The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1143: Superstar light

Justin Timberlake is a child star. Like Ryan Gosling, Britney Spears and others, he started his acting career at Disney’s Mickey Mouse Club, spending two-thirds of his life in the entertainment industry. In the midst of ups and downs, he climbed to the top step by step in the last step.

Naturally, many of Vanity Fair's habits have been deposited in Justin's blood, just as the experiences and stories of the two lives have always been rooted in the flesh and blood of Lan Li.

Just a face-to-face, Lan Li can feel Justin’s habit of professional performers, "show", every minute and every second of life is a "show", when making new friends, he can’t help but use A way of external performance to start conversations. Although the affinity and friendliness of Justin is like a spring breeze, there is still a sense of alienation in the spotlight.

This is not commendatory or derogatory, but an objective statement.

Because Lan Li looked at Justin in front of him as if he had seen two sides of a mirror. The two people were so similar. They always wore masks and invisibly separated the position of their friends. It was just that Justin’s mask was a disguise for the show. Lan Li's mask is the courtesy of the nobility.

This reminded Lan Li of the Academy PR during the awards season.

Involuntarily, the smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth rose slightly. Perhaps, this cooperation with Justin will be very interesting, "According to the rules of the courtesy, I should also share the reactions of my surrounding friends, but unfortunately..."

Lan Li teased back in a playful tone, but Justin did not wait for Lan Li to finish, so he interrupted the words first, and jokingly said, "It's okay, I've never seen your work before, so I There is no psychological burden now."

After he finished speaking, he spread his hands and looked at the surrounding people left and right. With an innocent expression on his face, he caused a burst of laughter. It was obvious that Justin was gaining the upper hand slightly, or he was trying to gain the upper hand. .

One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, and two tigers fight each other, and there must be one injury.

One is a superstar of popular music, with an unimaginable influence on American fashion and pop culture; the other is a new superstar in the film industry, firmly occupying a place in the entertainment industry with absolute strength, reputation in the industry Unparalleled.

One has been in the entertainment industry for nearly two decades, has a high-ranking network and a solid and broad mass base; the other has just got rid of the newcomer posture and is expanding the industry relationship step by step, but the speed of rise is staggering.

Both of them are absolute superstars in their respective fields in the contemporary era. They are now gathered on the same occasion, and the powerful auras collide. They obey the basic law of the weak and the strong in nature. Before they realize it, the battle for aura has already begun. There seemed to be no sparks in the confrontation, but there was a kind of suffocating excitement and tension.

"Unfortunately, I don't have too many friends, and I haven't had time to share this latest news with them." Lan Li smiled and completed his own words, and then the laughter in the bar stopped abruptly, even the veteran Justin I couldn’t help being stiff, and my smile just stuck at the corner of my mouth.

This, this is not a card-playing routine. The confrontation in social situations is not such a routine. Why did Lan Li suddenly break the pattern? What should we do now?

Lan Li shrugged slightly, "In fact, I personally like your music very much. Five years have passed since the last regular album? Six years? Are you not planning to release the next album?"

During the speech, Lan Li’s mouth always had a polite and gentle smile. It seemed that he did not feel the aura of the quarrel, but rather conscientiously communicated during the first meeting; but in just a few words, no The sensual repetition of the fights immediately caused Justin to fall into an embarrassing situation, and his expression was a bit stiff.

But Justin has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and the big winds and waves have come. Naturally, he will not easily surrender. Instead, he smiled and asked, "I don't know, you actually like pop music?"

"Oh, I don't like it." Lan Li raised his eyebrows lightly, and again with an unexpected reply, Justin was stunned, "It's just that it's a pleasant thing to listen to different types of music occasionally; not to mention that. , I’m not a nerd, at least not a nerd like Tony Kaye."

Some seemingly ordinary words, when you savour it carefully, reveal more profound meaning.

Why did Justin know that Renly doesn't like pop music? Does this mean that Justin knows about Renly, from the album "Don Quixote" to Renly's film works, and even Renly's interviews, then, Justin's previous "disguise" has now leaked out. Obviously, he inquired about Lan Li before cooperating.

Lan Li actually likes pop music? But it’s just popcorn like a commercial movie, used for relaxation and entertainment, not serious work; and analogy to Tony Kaye, it makes many people do not understand and who has really understood this filming When the director who is "detached" has appeared, the artistic background between the lines is revealed.

