The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1157: Break reality

The light and shadow are so beautiful, blur the boundary between time and space, thoughts put wings in the melody and singing, soaring freely, flying away in the wind, leaving the kerosene lamp bar, leaving Greenwich Village, leaving New York, leaving This land... Standing on the top of a mountain overlooking all living beings, standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean, wandering around the sky to embrace the world.

The man, bathed quietly in the milky yellow halo, sang softly, melodious and graceful, vicissitudes and sorrow, beautiful and moving, the bitterness and loneliness between the eyebrows surging gently, embarrassed and ruined, all over his body The dust and the lack of long objects seem to be useless except for the voice; however, that arrogant body, like a winter plum, blooms freely in the face of the wind and frost.

He sang, "Hang me, oh, hang me, I will die forever."

Involuntarily, the corners of his mouth rose up, but the halo projected into the eyes gradually blurred, vaguely capturing the unrestrained and unrestrained touch of the man’s eyes. The bitterness and vicissitudes of life seemed to be hidden in the messy head and In the thick scum, only a touch of wanton and indifferent fluttering of the sleeves did not take away a cloud.

Then, he raised his head, rubbed his nose lightly, hugged his guitar casually, and fell into a moment of contemplation quietly with his eyes down, seeming to be savoring his performance just now, showing a touch of satisfaction. The look, then he withdrew his attention, and said to the microphone in front of him.

"You may have heard of this before." The tail of the eyebrows was raised slightly, and the random and sloppy silk cast a large shadow, and it was lightly indifferent with a stubborn and arrogant, revealed in the casual words. "If a song is never new, but never outdated, it is a folk song."

After speaking, he himself chuckled slightly. That smile, mocking and joking, relaxed and natural, even in self-ridicule, there was a faint brilliance between the eyebrows, which affected the mind behind every look, but he didn't care, there was no pause, and he stood up. , Ready to leave the stage.

This action seemed to finally break the magical shackles of music, and the realism of time came in again, applause, suddenly burst out in one breath, like a volcanic explosion, instantly flooding the entire kerosene lamp bar, that mighty and mighty The applause was continuous, mixed with whistles, shouts and shouts. The mountains whispered and the mountains shook.

George Slander sat there in a daze, as if he couldn't react. For a long time, the turbulent applause continued to hit the eardrum, and then he gradually recovered. The smile at the corner of his mouth paused for a moment, and finally bloomed brilliantly. Open.

George is a little unsure now.

Two years have passed, and Lan Li’s performance is still moving. The narrative hidden in the melody and lyrics is spoken, and he inadvertently crashes into the softness of my heart. The scars deposited by the years seem to be little by little. The ground is hidden in the details of the singing, adding a touch of wanton and casualness.

This is a good thing. However, what George is not sure about is the soul after time carving. Renly still maintains the innocent heart when he created "Don Quixote" two years ago, and is even more transparent and sophisticated, in Hollywood's Vanity Fair. It’s really too precious; it’s the power of performance

In the time that the folk song was slowly flowing, the light and shadow were slowly flowing back, as if truly returning to the 1960s, the era of madness for folk songs, the era of obsessive art, and business was invading. But art is still proud; sitting in a tavern and listening to a night of performances and chatting with three or five friends is far more fulfilling than the happiness brought by television or the Internet.

In a trance, George really blurred the boundary between reality and illusion, unable to distinguish, whether it was Renly or Levine who was performing on the stage. More or more is Levine, the Levine who was trapped in a dream but refused to compromise.

With a smile, the bitterness surged up like this, and then the eyes fell into warmth.

George lowered his eyes in embarrassment, and then he noticed Stanley Chalson sitting next to him.

Stanley leaned on the back of the chair with a face of enjoyment, holding a bottle of beer in his hand, and a cigarette lighted on top of the ashtray, his expression in a trance, as if immersed in memories and unable to extricate himself.

Perceiving the look in his eyes, Stanley glanced at George, the smile on the corner of his mouth rose, and he raised the beer lightly for a gesture, then took a big sip, then gently shook his head again.

Enjoy, just simply enjoy, enjoy the beauty of this moment. that's enough.

Turning his head, George looked at the man on the stage again, his sloppy and down-to-earth outfit, but with an intriguing charm. In the 1960s, that was the case. Talented men always had no shortage of admirers, even the homeless who lived in the garbage dump. It was a crazy age.

