The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1115: Between life and death

Bang bang. Bang bang.

There was a muffled thumping sound in the ear, as if...someone was knocking on the window door of the escape cabin. But, they are in space, why would anyone knock on the door? This is really outrageous.

Unknowingly, the humming of An Ninggang's lullaby has drifted away and dissipated in the radio waves. The dull beating sound is like stones thrown into the water, ripples in circles; along with it, darkness The tide also slowly subsided. He slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of light projected in his pupils, dimly and fuzzy, turning his head, and vaguely, he saw Heather Cross.

Heather? Wait, why is Heather here? Floating in space, wearing a spacesuit, through a helmet like a fish tank, he smiled and waved hello. Why did he see Heather Cross?

Countless question marks emerged, cramming the brain, extremely crowded, almost suffocating.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Heather trying to open the hatch, which immediately frightened him-he did not wear a helmet. If he opened the hatch at this time, he would immediately enter an anaerobic state and be involved in the airflow. It may even cause death instantly.

"no no!"

But before he protested and defended, Heather had already opened the hatch. He could only cover his cheeks with his hands like an idiot, as if trying to block the rocket that came over—but there was no rocket at all, the cabin The siren in Li's warning of insufficient oxygen became more and more harsh, and finally turned into a murmur and exploded, but before it spread, it lost its sound.

Because the universe is in a vacuum state, without air as a medium, sound cannot be transmitted.

The whole world fell into silence, absolutely quiet.

In the chaos, Heather hurriedly got into the escape capsule, closed the door, turned on the lights, and turned on the oxygen. Then, the sound came back little by little, from small to large, from low to low. At high, the siren became extremely harsh again, the light in the cabin became extremely bright again, and then Heather's crisp voice could be heard.

"Check your watch, thirteen hours and eleven minutes, tell Anatoly, I broke his record." Heather's voice was full of vitality, and he began to look around, like a curious baby, and began to explore with his eyes , "It's a bit dark here, what do you think?"

He finally recovered.

But the brain is still a bit hypoxic, as if it surfaced after drowning, breathing heavily, but the hot head was still like a mass of paste, he just stared at Heather in front of him with a face full of consternation. At a loss, some sound fragments were made unconsciously, "Why are you... I mean... you..."

But the violently shaking pupils couldn't find a place to rest at all. They just looked at Heather in a focused and dazed manner. On the expressionless face, sadness and joy slowly permeated, intertwined with each other. , Like a gleam of light, slowly brightened up.

"Trust me, it's hard to say a word." Heather said cheerfully.

"" He just stared at Heather in a daze, without turning his eyes, the incredible and joyous excitement in the depths of his eyes surged, and the long-lasting shock waved in his mind one after another. Come, I can't stop, all the voices are stuck in my throat, only a few words that don't form a chapter.

So gaffe, so embarrassed.

Heather removed the helmet, took off the gloves, turned on all the lights expertly, as if this were her site, and then said triumphantly, "This is much better." Then she explained lightly, "I found a...a spare battery. Fortunately, you didn't distract me from there."

Heather turned his head and stared at him. The smile on the corner of his mouth was like the bright sunshine of /spring/day, blooming, "I have to say, I am glad to see you again." Heather shook his head gently, "To be honest , I don’t think you can keep going."

He didn't speak, just shook his head slightly unconsciously, his gaze fell firmly on Heather's face, depicting eyebrows, eyes, bridge of nose, lips, and that clever and playful light, so vivid, It is so bright again, it seems that she has completely got rid of the troubles of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, transformed and reborn.

He knows, he knows, this is an illusion, all of this is an illusion.

He knew that he was filming "Gravity", he was Renly Hall, playing Ryan Stone; he knew that she was Rooney Mara, playing Alex Kowowski; He also knew that they were filming the illusion scene of Ryan talking with Alex in his mind, everything was just a scene from the movie.

He knows clearly.

But he didn't know how the filming progressed to this point. This is the convergence of three different scenes, from Ryan's desperation to giving up and then to the appearance of hallucinations. This is three scenes, in which there are interruptions, repeated shooting, makeup, re-starting, and even a break, at least twice. And more.

But now there is a blank in my mind, all the connections and rest parts have disappeared, no memory can be awakened anyway, as if those things have never happened before, and as if reality and illusion have been merged.

