The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1262: finished perfectly

Amidst a burst of laughter, Robbie leaned against the sand, simulating the action at the time. He "opened" the bed sheet, and replied in a concise but meaningful way, "Yeah." Someone on the scene was already beginning to point. Called, Robbie's story continues, "Then she said, I will slap it out for you."&1t;/

The two poor little friends, Daniel and Ed, didn't hold back, and laughed after a chuckle, and received a hundred thousand critical hits. &1t;/

Lan Li had a calm face and gave Robbie a soft applause, and then said calmly, "You should advise her to pay attention to herpes."&1t;/

This sentence added fuel to the fire, so that Graham was already out of breath with laughter, and could only clap his hands continuously, and the audience laughed to the point of exhaustion, one by one, and the studio was scorched. &1t;/

"That was before herpes." Robbie explained to Renly seriously, before continuing his story, "I am a creative person, I was very young then, I thought, maybe I can Close your eyes and pretend to be someone else. So..." Robbie paused and opened his "sheets", "I said at the time, okay, come on!"&1t;/

Lan Li patted Robbie on the shoulder, "I think we might need an ambulance. The cheeks of these two young people are about to explode."&1t;/

Two young people, referring to Ed and Daniel. &1t;/

Graham's voice was hoarse, and he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Hey, gentleman, you are the same age as them, don't forget."&1t;/

It's not that Robbie's story is terrifying, but that after experiencing layers of tests throughout the show, Lan Li has been constantly challenging Graham's bottom line, and now it is finally completely exploded in Robbie's simple and straightforward story. Graham deeply believes that the laughter of this episode of the show seems to have exceeded the quota. &1t;/

"Anyway, anyway..." Robbie interrupted Graham and Lanly's teasing, and said repeatedly, "In the end, she still moved. But it felt very, very strange, and very confused, like a fog in the forest. She completed the whole process very gently."&1t;/

Robbie's adjectives are really peculiar. Lan Li keenly captured the details, "gentle."&1t;/

At the same time, Graham also captured the same details, "Be gentle."&1t;/

The two people spoke in tandem, almost in unison, flashing back in an instant, and the audience's memory was awakened, but at this moment, they had no strength, each holding their stiff stomachs, and the corners of their mouths were greatly curved. The ground rose up, but there was no sound at all, only the throat vibrated helplessly, and there was a low buzzing laughter. &1t;/

Robbie also reacted instantly, "Hey! Don't spoil my imagination!" The expression of panic and complaining added to the joy, but the story is not over yet, "That night, I was sitting with the housekeeper of the castle. , I told her, do you know? Your cleaners are really weird."&1t;/

Pouch. Daniel's laughter has been announced in advance. &1t;/

"But the housekeeper said, what do you mean?"&1t;/

"I said, today's cleaner, she behaved very strangely."&1t;/

Robbie simulated the dialogue alone, explaining the story back and forth, "She said we don't have a cleaner on Wednesday." The dying laughter turned into applause, and it rang out again. &1t;/

But just when everyone thought this was a ghost story, Robbie didn't create suspense, and the conversation turned, "In fact, it's on the street, and someone broke in casually and came over and gave me a plane. , She left."&1t;/

Lan Li was also amazed again and again, and gave Robbie a round of applause. Such a ridiculous and unruly story can definitely be included in the scope of the peculiar experience. &1t;/

But Robbie’s story is not over yet. “It’s not over. About two or three years from now.” Robbie turned around, looked at Lanly, and said, “I’m with my band members, I I told them about this story accidentally, and then my guitarist was stunned and patted his thigh. It was Jasmine! Jasmine from the bar! She told others that she had done something like this, but no one believed her at all. ”&1t;/

After all, Lan Li didn't hold back, he laughed happily, and shook his head again and again, "Robby, Robbie, you should have said it earlier, Jasmine has been waiting for this day." Then Lan Li looked towards it. The camera said solemnly, "Jasmine of the bar, you can tell this story again, now someone finally believes it."&1t;/

