The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1104: Box office loss

In 2012, this is the year of Lanli again.

The Almeida Theater version of "Les Miserables" is sweeping the world and has won praise from insiders. It has written a new chapter in Ren Li's career and has become a hot spot for the Tony and Oliver awards early next year.

The word-of-mouth and box office of "Edge of Tomorrow" achieved a double harvest. As a commercial film, it proved Lan Li's strong market appeal, and his personal salary income made a breakthrough in one fell swoop, keeping pace with Robert Downey Jr.

The undefeated myth that belongs to Lanli continues. Not only art films, but commercial films such as "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" and "Edge of Tomorrow" have received countless praises without exception. This is a miracle. , Is even more a myth. After winning the Oscar statuette at the beginning of the year, the young actor's pace is still unstoppable.

Until the official screening of "Transcendence".

Among the 20 media reviews, eleven had positive reviews, eight had negative reviews, and one was neutral mixed reviews. The media comprehensive review reached 55 points.

At the Berlin Film Festival at the beginning of the year, "Transcendence" ushered in a frenzy of discussion. Praise and criticism were intertwined. The two-tier treatment of ice and fire completely put the entire crew on top of the fire. , The final score of the official journal was only "2.3/4". Among the full scores of four points, they only got a score of 2.3 points.

In other words, at the beginning of the Berlin Film Festival, "transcendence" was a work that failed to pass. Now it is on the North American continent and the media review still fails. This is not a surprise.

Among the many comments, three media outlets gave an ultra-low rating of 25 points. They verbally attacked the movie fiercely. They generally believed that -

"This is a work full of malicious intent to the audience", "It has no meaning at all", "Nothing is good except for emotional clips", "A love story between a handsome teacher and a lovely minor. Is it legal?", "The whole story is full of self-righteous talking to myself", "There is no persuasiveness at all"...

Bad reviews, bad reviews, or bad reviews. Eight media outlets have given terrible reviews. The lines are full of rejection and dislike for this work. The most direct comment said, “It’s a waste of time. A waste of money is a waste of life. There is no need to watch a work."

Although "Transcendence" is an author's film, it was originally not friendly to the audience; but encountering such a serious bad review, or even a useless personal attack, is far beyond expectations.

For Tony Kaye, he was not surprised at all. The previous "Blackwater Shipping Company", which was never able to complete the creation after being interfered by the government, suffered even more terrifying treatment during the shooting stage. Said that this is exactly the original intention of Tony's creation. He said, "Only when it is really stung, the reaction will be so intense."

Compared to criticism, what Tony dislikes more is those tepid, lukewarm middle reviews, which seem to be neither good nor bad. This is the most terrible insult to a work.

But for Lan Li, this treatment is the first time ever, and he has never suffered such treatment in his career.

What is even more frightening is that in those bad reviews, Lan Li's performance was completely ignored, and only pure criticism, criticism and criticism, from the director to the actor, completely negated the efforts of this work.

Of course, in the first batch of reviews, there were eight media with extremely bad reviews, and there were as many as eleven media offering good reviews.

Among them, the "New Yorker" once again strengthened its position and contributed the best in the first round of evaluation.

At the Berlin Film Festival, the "New Yorker" gave the highest praise. After this time, they reiterated their position, "This is undoubtedly the best work since Fahrenheit 9/11. How people hate it. , How good it is; how good people hate it, how good it is."

"Also, Lan Li-Hall is undoubtedly one of the best actors in this era. His performance is full of strength and depth, like a heavy punch, which hits the soul fiercely, spurring a long-distance Reverb. Watching Hall's performance, really feel the baptism from art, which is really rare for contemporary film creation. He is the kind of actor who will never let you down and will always amaze you. "

As the sharpest and most unique magazine in New York, the "New Yorker" always has such a clear love and hate, and will not be stingy with his praise and admiration. This time is no exception, and finally matched with an evaluation of 88 points. In line with the "3.5/4" they gave at the Berlin Film Festival, the banner clearly expressed their position.

In addition, the media’s praise also comes from other sources——

"Wonderful expressiveness, a deafening theme", "The chemical reaction between actors is undoubtedly amazing", "This is a better performance than'Crazy Love'", "Time will prove the value of this work" , "Brave, daring, innovative, unique", "The picture of the ending dying out in the barrenness of imagination is undoubtedly the best of the year"...