It's just that all of this is not important anymore.

He just stared at Heather in a daze, the smile projected deep in the bottom of his eyes, everything was so lifelike, even the small wrinkles in the corners of his eyes after the corners of his mouth were raised. So, how did all this happen?

Could it be that he was on the road to heaven and met Heather again? Or, Heather was born again, and in the light and shadow of reincarnation, they met again?

His pupils couldn't help but tremble slightly, all the words and all the voices had rushed to his mouth, but no sound came out, but he stopped in fear and panic, lest his own sound might be possible. To break the picture in front of him, even if it is an illusion, he wants to grasp it firmly.

"Have you found the vodka?" Heather's gaze fell between his eyebrows, his eyes stopped slightly, and a faint sadness flowed from the depths of his eyes. He saw his own reflection in the depths of each other's pupils. It shivered slightly as if energized, moving in the blood vessels.

She lowered her eyelids in embarrassment, avoiding his sight, and then began to search for the location of the vodka. He heard the hoarse voice of exhaustion and escape from her ears, "You never told, it is hidden in her ears."

She searched under the seat, fumbled for a while, and then showed a big smile, "Aha!" She turned her head and saw his gaze again, never moving, never hesitating, just so quiet and focused Looking at myself, tears condensed on his eyelashes, reflecting the halo of heartbreak, flowing slowly in the depths of the dark brown eyes, like spring water passing through bluestone.

In an instant, the meaning of time and space ceased to exist, the vicissitudes of change in her heart surged, she returned to Rooney Mara's identity from Alex Kowski, her heart trembled slightly again and thumped. Puff... the clear throbbing sound hit his chest dullly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth fell into the eyes like a vast star.

She could see him clearly, and she could see herself in his eyes, and captured the momentary heartbeat that broke the shackles of time and space. The everlasting magnificence and majesty made the warmth of the eyes begin to surge; she knew that in Her eyes also reflected his appearance, which was crystal clear.

With a blink of an eye, she returned from Rooney Mara to the identity of Alex Kowski again, laughed heartily, and raised the vodka in her hand, "Houston, alcoholism patient Now it's starting to dispatch again." She joked happily, "Salute to Anatole, cheers!" She raised the vodka bottle, pointed it at the mouthpiece, and began to enjoy it.

Then, she raised the bottle, gestured to him, and cast a questioning look.

He shook his head with a smile, and kindly refused the invitation. She shrugged and humorously said, "Doctor is still the doctor." The cold humor in the teasing made people laugh. She closed the bottle again. Turned his head, raised his chin, looked at him playfully, and said lightly, "Let's get out of here together!"

She re-corked the wine bottle back to its original position and explained, "China Station is about a hundred miles away from here. Let's travel on a Sunday."

His gaze followed her movements and looked at the dashboard in front of him, but his gaze still caught her every move, "We can't."

"I'm sure we can but she retorted indifferently and made a face at the same time.

He couldn't help but chuckled, and shook his head helplessly, "We have no fuel. I have tried all the methods."

But she still didn't give up, shrugged and let out a long sigh, "There is always something we can use."

He lifted his gaze, flew his eyes and squinted at him. The expression of spit and speechlessness was so vivid that it made people laugh, "I tried all the methods." The same sentence was full of ridicule, and the atmosphere couldn't help it. Gradually began to relax.

She tilted the corner of her eyes, glanced at him, and then snarled, "Have you tried soft landing propulsion?"

"That's for landing." He defended.

"Yes, the landing also needs to be advanced. This is the same thing after all, isn't there a professor in the training class?" She grumbled mercilessly.

He sighed lightly, "I never landed successfully in simulator training, I told you."

"But you know the technology."

"Then I crashed every time."

The two are like children. You started to argue with each other, naive and brilliant, and refused to admit defeat. In the end, she turned sideways and kept face-to-face, and then raised her voice, "Listen, what do you want? Do you want to go home, or do you want to stay here?"

Seeing Heather in front of him, he was so stunned. All the words were stuck in his throat. The phantom was gradually becoming blurred, and the coldness of reality was becoming clearer. Heather cruelly proposed the most important and most important thing. The key issue hit his heart in an instant, and the sense of reality began to slowly swallow his ankles and continued to rise.

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