The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1100: Stay out

Nathan stared at Lan Li in front of him. He sat on a chair and gently rubbed the paper of the script with his fingers. The focus and focal length were slightly distracted. He fell into his own thinking about the character and the script. His attention was obviously already gone. Left their conversation. This made Nathan a little helpless.

If it was other time, Nathan would get up and leave quietly, leaving a quiet environment for Lan Li to think carefully; but now it is not possible, Lan Li has other tasks to complete. So, Nathan had to cough slightly, "Lan Li. Lan Li!"

Lan Li raised his head abruptly, his eyebrows frowned, but the focus of his sight was still drifting away. Nathan reminded aloud, "Lan Li, telephone interview. This is the purpose of our sitting here, remember?"

Only then did Lan Li come back to his senses and regained the focus, nodding his head repeatedly to express his understanding, "What is the subject of the interview? Tell me again."

"...'Miscellaneous World'." Nathan repeated. Just then, the phone's ringtone rang. He looked down and saw that it was a call from Ned Mullan, a reporter from "Empire" magazine. He hurriedly called. Quickly explained, "The world premiere of the film version of'Les Miserables' was held in London the day before yesterday."

After speaking, Nathan quickly answered the phone, and after a few simple greetings, he handed the receiver to Lan Li.

"Why?" Lan Li's first sentence made Ned on the other end of the phone stunned. "I mean, the movie version of'Les Miserables', why do you want to interview me by phone? If I remember correctly, I I didn't appear in this work."

Ned’s words got stuck in his throat like this, he could say, because Renly starred in the theatrical version; he could say, because Renly had auditioned for the movie version; he could also say, because the two works were premiering Above the formula is the focus of attention. But Ned understands Renly, these are excuses, and Renly doesn't care about them at all.

So, after the words whirled around, Ned gave his own answer, "Because you are the most popular actor, any topic involving you, seems to increase sales, I want to try my luck ."

Such a lopsided answer made Lan Li successfully chuckle, "I can't refute it. As long as it's not about the presidential election, I think I can provide some help."

In 2012, this is a four-year general election year. Now the election has entered the final stage, and only the results are left. This time, Hollywood has repeatedly become a hot topic in the general election, including women's groups and black ethnic groups. As well as **** groups, their votes are decisive for the final presidential direction.

Many Hollywood members have joined this wave of elections. However, as an Englishman, all of this has nothing to do with Renly; what's more, first the West End and Broadway, and then the Surrey Photography Base. Renly's itinerary is always full, and he has never had time to pay attention to other topics.

In an instant, Ned grasped the ridicule in Lan Li's words, and he couldn't help but chuckle, "Are you interested in the evaluation and feedback on the movie version of "Les Miserables"?"

"Actually, I'm not very interested." Lan Li said honestly, "I have a personal respect for Cameron McIntosh, and if I can, I would be very happy to be a part of this play. , This is also the reason why I participated in the audition. But Mackintosh hopes to move the entire stage into the lens. I don’t think this is a good idea. I lose the sense of lens and cinema. Personally, then the movie The charm no longer exists."

A movie is a movie, and a drama is a drama. Simply placing the drama in the film is no different from the video tape on the stage of the drama, so this is completely unnecessary, because these are two completely different art forms with different expression methods and creative ideas. It should not be Confuse it.

That was the case with the 2016 "Fence", and Lan Li personally resisted this movie very much. Movies are not like movies, and dramas are not like dramas. The soul of the two art forms is completely lost.

"Is that why you chose the Almeida Theater version?" Ned immediately caught the deep meaning of Renley's words and asked further.

"I will not deny it. But here, I must clarify that I have never received a formal invitation from the film crew. Before they made a decision, I chose drama. So, there is no such thing as I reject them, or They rejected my situation." Lan Li explained briskly.

This is an unexpected gain, but Ned knows that the general public is not interested in understanding this because it is not "mad" enough.

"The premiere of "Les Miserables" has just ended, and the media word-of-mouth performance is not satisfactory. What do you think of this?" Ned put forward his thoughts in a relatively soft way.

"Ha, I'm not surprised." Lan Li's answer made Ned's eyes brighten, but then Lan Li changed his words, "I mean, if the reputation is very good, you won't call me. ."

