The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1222: Nobody


For Hollywood, this is a compulsory course. Everyone is waiting, quietly waiting for a positive or negative result, quietly waiting for their own shining moment, and quietly waiting for the so-called moment of success. Some people have waited for the arrival, but more people will never wait.

It's like waiting for Godot.

Lan Li retracted his gaze, went through the window of the train carriage, and looked at the scene on the opposite side of the street. With people coming and going, light and shadow, his smile rose slightly, "You know what? Sergio-Lai -1eone (-1eone) waited a full eleven years for the filming of "America's Past"."

In 1971, Paramount invited the Italian director Sergio to direct a gangster movie.

At that time, Sergio, who had a place in the United States for directing classics such as "The Red Dead Redemption", "The Fistful of Twilight," "The Good, the Good and the Old" and "Once Upon a Time in the West" and other classics, Sergio, can be said to be very famous, and invites the film. Constantly, but when Paramount invited, Sergio was preparing a gangster movie of his own, and in desperation, he had no choice but to refuse.

Later, Paramount found Francis Ford Coppola to take over the guide tube; and later, the "Godfather", who is well-known in history, was born.

At the same time, Sergio has been polishing the script carefully. When everything is ready, the "Godfather" has become very popular. The producers have lost confidence in similar works and refused to invest. By mistake, Sergio missed the best opportunity. In desperate circumstances, Sergio came to Cannes, dressed neatly, holding a stack of 400-page scripts waiting for investors.

This class is eleven years; this work is "America's Past".

"Yes, I know. It took 13 years before and after the filming was completed, but when it was released in the United States, Warner Bros. voluntarily cut it out, cutting the 249-minute duration. The version, castration became one hundred and thirty-nine minutes, this is the infamous'American version'. What a irony." The young man shrugged slightly, and said in dismay.

Frozen, the young man reacted and laughed blankly, "You mean, do I have to wait for eleven years? It's only two years now. The time is too short. I should be more patient? Man, It’s not cool, it’s not cool at all."

As he spoke, the young man turned his head and looked at the stranger next to him. The little humor was hidden in the conversation, which really made people shine.

But the next moment, when the familiar face came into view, the young man was so dumbfounded, even his smile stiffened on his mouth, his eyes were completely dull, no sound came out, no surprise, no shock, just It just stagnates, and there is no expression and emotion.

"Hey, buddy, maybe you can give him your work. This is also a choice, isn't it?" The waiter smiled and gave his opinion, but then he nodded to Lan Li, "Hope You won't mind."

Lan Li smiled and nodded repeatedly, and shrugged slightly, "Of course, it is my honor. Although I am not sure, which producer I know..." Lan Li thought about it seriously, thinking about it. The names of the producers that can be thought of are indeed limited, "But I am very happy to pass it on for you. If you don't mind."

As an actor, the negotiations between Lan Li and the producer are really limited, and more often they are just nodding acquaintances. Lan Li does not believe that those familiar producers will buy it for themselves and are willing to invest in an art film. At least for now, it should be an art film. After all, the ultimate task of the producer is to make money.

But at least, Lan Li can try and see. The premise is that Lan Li browses the other party's short film to see if there is a possibility of recommendation. Although Lan Li believes that this is not necessary, because he has already recognized the person in front of him, there is also a vague guess in his mind about the project.

"..." The young man did not speak, but just nodded, nodded vigorously, constantly nodded, opened his mouth wide, but didn't know what to say, the excited and excited appearance overflowed from the eyebrows, the eyes, and the corners of the mouth. come out.

Lan Li laughed blankly and asked, "What about the short film?"

"Oh, oh oh oh." The young man nodded and continued to nod, which made people strongly doubt whether there would be a problem with his neck, like a shook his head doll with a loose spring, he began to fumble his pocket constantly. I searched through my pockets one by one, but I couldn't find my own work.

However, Lan Li remained patient and did not speak.

The waiter standing beside finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked tentatively, "Is it the USB flash drive on the bar?"

"Yes! Yes!" The young man raised his head abruptly, only then did he notice the small silver USB flashing on the table, gleaming under the light, he quickly grabbed it and handed it to Lan Li," This...this is my work. I won the Short Film Award at the Sundance Film Festival in January."

"Not a grand prize, just a jury prize, but..."

