The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1155: Difficult to distinguish between true and false

The bar is extremely lively and bustling. The entire crew is preparing for the first scene. Stanley Chalson and George Slander have personally visited Pioneer Village, even Woody Allen. The little old man also unexpectedly appeared on the scene, and the bustling atmosphere made people indulge in it. &1t;/

But it was too sultry, and almost out of breath, as if the limbs were firmly tied up, no matter how struggling, it was useless, and the drowning suffocation made the whole person sink little by little. &1t;/

He almost fled in despair, pushed open the back door, and left the crowd silently, just wanting to flee, fleeing far away, he didn't even know where he wanted to flee. &1t;/

The biting and fresh air instantly poured into the lungs, and the world quieted down in an instant, and thoughts stretched between the faint smell of smoke at the fingertips. &1t;/

In a trance, time seems to start flowing backwards between the fingers, returning to the cold winter three years ago, returning to the years before the "Pacific War" was broadcast and before "Buried Alive" was released, and back to being alone for the sake of dreams. The time when I came to New York, I went back to the time when I was smashed and still arrogantly refused to admit defeat. &1t;/

He lowered his eyes, his gaze fell on the cigarette between his fingers, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but he couldn't tell whether it was bitterness or sarcasm. He hasn't taken out a cigarette for a long time. This habit has gradually disappeared, but today, he has returned to the moment of deja vu again. &1t;/

It's like the fragments of childhood in the memory just now, everything has completely blurred the concept of time, the length of three years has disappeared in an instant, and everything was born yesterday. &1t;/

Sometimes, Lan Li can't help thinking, is this all reincarnation? &1t;/

After going around for a long time, Levine Davis still came into his hands as if he was destined. &1t;/

The Coen brothers used "Don Quixote" as inspiration and Dave Van Lange as a prototype to create the character Levine Davis and the story "Drunk Country Folk Songs", but in fact, they were based on him. His experience created this semi-autobiographical story that belongs to "Len Li-Hall"; in other words, he used to be Dave-Van-Lonck, later became Chu Jiashu, and now he is Lan Li-Hall. What about the future? &1t;/

This is an absurd idea, but is it really absurd? &1t;/

The smile at the corner of his mouth rose up involuntarily, and he chuckled lightly. No thinking, no precipitation, or even analysis. &1t;/

Everything is really too familiar, you just need to be in it, you can't tell the difference, the boundary between reality and illusion is completely broken-or it has never existed before, and the dim halo in the line of sight is slowly wafting. After leaving it, it seemed that we could clearly capture the trajectory of the flow of time, and then we returned to the cold winter at the beginning of the year 2o1o. &1t;/

Tonight, now, now, now. &1t;/

He is working in the pioneer village, waiting for a performance opportunity, this is his means of making a living. Not as a waiter, but as a performer, because he is an artist, the song "Cleopatra" is very popular and has become the best way for him to earn a living, even though he earns a lot of money every night. Meager, but at least you can buy a pack of cigarettes or a bottle of beer. &1t;/

At the same time, he is waiting for his own opportunity, a call from the union, an invitation from a performance, and a call from a dream. &1t;/

Biting the cigarette holder lightly, preparing to light the cigarette, but a faint bitterness came from the tip of the tongue, and the movement stopped like this. I don't know whether the taste is the original taste of the cigarette or the emotional taste. The focus gradually began to blur. There was a trace of confusion and confusion; but it was only a fleeting moment, and then after blinking, he exhaled a long breath, held the cigarette to his mouth again, and told himself that he was correct. &1t;/

These insistences are correct. &1t;/

On this road of dreams and art, he is a lonely wanderer, but even if he runs barefoot in the ice and snow, he must proudly raise his head and walk to the end with persistence. &1t;/

silly? &1t;/

Those who give up their self-persistence for the sake of life, money, and profit, gradually conceal their edges, corners and personality, and become the same faces in real life, like marionettes. That is the real stupidity. . Take Jim, take Troy, take...Jane. &1t;/

If you lose the original heart of innocence, if you lose your faith as an artist, if you lose the original intention of a creator, then he will no longer be him, just another product on the assembly line, for Life is rushing, losing yourself, living a life meaninglessly, doing nothing, vulgar and vulgar. This also means that the music he creates will lose its spirituality, and the art he created will no longer be touching. What he left behind The brand will also disappear completely, completely annihilated in the vast sea of ​​people. &1t;/

Rather than linger in this way, it is better to hang him and let him bid farewell to this world. &1t;/

Therefore, even if his mouth is bitter, even if the weather is cold, even if his body is bruised, he refuses to change. This is true even if life is burned. &1t;/