Levine, Levine Davis.

This is a talented guy, but not suitable for commercial promotion, because he is like a stone in a pit, smelly and hard, insisting on outdated folk ideals and artistic persistence. Talent is indeed talent, but it is destined to not become money. Numbers, no one would want to listen to his songs on the radio.

"Hang me, oh, hang me", God, if he heard such a song on the radio, he would hang himself willingly. It's hard to imagine how tricky and difficult the audience's complaint calls will be, and he is unwilling to cover up such troubles, but... listening in the bar and entertaining is really a kind of enjoyment.

"Haha." George chuckled softly, then put his finger in his mouth, followed by whistling, and coaxing together.

Sixties or modern? Gaslight bar or pioneer village? Levine or Renly?

Is this important?

Obviously it doesn’t matter, all the boundaries are completely broken, everything is real, everything is illusory, just want to be immersed in the melody just now, embrace freedom, wander the horizon, chase dreams, bloom life , When freedom and dreams disappear, then hanging will no longer be terrible.

The whole audience is boiling.

The applause, whistle, cheers are endless, and you can even hear someone shouting, "Encore, Encore."

The excessively lively scene suddenly broke the barriers of reality, and then saw a person rushing out of the side stage, a short and beard-looking kiwi, with a helpless smile on his face, and Levi, who had not had time to leave on the stage. Eun gave a hug, then picked up the microphone directly in front, and said, "Quiet, guys, be quiet."

However, the applause at the scene showed no signs of subsiding, instead, it became more and more lively.

The kiwi shook his head again and again, with a dumbfounded expression on his face, "We are filming, everyone, this is a movie, not reality." Ethan Cohen was helpless, he felt like he had dug a hole, and then Buried myself, this kind of feeling is really indescribable.

The scene just now was perfect, truly perfect.

Lan Li's singing and acting skills are natural, without any flaws, the whole performance is smooth and flowing, and the song "hang me, oh, hang me" is fascinatingly interpreted, and it is truly complete with Levine Davis. Blended into one, there is no trace of performance at all, but the story has been told in a calm expression.

Just for the first scene, Ethan and Joel wanted to stand and applaud.

This is even better than the original video of singing "Cleopatra", that kind of arrogance, kind of unruly, kind of vicissitudes, kind of bitterness, seemingly contradictory but flowing harmoniously in the melody. As soon as he made his debut, the character's shaping was completed, and such Levienne was on paper.

Before, the Coen brothers were still a little worried. It’s not about Lan Li’s ability, but about Lan Li’s state. First, he just finished the heavy shooting of "Gravity"; second, the preparation time for "Drunk Country Folk Songs" is still not enough, but it turns out that there are many of them. Worry about it.

Lan Li's performance is undoubtedly perfect, but this scene is not.

Because Lan Li’s interpretation and performance is so excellent, a simple song has already covered countless vicissitudes of life, and the audience in front of them has completely blurred the boundary between reality and so that they simply forget it. The fact that the movie is being filmed.

In the beginning, they looked forward to Lan Li's dedication of top performances; but now, they are in trouble because of Lan Li's outstanding performance. This, this feeling is really weird, beyond words to describe, Joel standing in the audience has already lost a laugh, clapped his hands ridiculously and laughed.

In desperation, Ethan could only go out in person, "Gentlemen and ladies, I know that Renly’s performance is very wonderful, in fact, it is wonderful. I regret it now. If Levine is so good, He shouldn't be buried."

"No, there were too many talented singers in that era." Lan Li's voice came from the side, reminding him, and then shrugged, "But I also agree that I should get the opportunity to promote the radio. "The first half of the sentence is Lan Li, and the second half is Levine, the whole tone and tone of voice change without any sense of disobedience.

The highly unified effect caused Ethan to look sideways and glanced at Lan Li more.

Today is only the first day of the official shooting. Ethan still has not been able to fully adapt to the rhythm of Renly’s performance. He can faintly detect the abnormality, but he can’t tell the reason; in a trance, it seems to see Levine, but again It seems that I just saw the other side of Lan Li.

In some moments, Ethan even began to wonder, is this a performance? Or is it that Lan Li is just being himself? If so, isn't it a foul? It is directly equivalent to no performance? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? So, what is the difference between Renly and Levine?

To be honest, Ethan was not familiar with Renly, nor was he 100% familiar with Levine, so he was caught in a dilemma.

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