Ned immediately realized that Lan Li had seen through his intentions, which made him a little embarrassed, "Lan Li, do you know? Many times, I have the illusion that you know everything the reporter does." Furthermore, it seems that Lan Li himself is an excellent reporter.

Lan Li chuckled lightly, "Your routine is not difficult to guess, it is even simpler than the routine of Hollywood superheroes."

This ridicule made Ned laugh. "So, about this movie, about Hugh Jackman, can you express your own opinion?"

"Of course, personally, I think people underestimate the actor Hugh. Everyone knows that he is Wolverine, but few people know that he has won a Tony Award. He is a very good stage. Actor, have you watched his'Oklahoma'? It's really a masterpiece. I don't hesitate to believe that Jean Ajean, played by Hugh, will shine very well..."

"Compare yourself?"

"I think we are two different styles."

"On the one hand, the direction of the play itself is different. For John Cod's version, Jean Ajean is just a member of the social beings, and we need to converge the edge; for the Cameron-Mackintosh version In other words, he is the absolute protagonist and must be tougher and shoulder the burden of narrative. Therefore, the performance style is bound to be different.

As Ned expected, when it comes to professional knowledge, Lan Li is very talkative and talkative, sharing his thoughts without reservation, sincere and attentive.

"On the other hand, the two of us are different actors. I mean apart from age." Occasionally, there is a little humor. "Actually, I am looking forward to Jackman's version of Jean Ajean, he The performance is magnificent and full, and it is extremely tense, especially the power injected into the chant, it will definitely make the character more surging. This will be a very interesting performance."

Sitting on the other end of the phone, Ned could not help but savor Lanly's point of view.

Obviously, for the reporters, everyone is destined to be disappointed, and Lanly has no plan to **** for tat, and conflicts are destined to be inconceivable; but for industry insiders or drama fans, Lanly’s opinions are of great reference value. .

Above the premiere appeared in his mind, Hugh Jackman's pursuit of Ranley, and the tacit understanding between the two actors was really interesting. Ned couldn't help but chuckle, "What about the movie?"

"I haven't watched a movie yet, so I don't have the right to express my opinion." Lan Li told the truth, "But they have a group of very good actors, actors born in stage plays, and there is absolutely no problem with their solid acting skills. So. , Maybe this is a Queen's Theatre version of the drama on the big screen? I guess."

Although there are some reservations in the words, the ridicule and jokes between the lines can capture the true view of Lan Li. Ned did not hold back, and the laughter passed through the earpiece. "I just want to tell you that there is no comparison. There is no harm. In the next period of time, the calls from reporters are bound to be very busy."

Lan Li raised an eyebrow noncommittal, but did not respond.

Ned added again, "Also, Lan Li, you are a very good actor. I am very thankful now. I went to the Almeida Theater to watch'Les Miserables'. Six hours were obviously worthwhile. In the end. Thanks for the interview time today, so I won’t interrupt your Then, Ned hung up the phone.

Lan Li played with the phone, savored it for a while, and handed it over to Nathan. "All subsequent interviews about the movie version of "Les Miserables" are rejected. The official answer is...I'm busy now. At work, I don’t have time to go to the cinema to watch this film, but I personally maintain a high respect for Hugh Jackman."

"That's all there is?" Nathan has gradually become more comfortable now. Even if he doesn't understand what happened, his brain quickly records everything. "No need to say, if there is a chance in the future, will you definitely go to the cinema to watch this work?"

"Yes, that's all." Lan Li nodded and expressed affirmation, "No need to express it." As if thinking of something, Lan Li's mouth raised slightly, "Also, for John Cod, Emma Fielding makes a call and tells them what they have just said. They know how to do it."

For the Almeida Theater, this is actually a good thing. The free publicity and the comparison between the drama version and the movie version are bound to attract more audiences. Anyway, regardless of whether they want it or not, the media will not easily let go of such a focus, and the discussion will only get louder and louder; instead of listening to things outside the window, it is better to understand the situation in advance and complete the arrangement.

But as to whether or not to take advantage of the momentum, it depends on the decision of the Almeida Theater, and has nothing to do with the blue ceremony.

As Lan Li expected, and as Ned said, after the "Les Miserables" movie version was released, in the hustle and bustle, everyone put the two works together and compared them horizontally, even professional film critics in the industry. It is also inevitable. This seems to have become one of the hottest topics in the awards season at the end of the year.

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