The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1117: Self-torture

Rooney in front of me has a neat short hair. The neat facial features outline a touch of alienation and coldness. The messy hair is sticky to the sideburns because of sweat, and a trace of weakness is vaguely revealed in a touch of embarrassment, but The deep eyes were filled with gentle light like stars, gleaming lightly.

Lan Li watched Rooney quietly, watching the images in the depths of her eyes fade away bit by bit, the illusory world of light and shadow disappeared, and the weight of reality from gravity slammed her feet on. On the ground, the feeling of being down-to-earth made Rooney's face clear, and she could also capture the warmth of concern in her eyes.

"I'm fine." Lan Li's eyes still stayed between the eyebrows, and finally, the smile on the corner of his mouth rose slightly, he retracted his gaze, shook his head to express denial, "I'm serious, I'm fine. It's just...just... It’s a bit weak, I need to add moisture now. Before going to the bathroom, I need to store a little moisture.”

This is a small humor between the two actors, only two people who are trapped in the light box working for a long time can understand it.

Rooney laughed, "Jesus Christ, are you sure you didn't take Alex's lines?"

In the last second, the iceberg face Ryan Stone was still immovable; the next second began to be witty and jokes. Such a sharp change is too rapid. It also proves from the side that Lan Li has now completely taken the role from the role. Woke up.

Lowering his eyelids, Lan Li saw Rooney who was doing his best to support him, and barely framed his left arm, which became the most important point of support. The seemingly petite body exploded with powerful energy. The perseverance between the eyebrows burst out with a sassy and heroic posture.

The smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth rose a little again, "This is the second time."

The first time was on the first day of entering the crew.

According to the staff, Lan Li was exhausted, dehydrated and unconscious. Even the strength of his body was completely emptied, and he fell to the ground like a mountain.

If it weren't for Rooney, the injury is a high probability event. Leaving aside the possibility of potential facial friction injuries, if the weight of the entire body collapses directly to the ground, important parts such as shoulders and joints may be sprained or even broken.

The consequences could be disastrous.

Today is the second time.

Lan Li’s words were endless and endless. Rooney didn’t react at once, and then noticed Lan Li’s gaze. Then she reacted, chuckled lightly, and raised her eyebrows calmly, "So, this is also in line with both. Is it the second rule?"

Two-day rule, two-time rule. These are two different things, but they are also the same.

Rooney’s thinking was also really beating too fast, Lan Li was stunned for a while, and then she reacted, and a smile appeared in her eyes, but on the surface she nodded solemnly, "Yes, I’m right about the two rules. Very harsh, I still refuse to date the same person more than twice. So, I think we should still be quite clear between us."

"Huh, thank you." Rooney patted her chest and let out a long breath.

Raising their gaze, Lanly and Rooney could see Nathan, who was bewildered and cautiously standing next to him, trying to come up to help, but was worried about affecting the conversation between the two people. The hesitant appearance made the two people laugh at the same time again. stand up.

Lan Li nodded towards Nathan, expressing his affirmation, and then with the help of Nathan, he sat down beside him, and the tightly tightened muscles could finally relax slightly. There was no problem with his physical strength, just his knees. Some are soft; some are dehydrated.

After receiving the water glass with the straw inserted, Lan Li slowly replenished water. Alfonso and Emmanuel both walked forward. Lan Li cast his inquiring eyes, "How is the shooting effect?"

"Beautiful! It's so beautiful to be done!" Alfonso snapped his fingers, his face was filled with excitement, and he couldn't help but rub his hands constantly. The completion of each key scene meant that they were moving towards perfection. The finished product is a step forward, and just imagining it in your mind is exciting.

Lan Li's gaze scanned Alfonso and Emmanuel back and forth. "But?" He knew that there must be a turning point behind, otherwise, the two would not come hand in hand.

"But..." Sure enough, Alfonso hesitated for a moment, then said aloud, looking at Emmanuel.

Emmanuel simply took over, "In the previous shots, we used more mid-range shots to capture the relationship between Ryan and Alex, and the position of the cabin space was compared to present the characters. But during the shooting, I noticed the eye contact between the two of you. I don’t know how to perform, but I can read sparks..."

"So I thought," Emmanuel paused for a moment and sorted out his thoughts. "Maybe we can take the lens language of this scene one step further, highlighting your performance by changing the position between close-up and close-up. Weaken the influence of the space environment, enhance the telepathy between the two characters, and complete the sublimation of the core of the whole story."