"'Burst Drummer', by the way, the name of this work is'burst drummer', which means whipping (hip1ash). On the one hand, it refers to the strict discipline of the teacher for the students, and on the other hand it refers to the action of the drummer hitting the drum set. . It’s not the meaning of /color/sentiment/. I adapted it based on my experience in high school, but...but that is not important information. The work is more important, the work."

"Oh, yes, this is a story about drums. It can also be said to be a story about music."

"I hope to be able to make a 100-minute long film, which is an 18-minute short film."

"If you have a budget, one million, no no, five hundred thousand is enough, three hundred thousand, if you just find new actors, three hundred thousand will be fine."

"My only request is to create this work according to my own ideas. I know that this request is too much, but... I really think that all the pictures and ideas of this work are in my mind, I can Finish, I’m serious. With some composition and light in this short film, you can see my thoughts."

"Do you need a script? I also have a complete script, an electronic version in the USB flash drive, and then I have a printed version, my briefcase, I have a briefcase today, wait a minute, give me a little time. I I believe I will find it soon."

"Sorry, my words are a bit confusing. But, I mean, thank you, thank you, yes, that's what I want to say."

Incoherent, truly incoherent, the young man is already nervous to the extreme, constantly rubbing his eyebrows, his chin, his fingertips, and his head. It seems that every part of his body is restless, and there is no word in the words. He couldn't organize it into a complete chapter at all. As he talked, even he himself had forgotten what he was talking about.

In the end, the young man himself fell into a quarrel, scratching his head irritably, frowning tightly, very dissatisfied with his performance, but it was useless, he could only stare at Lan Li in a daze, at a loss. The whole person was so discouraged, he slumped his shoulders, and sat on the spot with great annoyance and depression, as if he had lost the whole world.

For this moment, for this day, he typed countless drafts over and over again, conceiving the ins and outs in his mind over and over again, and even thought about how he should persuade the other party, so that the other party has no chance of rejection, full of confidence. Complete the entire process of self-recommendation; and consider all possibilities. But the actual operation was a total disaster.

Unexpectedly, all this is really too unexpected! Lan Li appeared in front of him like this, and the two people were chatting like friends, as if they were just strangers meeting by the water. He didn't expect it at all, and then without warning, his opportunity appeared like this.

However, he couldn't push all the responsibilities above "accidents", because he had already anticipated such a situation.

No matter who you meet tonight, it may be an accident. For everyone on the Oscar night, he is an unknown person. There are thousands of unknown persons in Los Angeles. If it were not desperate, he would not be willing to choose such a stupid stupid method, waiting at the door of Oscar night, from a different position, he would not care about such an unknown person who can only daydream, but this is his only one. Of choice.

Therefore, when he decided to do so, he was mentally prepared. The preparation for the unexpected, the preparation for ignoring ~ ~ even the preparation for making things difficult.

Unfortunately, he didn't. Not at all!

"Sorry, I didn't bring my computer to go out today." Lan Li's voice came over, still gentle, still elegant, still calm, and even faintly heard the faint smile in the words, not sarcasm, but relaxed, everything There is not much difference between the small talk just now, "I will watch it carefully when I go back, but it's better than this, you can tell me this story now."

The young man suddenly raised his head and looked at Lan Li in disbelief. The shock and astonishment in his eyes flowed out like this, "Really...really?"

Lan Li shrugged slightly, "If you won't be busy tonight."

"No, no, of course not!" The young man rushed and said, because he was so anxious that he was almost choked by his saliva, but he didn't have time to take care of himself. He just waved his hand and tried to continue talking again. I was afraid that I would neglect a little bit, so I missed the absolute opportunity.

Lan Li picked up his coffee, gestured, and calmed down a little bit, "Come slowly, after my last confirmation, tonight is still a long time, suitable for sitting down and chatting slowly. By the way,... Mr?"

The young man took a big sip of coffee. Although he was scalded and grinned, the light in his eyes bloomed proudly, and it seemed that the whole world was beginning to brighten, "Damien. My name is Damien Chazele ( damien-chaze11e)." Only then did I realize that I was rude, it was really outrageous, "Sorry, I have forgotten to introduce myself, you can call me Damien."

"Len Li-Hall." Lan Li also introduced himself with a smile, which was the beginning.

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