the voice, but after laughing, the corners of his mouth slowly calmed down, and he didn't continue to speak.

Lan Li did not continue to resist, but scooped up liquid food and put it into his mouth. The taste buds of the tongue seem to have fallen asleep, unable to taste a trace of taste, which once again awakens the memories in my mind. Those memories of Chu Jiashu are so familiar. Therefore, dreams and reality, past and present , Still not clear.

Rooney watched Lan Li's movements quietly. Even as a bystander, the unidentified food made people frown, but as the person involved, Lan Li seemed to have finished eating as usual. There was an illusion, as if he had been accustomed to this terrible liquid food.

"So, has Ryan Stone found the goal of survival and the meaning of life?"

Rooney’s question was gentle and peaceful, her eyes bursting with concentration and excitement, but it exploded like thunder in Lan Li’s ears, and the endless memory fragments surged, filling the whole brain in an instant. , And then broke the balance, broke through the shackles, the chaos between reality and dreams disappeared, and the sense of reality returned to the body.

reality. Dreamland. past. right now. Chu Jiashu. Lan Li-Hall.

Everything became clear, his fingertips couldn't help curling up slightly, and he felt the warmth in his palm: he used to be Chu Jiashu, he is now Lanli-Hall; the ward, the universe, that is the dreamland , Crew, light box, this is reality. The endless dream just now has finally awakened.

Lan Li, he is Lan Li. The blue gift as an actor, the blue gift who pursues artistic dreams, the blue gift who embraces freedom ~ After experiencing despair and difficulties, he is reborn again, just like Ryan Stone broke through After breaking the bondage, I have re-understood the meaning of life, and found the origin of life again.

In the story of "gravity", Ryan has gone through three stages, from fighting, to giving up, and then struggling.

In the vastness of the universe, desperate loneliness killed all the survival possibilities, Ryan chose to give up; but when his life dying, he once again found the starting point of life, from his family, from himself, from dreams, and even more from life. The significance of this made him break through the shackles and start the escape from desperation, just to feel the gravity of the earth again.

The transition from the second stage to the third stage is extremely complicated, extremely profound, and extremely important. In order to realize this, Lan Li trapped himself in the "space universe" created by the light box.

After a long struggle and pain, Ren Li became Ryan, or to be more precise, Ryan became Ren Li. In the two characters, Lan Li really felt the resonance, not only The method is so simple to send acting skills, but it is a brand from the depths of the soul, breaking the barriers of time and space and illusion, and blending into one.

After calming down, all the experiences surging up vividly again, people could not help but savor carefully, and then the corners of the mouth rose up slightly, even if the liquid food in the mouth was still sticky and tasteless, it came from the soul The pure joy in the depths still started to erupt.

"Yes, I found it." Lan Li met Rooney's gaze and smiled affirmatively.

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