The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1141: Calm and calm

White and thick clouds piled on top of the head. The towering skyscrapers seemed to be cut off to the same height. The row upon row of city skylines suddenly became monotonous and boring; gray. A faint drizzle spread in large areas, squeezing all the colors in the line of sight into a cloud of gray, and the entire Manhattan seemed to have entered a chaotic space, leaving only a bleak gleam.

But this kind of weather is accustomed to Lan Li. Compared with the bad weather in London, New York has not yet reached the bottom of the valley. At least, there is no blizzard warning this year, and the hurricane has not yet made landfall. It is just rain and cold.

I came to Pioneer Village expertly, and then I saw four young tourists who looked like tourists, standing in front of the furnishing window at the door, taking pictures and taking pictures. This made Lan Li stop politely and did not step forward to disturb them. activity.

However, the drizzle of rain did not help. The dim light, the messy water mist, and the vehicles coming and going all made their photo plans become embarrassing. Finally, the pictures were taken one by one, and the two-by-two group also finished taking pictures. In the end, only group pictures were left, but the four of them were dumbfounded.

While looking around, his eyes fell on Lan Li's body.

Lan Li showed a smile and asked, "Excuse me, do you need me to take pictures for you?"

"Yes, yes." The four young people in front of me are all Asian faces, "I... uh... take pictures... here... yes... thank you."

For Western countries, they really cannot distinguish the differences in the faces of various Asian countries and regions; similarly, for Eastern countries, they cannot distinguish the details of the appearance of European and American countries and regions. However, based on the vision and experience of the previous life, Lan Li believes that they should come from China.

Lan Li asked politely, "China?" Then he saw the four young people showing joyful expressions, nodding their heads, and then Lan Li said in Chinese, "You need to take pictures here, right?"

"Oh oh oh." All four of them shouted excitedly. The girl standing at the front nodded repeatedly. After switching to Chinese mode, her language became fluent. "Yes, here is that... Lan Li- The location where Hall’s album cover was filmed, so we want to take a photo here. May I ask, can you take a photo for us?"

Since the album "Don Quixote" won three Grammy trophies, all the details about the album have become the focus of discussion among music lovers. Soon, the legend about the Pioneer Village is no longer a secret. All this makes the Pioneer Village another attraction in New York.

It's just that Lan Li didn't expect that there are fans from Asia. If he remembers correctly, the 11th Studio has never released the album in Asia. Even the European release has been delayed, and it was officially released in August. Is it possible that the Asian region has now been released?

Or is it a digital audio source?

"No problem." Lan Li smiled and nodded in affirmation.

The girl still couldn't help asking, "Lan Li-Hall, do you know? Master? Lan Li!"

Without waiting for Lan Li to answer, the other three friends next to him pulled the girl, "Don't be like this, they don't chase stars. If you ask them this way, they don't understand, he will only find it inexplicable."

"Why not? The young master had a good box office in the U.S. last year. It broke the record. Maybe someone knows it?" The girl still argued firmly, but she immediately received the eyes of her peers and realized the delay. When passing by, she quickly turned her head and showed an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I'm sorry to disturb you, please take a photo for us."

Lan Li took the other party’s mobile phone, then stepped back a few steps, and successfully completed the photo, "I hope you have a pleasant journey." After saying this, Lan Li nodded, pushed open the gate of Pioneer Village, and walked in. , Took off the hat of the windbreaker jacket, then took off the baseball cap worn inside, and finally took off the windbreaker and hung it on the hanger at the door.

In order to shoot "Drunk Country Folk Songs", since the Coen brothers visited the Surrey Photography Base, he hasn't shaved his beard. He has been growing his beard. Five days have passed, and the beard has gradually accumulated, hiding the curve of his chin. It seems that the face shape has changed, and the temperament of the whole person has changed.

In addition, in the first half of the filming of "Gravity", Renly had to trim his hair every week to make sure that the feeling of the scene was similar; but in the second half, in line with the development of the plot, there would be no more hair. Taking care of it further, about ten days to two weeks have passed so far, and now it has grown a little longer and is slightly curled.

On the whole, the whole person feels different. Judging from the reaction just now, the results are not bad.