In sharp contrast to the negative reviews, the praises are also coming. The works are analyzed and praised from all angles and aspects. The most common view is that the tacit understanding and sparks between the director and the actor have created an order. Impressive works, this is undoubtedly a victory at the artistic level.

The extreme praise, the extreme criticism, the extreme support, and the extreme opposition. It is in these two extreme comments that the "detachment" score has reached 55 points.

This is a bad thing, but it is also a good thing.

Compared with the situation in which the "Les Miserables" are all concentrated in the Central Review Area, it is not lukewarm, not bad, not high and not low, which is really uninteresting; while the situation of "transcendence" is disgusting. Those who hate and like it very much like it very much, but this has triggered more enthusiasm for discussion, at least from a topical point of view, this is positive.

However, with such positive factors, "detachment" does not seem to be needed.

Because, whether it is a bad review or a good review, all professional film critics have reached a consensus: this author's film is indeed very, very unfriendly to the audience.

Obviously, from the very beginning of conceiving the work, Tony Kaye did not intend to please the audience. This work is not for ordinary audiences to appreciate at all. It is more about exploration and exploration at the artistic level. If you can enter the library in the future Collect it and provide it to more movie fans as historical reference materials, that would be great.

Just like directors like Ingmar-Bergman and Michelangelo Antonioni (-), they are masters and masters, but their works are not admirable by ordinary audiences, even just Even many advanced movie fans may not be able to fully understand it.

If you count the box office of these masters, it is bound to be a disaster. The so-called box office feedback is originally a way of expressing commercial attributes, not a way of presenting artistic value.

Although Tony Kaye is still far from the master; but the creative concept and technique of "detachment" is originally full of experimental nature, and his unfriendliness to the market is written in his genes.

Therefore, even if the bipolar comments of the ice and fire double days have aroused countless interest, it still does not help the movie box office much.

In the first week of December, after four weeks of "detachment" from the movie theaters, I still started my own expansion in an orderly manner. Seattle joined the city of the movie theaters, but the movie theaters only increased from fourteen to two. Eleven and three cities still have very few screening theaters. More and more, I hope that more senior professional audiences will join us.

In this week, the riots caused by the media review, the exposure brought by the premiere of "Les Miserables" in London, and the wave of discussions between the film version and the drama version have all become "detachment" to attract more The audience's gimmick.

In the end, the box office of the film also performed well, and the box office of the single library rose instead of falling, returning to $34,000!

For the fifth week in a row, the box office of the film has been maintained at more than US$30,000, which finally set a historical record and became the first work in film history to achieve such a feat.

After all, if you clicked on the excellent works at the box office in the early stage, the data will decline afterwards. Either the pace of expansion is accelerated, or the audience source of the art theaters has declined; like "transcendence", it is not too slow~ There are not many works that are gradually igniting the focus of the topic. At the same time, the works that can maintain the hot topic are even rarer.

Five weeks after the screening, the box office performance of "detached" finally has some topics.

However, with a single library of US$34,000, the total box office is still not commendable compared to the data of 21 theaters.

From another point of view, under the multiple effects of various aspects, the performance of "detachment" has not been able to explode. Even the market appeal of Lan Li's independent art film has not been able to turn corruption into magic, then , There are really not many things worthy of joy and gratitude.

The day the media have been looking forward to has finally arrived——

"Ren Li's Waterloo".

After setting records and continuous success, Lan Li has unknowingly achieved six consecutive works in both word-of-mouth and box office success. Since "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", four consecutive works have exceeded 100 million in North American box office. Following in the footsteps of Tom Cruise and Will Smith, his achievements are becoming a new generation of box office superstars.

In this way, Lan Li's upward momentum is endless, and there is no end in sight. This makes people cannot help but raise a question:

Is this actor with a unique vision for selecting works? Or does this actor already have a real market appeal, and every work has been a success? So, when will this actor hit the rocks for the first time in his career?

Now, the answer is finally revealed.

"Beyond", this became Lanly's Battle of Waterloo, from word of mouth to box office, both ushered in a career low. So, was this just a one-time accident, or was it a career turning point for the entire long career of an actor?

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