The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1172: Adult world

As mentioned before, in aristocratic families, the bond between parents and children is very thin. Basically, children are brought up by housekeepers and nanny. Compared with parents who are related by blood, the relationship between children and housekeepers and nanny is closer and closer.

The same is true for the Halls.

Butler Philip Demba and babysitter Denis-Stevens (Denis-Stevens) are responsible for raising and taking care of the four children. Although the four children have hired tutors, overall, the boys and Philip are closer. The girls were grown up by Denise.

There is a small difference in this.

As a housekeeper, Philip is aloof, and he basically follows all the etiquettes of the nobility. As George Hall's left and right hand, he is in charge of all the affairs of the entire mansion. In a true hereditary family, the position of housekeeping is a work passed down from generation to generation. Outsiders can serve.

Therefore, Philip needs to abide by more rules and regulations. He has a closer relationship with the two boys, but he still has to abide by the etiquette of the nobility. Strictly speaking, it is not like a father-son relationship; it sounds like a teacher and a friend.

As a nanny, Denise is different. Many nannies from noble families are hired. They have specialized systemic education and training institutions. After receiving relevant training, they are employed as job interviews. Few noble families adopt the hereditary system.

Naturally, Denise's **** is much less, and all his motherly love is poured into the child, and the bond and relationship with the child are closer and closer to the image of a mother.

It is worth mentioning that Denise is now over eighty years old and took care of Elizabeth Hall when he was young. Later, he followed Elizabeth to Hall's house and took care of Elf and Edith respectively.

Denise herself once gave birth to a son and a daughter. Her daughter died unexpectedly when she was young, but her son became seriously ill after he became an adult. She died after suffering for several years. Now she is also alone. Edith was born shortly after his son died, so Denise put all his efforts on Edith.

Among the four children, Edith and Denise have the closest relationship.

"Nanny (Nanny, this is a very colloquial term. In aristocratic families, only children would call their nanny like this; in addition, in colloquialism, people are also used to using this term to nickname their grandma or Grandma is more intimate and childish.

Of the four children of the Hall family, only Edith still calls Denise this way, while the other children have directly called their names after they grew up. This small detail can be seen to show how important Denise is to Edith.

A few years ago, when both Lanly and Edith were not of adulthood, Denise chose to retire because of his physical relationship, and left London to live in the country to take care of her life.

This time, Denise specially invited Edith to go back to spend Christmas together, and went even further back to the Hall’s mansion. Obviously, it was not just for the holidays. It is estimated that Elizabeth's shadow can still be seen behind——

It is a fact that Denise and Edith have a very close relationship; it is also a fact that Elizabeth was brought up by Denise.

For a long time, in order not to worry Denise and enjoy her life well, Edith rarely talks about her life and work, and every time she talks and meets, she always speaks vaguely; if Elizabeth tells Denise, Edith is now going to work in dangerous places such as battlefields and needs help to persuade, Denise is definitely willing to contribute.

This is the despicability of the adult world.

Weaving white lies under the banner of "for your good", breaking the bottom line time and time again, but in the end it is impossible to determine who is good for.

When Lanly heard Edith mentioned "nanny", his ominous premonition was invaded. The first reaction was to exclaim "Jesus Christ" because he knew that as long as it was facing Denise, Yi Diss will lose her composure, and even if she knows it is a trap, she will jump down willingly.

Lanly believed that Elizabeth knew this too.

As for the "Charlie" mentioned in the words, it is their personal family doctor, and they have a lot of friendship.

Edith, who returned to London for Denise, quickly realized that this was a trap, but she had no way to blame the nanny; what's more, Denise's physical condition was indeed not very good, and she was very old. She needs a good rest, so even if she understands it, Edith has no way to get out and leave.

In a blink of an eye, it was a month.

Even if Edith doesn't need to explain in detail, Lan Li can still fill in the relevant pictures.

Living in that house is as if the soul is bound. Even if Edith’s body is free and can leave at any time, she still can’t rest assured that Denise can’t easily turn around and let go, so she It became a kite, and the kite string was firmly held in Elizabeth's hand.

This is their mother.