The four young people standing in the doorway, after finishing taking pictures, turned and left together contentedly. Today in New York, it is windy and rainy, and the temperature is below zero. It takes courage and obsession to stand outdoors to take pictures. Now that the toss is over, it is natural to leave quickly, look for an indoor place, and sit down. Rest well

Pioneer Village?

First of all, it is a jazz bar, which is rumored to be very expensive; secondly, it has not officially opened in the afternoon; and again, they still prefer coffee to beer.

After walking out of three streets, they successfully found a Starbucks and quickly entered it. The warmth in the room finally made people relax, and their stiff brains came back to their senses a little bit, "Hey, the man spoke really well in Chinese just now. It's so good, I didn't expect it at all, and the tone is not awkward, what's the matter?"

"Don't you think he is a bit familiar? I always feel..."

"Yes, I also think that it feels a little bit like a young master."


Then all four of them fell silent, remembered it seriously, and finally laughed at the same time, denying unanimously, "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"It's probably dizzy. It's been raining just now, and the air is foggy, so I can't see clearly. It must be because I missed the young master so much, so I was wrong. I look forward to it now. I can finally see the'detached' in the evening. Yes, I have been browsing the film reviews of this film on the forum last night, ah, ah, they all said that the young master can win the Oscar nomination, this is well deserved!"


The pioneer village of the afternoon time has not officially opened yet, but today the bar is a bit lively. In sight, you can see about thirty or forty people scattered in every corner of the bar, chatting in hustle and bustle, with a relaxed face. With a pleasant smile, you can feel the warmth that slowly spreads out, blocking the wind and rain outside, and outlines a touch of peace.

Next to the bar is undoubtedly the most lively area.

On the side near the stage, sitting in the center is a handsome man with a neatly trimmed beard, a well-dressed hairstyle, a shirt and suit, and a bow tie. With the same beard, the whole person looks clean and tidy, and every detail reveals the richness and dignity of life.

He is like a shining superstar. It's not the kind of radiant and outstanding temperament, but like a stove, emitting a faint warmth, slowly and slowly attracting the attention of the surroundings, when the reaction is over, there are already a dozen people around him. , Stand or sit, loosely surround it, as if the stars are arching over the moon.

The calm and unrestrained gestures seemed to have been integrated into his blood and became a part of him.

Justin Timberlake, the person in front of him is Justin Timberlake.

When people think of the king of American pop, the first person in their minds is naturally Michael Jackson. He is like Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Beatles and other top superstars, with a strong personal style, Not only changed the structure of an industry, but also changed the trend of culture.

After entering the 21st century, a new generation of idols emerge in endlessly, such as Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, Adele, Katy Perry, they all have achieved in their own fields. An incredible achievement, but when it comes to true top pop stars, Beyoncé and Justin Timberlake are the best candidates.

Their profound influence is not only reflected in their own music works, but also in many aspects such as brand culture, fashion logos and opinion leaders, which has really penetrated into all aspects of the entire society.

When it comes to Justin, this super boy-born idol singer is naturally a singer. In addition to this, he is also an excellent music producer, a humorous and talented host, but at the same time, he Still an actor.

It is not the singers who have made brilliant achievements in the film field like Jamie Fox and Will Smith, but more are singers who occasionally expand their influence in the film field.

Objectively speaking, Justin is not an actor with outstanding acting skills, and he himself knows this clearly. This makes him more calm, clearer, more accurate and precise positioning when selecting works, which makes him also achieve success in the film field. Not bad success.

In terms of commercial works, works such as "Friends Go to Bed", "Bad Teacher", "Time Planning Bureau", "Reversal Ace", etc., have good or bad at the box office, but most of the time, Justin is not the leading actor and shouldering the box office. In terms of art works, supporting roles appeared in works such as "Social Network" and "Curve Problem", which really accumulated a bad reputation.

This time the "Drunk Country Folk Songs", as an excellent pop singer, the Coen brothers invited Justin to appear. From a certain perspective, it is a natural performance, and there is no need to worry about the performance part; but from other perspectives, you can also watch it. The Cohn brothers hope to complete this work with a relatively more relaxed attitude. It is not the kind of "old man who has nowhere to rely on", but more of the kind of "three kings who escape from prison" and "true love and false love".

At this time, people gathered around Justin's side.

"...No, no, no, I said at the time that things shouldn't be like this, and then I started dancing on the spot..." Justin seemed to be telling funny stories, which caused a burst of laughter.

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