According to Emmanuel, it means to reconsider the lens language and performance content of the whole scene, so the whole scene must be re-shot, and then the appropriate lens is selected through post-production.

It is possible that all the previous shots have been cut off, and none of them are left; it is also possible that after re-shooting the shots, but found that the effect is not as expected, all of them are abandoned and the previous version is still used.

No matter which one is possible, in simple terms, actors have to work hard again, and some hard work and sweat may be wasted.

Alfonso and Emmanuel both knew what these words meant, so as soon as Emmanuel's voice fell, Alfonso added, "As far as I am concerned, the first version has fully met expectations. , It’s exactly the picture I imagined when I conceived the script. But, Emmanuel is correct in one thing, and the chemistry between you really makes people really like it.”

Alfonso’s gaze moved back and forth between Renly and Rooney, without saying anything, but the ambiguous look in his eyes was enough, "Are you sure... between Ryan and Alex Can't you develop something?"



Lan Li and Rooney said in unison. The two quickly exchanged their sights, and both chuckled. Finally, Lan Li said, "We have already talked about this topic."

Alfonso raised his hand and surrendered, "Okay, okay, I see."

Rooney added, “Maybe, it’s a good idea to leave more blanks for the audience to fill in the blanks. We don’t want to blur the focus of the story. Survival and life are the focus; but, beyond this, stay It's a good thing to give the audience more aftertaste and chew."

Alfonso nodded in agreement, "But I agree with Emmanuel's idea. In this scene, the communication between Ryan and Alex is actually a bit blunt through the lines, you guys. Both of them are very good actors. They filled the gaps with their eyes. I was thinking that when Alex chose to give up himself to complete Ryan, we captured a set of close-up shots of the eyes. Is it okay now? Make a response."

"Just as Rooney said, forming an intertext on the language of the lens, not through the script, but through the performance, naturally presented to the audience, showing the two characters’ understanding of life, and then the whole scene The transition becomes softer and more natural."

Alfonso said his thoughts in one breath, but when he finished speaking, he frowned, showing a worried apology.

He knew how difficult the filming of the scene just now was, and both Lanly and Rooney did their best; moreover, how excellent the rendering effect is, precisely because of such excellent, the chemical reaction of the eye contact between the actors, This made him and Emmanuel a little unbearable.

But now, he asked Lan Li and Rooney to do it again, which was definitely a torture.

"Len Li, sorry, I..." Alfonso tried to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Lan Li shook his head with a smile and stopped Alfonso, "Let's do it again and make a new attempt." Then Lan Li raised his head and looked at Rooney, casting a questioning gaze.

Rooney shrugged eagerly, "Then are we still wasting time here? I'll start doing it right away."

"Are you sure?" Alfonso confirmed again.

"Yes, I'm sure Lan Li laughed.

In fact, the re-shooting of this scene is a torture for Lan Li, a torture from the depths of his soul.

The shooting process of "Gravity" has given Lan Li a lot of inspiration, starting from the method school, combining his own experience, and extracting a brand-new character; then, using his own experience and feelings, he presents it in an expressionist way. Wandering back and forth between the boundary of loss of control and control, injecting a deeper and more special performance texture into the character.

It may be just a flashing and shifting of eyes, but it is like a finishing touch that illuminates the soul of the performance.

From the perspective of performance techniques and experience, this is an improvement; the problem is that this experience completely broke all dimension walls, about Chu Jiashu, about Lanli, about Heather, about Ryan, All the story fragments are mixed together, false and true, true and false, forcing Lan Li to re-experience the pain over and over again.

Especially Heather.

A performance is like a process of slowly indulging in the depths of the ocean. The problem is not the difference between reality and illusion, but Lan Li's own struggle and pain. Such suffering is like tearing the soul apart.

However, Lan Li still did not refuse the proposal to remake one time, because he knew that this was the way it was during the performance. The creation and collision of art, countless sparks sprout, tried again and again, trying to find the most perfect way to take oneself. The thoughts show up.

This was the case when I was shooting "Transcendence", and now it is the same when shooting "Gravity".

On the contrary, Lan Li admired Emmanuel's understanding of the camera and performance, and he was willing to try again with his arms wide open.

Now that the storm has begun, let the storm come even more violently.

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