Those who don't understand, just feel that the aura between Lanly and Justin is changing little by little, which is really intriguing; while those who understand, you can feel the difference between Lanly and Justin.

Perhaps this description is inaccurate, but the fact is that Justin is more Hollywood, more Los Angeles, more American, in other words, more impetuous and simple; Lanly is more Broadway, more New York, and more European ones, in other words, more elegant and restrained.

The delicate touch hidden in the temperament is unclear, but it gives the two top superstars a completely different texture. In the confrontation between you and me, they are differentiated bit by bit. Some people like Justin, and some people like Lan Li. Everyone has their own style that is more adaptable. However, it is undeniable that the line of sight still falls on Lan Li involuntarily.

Hereditary aristocrats, few people really understand what this term means, but looking at Justin and Lan Li at this time, if there seems to be no place to catch a trace, and sigh, it is no wonder those upper class people always yearn for aristocracy. , Always eager to break into the circle of nobles and become true nobles.

At this moment, the line of sight in the bar was fading towards Lan Li little by little.

This is an interesting phenomenon.

Justin is the noisy one, lively and relaxed, full of enthusiasm, hot jokes and cold humor, one by one, hand in hand, the whole atmosphere always maintains high frequency and high temperature; and Lan Li is the quiet one, who advances and retreats properly, is elegant and polite, gentleman The restraint and alienation revealed by the etiquette seems a bit out of place, especially in the environment of a bar, it looks like an alien.

However, his attention slowly and slowly projected towards Lan Li.

Justin felt this himself, was a little stunned, and then burst into laughter. He bit his lower lip slightly, smiled and shook his head slightly, and when he looked at Lan Li again, his eyes were full of smiles. "So, what's going on now? Plan to make me a nasty villain? Just like Van Diesel?"

A ridicule, a thorny ridicule, but in the words, Lan Li did not feel Justin's malice, and it was more of a self-joking complaint.

Lan Li pursed the corners of his mouth, "No, he is just a clown." After speaking, Lan Li's eyes flashed slightly, and a sly light floated, as if to say: Please don't compare yourself to the clown in a humble manner, you Not a clown, but a superstar.

Justin looked at Lan Li seriously for a while, but after all he didn't hold it back, raised his head to look at the ceiling, and then laughed softly.

Although he does not want to admit it, the fact is that Lanly easily gained the upper hand in the confrontation at the first meeting, and he was willing to go down; even Justin himself can feel the grace and vitality, restrained and sharp personality charm. , Is indeed impressive.

Now Justin finally understands why the whole Hollywood is chasing this young man.

Lowering his head again, Justin smiled and said, "So, the rumors about you and Fan are true? The relationship between you is really terrible?"

This is the first time Renly has complained about Van Diesel positively: the clown.

Even though Justin had been retreating steadily just now almost did not have any advantage, but he still caught a flaw in Lan Li.

Lan Li didn't panic at all, just shrugged slightly, "Perhaps you have heard another rumor. I am a bastard. I am not only picky, but also grumpy. In the process of cooperation, I am just one of a fart/share. Root thorn."

It was so frankly admitted.

Justin's smile became brighter and brighter, "So, is this rumor true?"

"Of course." Lan Li replied simply and neatly, without any hesitation.

The other onlookers were stunned. Only Justin couldn’t help clapping his hands and laughed happily. “I’m even more looking forward to this collaboration. By the way, I’m Justin, playing Jim in the movie. , Levine’s best friend, but you have some inexplicable relationship with my wife."

"Obviously, I'm not the only one." Lan Li's response made Justin laugh exaggeratedly. The unique laughter was too recognizable and unforgettable.

"Hey, I'm Carey Mulligan, playing the wife in your mouth." A low voice with a little hoarseness came from behind, not as sweet as a girl, but with a hint of feminine maturity, "It's not as good as this. , You ask about my boudoir question in person, maybe I can give a better answer."

Lan Li and Justin exchanged glances, and then both looked at Carrey behind him. Lan Li said, "Apart from me, do you spend the night with the coffee shop owner?"

"Ouch (ouh)." Kerry covered her chest and made an arrow-inspired expression. "It's obviously wrong to treat a lady like this."

"It's always the case for men who are dazzled by love. There is no reason at all." Lan Li's response was still full of wit and humor.

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