"Bang", there was a loud noise behind him, "Ready, it's your turn to play." A shout suddenly exploded in the air, shouting eagerly and impatiently, "Levien? Wien!"&1t;/

Yes, he is Levine Davis, and he needs to perform on stage. &1t;/

I looked down at the cigarette at my fingertips. I originally wanted to smoke a cigarette, but after all I couldn’t ignite it, so I raised my head and responded, "Yeah." Then he put the cigarette back into the cigarette case. Stepping into the door, passing through the long and narrow back kitchen passage, his vision suddenly became clear, and he saw the stage in the center at a glance. &1t;/

Standing on the side stage, he thought for a while, still took off his suit jacket and hung it on the hanger next to it. &1t;/

The small wet patch on the back looks a bit ridiculous; but compared to the fluffy suit sleeves and hem, it doesn't seem to be that important. &1t;/

I found my guitar in the corner, holding the guitar in one hand, rubbing his head with the other hand, shaking off all the moisture I just got outside the door, and then walking straight on to the stage. I sat down on the wooden chair in the center, hugged the guitar in my arms, pressed the strings lightly, and sketched it with my fingertips a few times to confirm that the tightness of the strings was in line with my habit. &1t;/

The dull guitar string sounds irregularly, among the buzzing sounds of the bar, the market is very popular, and it outlines a touch of ordinary firework. It is not the kind of elegant art, but is always by your side. Street art, you only need a guitar and a voice to sing loudly. &1t;/

The whispering voices still echoed in the bar, and no one seemed to notice the changes on the stage at all. &1t;/

The lights of the entire bar are dim and dim, leaving only a cream-yellow light beam falling down, shrouded in the wooden chair, the light dust in the air is flying up and down, falling sparsely around the shoulders, and outlines From the outline of the body, you can smell a stray breath of vicissitudes and desolation inexplicably, it seems to be a shirt, and it seems to be an aura. &1t;/

The messy and unruly golden-brown scroll still carries the cold water vapor, and it swells in the light, sparse light and shadow passing between the silks, bit by bit, polishing the facial features and the contours of the face, thick and slender eyelashes A shadow was cast to conceal the look under his eyes, but it could not conceal the unrestrained and unrestrained flow between the eyebrows. &1t;/

The neatly trimmed scum occludes most of the cheeks, but the more the softness of the lips is brought out, the lip **** that are gently pressed, revealing a little inner anxiety and restraint, but it is fleeting; the line of sight falls intently on the strings Above, it is as if you are looking at your beloved lover, the strong gentleness and deepness softens the light and shadow. &1t;/

The world is so noisy and chaotic, but suddenly, an indescribable silence spreads slowly. Time seemed to stop suddenly. &1t;/

Annie Silliman gently pulled Paul Walker's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Paul, is that Renly?"&1t;/

Worried that his voice would interfere with the work of the crew, Annie's soft-spoken words forced Paul to be close to his ears, so that he could catch a trace of breath, and then he quietly replied, "Yes, that's Lan Li. Why? Can't you recognize it?" Paul's mouth couldn't help but raised, "In order to shoot this movie, he grew a beard."&1t;/

Annie shook her head slightly, "It's not because of the beard."&1t;/

After that, Annie fell silent, passed through the bustling crowd, and looked at the figure on the stage quietly, without saying a word for a long time. &1t;/

Paul, who has been waiting, almost thought that when Annie was about to sit up straight without following, the immature voice came from his ear again, "He is Lanli, but he doesn’t look like It’s a blue gift."&1t;/

"Isn't it?" Paul couldn't help but raised his gaze again and looked over. &1t;/

Annie shook her head firmly, and once again appeared in her mind on the stage of the Grammy Awards, the blue ceremony singing "The Beast" without a cappella, a touch of sadness and bitterness came from between her eyebrows, but she was still proud He straightened his back and stood in the center of the world, but there was lingering loneliness and loneliness. &1t;/

Annie was still young, she couldn't express her words, and she couldn't say one of the reasons. But inexplicably, her eyes became slightly red, she shook her head again, and muttered, "Yes, and no." She didn't know what she was saying After being unable to express anything, he fell silent and sat quietly on the spot, staring at Lan Li intently. &1t;/

"...I know." Paul said softly, and he could understand Annie's thoughts. This is the blue gift, and every performance always brings surprises. &1t;/

At this moment, he hasn't even started performing, just sitting on a chair, carefully tuning the strings, but the slowly flowing emotion and temperament have been outlined, it seems that everything is the same, but Everything has changed. &1t;/

"He is Renly, but he is Levine now." Paul explained gently. &1t;/

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