Lan Li couldn't help but think of the original "Hamlet" invitation. They chose to compromise temporarily, but the ultimate goal was to want their children to step back, and then choose the path according to their wishes.

"Where is Elf?" Lan Li asked a rhetorical question and grasped the point of the question. If Elf was at home, and Elizabeth was added, the feeling of depression and suffocation would really make people shudder. Even Lan Li is still a little unbearable now.

Edith showed a surprised look. "The wonderful place is here. Elf didn't come back. She never showed up except for one night after returning to live on Christmas Day; so did Arthur. This It's really weird."

When encountering similar things in the past, Elf's figure cannot be ignored. For example, Renly returns to London to film "Love Is Crazy", or when Renly returns to the stage in the West End of London, Elf is a representative. She would not take the initiative to send the door to the muddy water, but she would not deliberately avoid hiding, but handled it in her own way. In many cases, she even handled it better than George and Elizabeth.

But this time, Elf "disappeared". It can be seen that this is deliberate.

It seems that a story they don’t know happened to Elf, but Elf always keeps a distance from Renly and Edith. Even Arthur and Elf have very limited communication, just maintaining it. The family relationship above the surface of aristocratic families, that's all. Therefore, Lan Li had no way to detect, and did not want to detect.

"So, is Denise's body okay?" Lan Li changed the subject again and asked.

Sure enough, Edith relaxed a little, "It's all old problems. Her heart is not good, but she likes to eat sweets. This is really a headache. This time, her knees are not very good, London Yin She can’t stand up in days, she needs someone to take care of her, but I hire a nurse for her, and she doesn’t want it. God, you say, why is she so stubborn?"

Looking at Edith who was babbling in front of her, Lan Li couldn't help but chuckle.

The same stubbornness is true for Denise, and so is Edith. Frankly speaking, Lan Li felt that Edith and Denise were more like mothers and daughters, at least in terms of personality and habits, even the way of getting along.

At this moment, Matthew walked over, and the two exchanged their eyes, and a smile flashed across their eyes: Edith like this is really cute.

Afterwards, Matthew took the dinner plate in Lan Li's hand, raised his eyebrows, and seemed to be asking, "Coffee?"

Lanly replied, "Whiskey." Then his eyes fell on Edith, which meant that Edith needed a drink tonight, and he was going to accompany him.

Matthew immediately understood, nodded, turned and left.

"Then how did you leave in the end?" Lan Li knew Edith. If Denise hadn't been properly arranged, she wouldn't worry about it, otherwise she wouldn't be staying in London for a whole month. Now think back to what happened just now, everything has been reasonably explained.

Edith took a sip of the whiskey in her hand and scratched her hair again. "Denise promised me to live in a nursing home for three months. On the one hand, he would observe the body so that the doctor could complete the examination systematically; on the other hand, it was also Adjust to life in a nursing home. If she still doesn't like it, she must accept the nurse I hired and take care of her at home."

"Oh, so you persuaded her?" Lan Li asked in a slightly surprised way. Denise is a well-regarded grandmother, who doesn't know much about the new generation of women/awakening, and naturally can't understand Edith's many choices. .

"What?" Edith was stunned and didn't react.

"Elizabeth persuaded Denise, the reason she came forward to call you back, did you convince Denise?" Lan Li explained in Lan Li deeply believes that Edith is now Her thought reaction speed was at least two beats slower than before, but she can’t be blamed. After all, she lived in that restrained and icy mansion for a month without assimilation or degradation. This is already very rare; not to mention, Yi Diss’s current date is... Wait, has she changed her date?

"About my job?" Edith asked back, and then waved, "I simply took it with him. Denise also knew that I was pursuing my career. She gave some advice, but didn't go into it. ; The real trouble is that they started to care about my date."

"..." The air suddenly became quiet, and both Lanly and Matthew did not speak or respond. On the contrary, the quietness became more and more prominent, and the absurd joy was brought out.

Edith herself knew that, raising her hands, she made a helpless gesture of surrender, "I know. It has nothing to do with my job, but because of my date. I don't understand, Chris. What's the problem, they should be so excited that even the nanny moved out."

"Isn't he up and down, inside and out, everything is a problem?" Matthew's cold voice spit out mercilessly.

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