Daniel sitting next to him also nodded again and again, "God, this is definitely the best joke tonight."&1t;/

Lan Li spread his hands, looked at Daniel, and said with a question mark, "Did we talk about any jokes?" Pretending to have never had a baby tonight. &1t;/

At this moment, Ed, who was sitting in the middle, patted his thigh, and said with an annoyed look, "Why did I come to participate in the recording of the show today?"&1t;/

This sentence is Ed’s best moment tonight. A self-tackling but unexpectedly fits the atmosphere of the scene. Everyone clapped and laughed. The laughter that had originally thought disappeared, but it still roared hoarsely, &1t;/

Robbie smiled and added, "In a moment, I will give you the address of the castle, and Jasmine will definitely come and look for you." This sentence was addressed to Lan Li, but Daniel was particularly stunned and stared. Eyes, pointed their fingers at the three of them, and said silently, "Are you all?"&1t;/

"Only Lanly." Robbie shook his head, cut off Daniel's hope, and then saw Daniel drooping his shoulders, his vivid and exaggerated reaction won the colorful show effect, "Right, Lanly, are you? Don’t you live in the castle? So, have you never encountered a strange cleaner before?"&1t;/

castle. &1t;/

Robbie did not hide anything, and directly mentioned the castle, alluding to the family background of the hereditary nobles. What Graham didn't do, Robbie did it easily. &1t;/

But Lan Li was still not panicked, "So, after the topic turned around, it came to me again? I thought Robbie needs to sing on stage now. The band members there look so lonely, should we take care of them in advance? Click?"&1t;/

The band members at the other end of the studio began to wave their hands to cooperate with the performance. &1t;/

The audience laughed again at the scene, but this time, Graham, Robbie and others did not let Lan Li go. They still focused on Lan Li, and Graham cut into the topic just right, "Robby We can wait a little longer, we still have a little time, but he said the point, have you never experienced it before?"&1t;/

"No, of course not." Lan Li replied calmly. Just when everyone thought Lan Li was about to break the news, he heard him say solemnly, "If there is a need, the kitchen and laundry room are better choices. , As for the bedroom, in order to be decent, we will not do anything in it. I mean, anything in the literal sense, even a couple will not."&1t;/

This is to complain about the indifference and alienation of the nobles. Even in the bedroom, Robbie's short story will not be repeated. &1t;/

In the studio, they froze for a while, and then they understood the meaning of Lan Li's words, as well as the innuendo of the kitchen and laundry room, they didn't know whether they should be excited or frightened. &1t;/

"In addition, by the way, I have never lived in a castle. I think there are only a few that still live in castles in England." While speaking, Lan Li also raised his hands and began to count. The implication in the inside and outside of the story could not be more obvious. Except for Buckingham Palace, there are indeed not many nobles living in the castle. &1t;/

Robbie and Daniel both clapped their thighs and laughed. &1t;/

Graham shook his head helplessly. Lan Li is absolutely dripping water, seemingly generous and unhurried, but guarding against guards does not reveal any flaws. Now the recording of the show is nearing its end. Graham can only regretfully retreat." So, did you come here today for...?"&1t;/

"Oh, finally." Lan Li sighed exaggeratedly, then glanced at Robbie, seeming to complain: his publicity plan is still behind the music guests, "'Les Miserables' is about to be staged at the Almeida Theater. Anniversary. In the next period of time, we will launch an anniversary commemorative event, and we welcome audiences to come and join us."&1t;/

"You mean, you will also join the anniversary event?" Graham still dutifully asked. &1t;/

"Yes." Lan Li replied in the affirmative, "I will not appear on the anniversary performance stage, but I believe that the current cast will definitely be able to provide a wonderful performance. If not, welcome the audience. Come pick the thorn." Quietly, he completed the promotion once again, which made everyone chuckle. &1t;/

Lan Li also smiled, "However, I will go to the Almeida Theater to have a close communication with the audience. John Cod produced the work "Les Miserables", which gave more stories and characters. The meaning of, audiences are welcome to express their views and exchange opinions at any time."&1t;/

"What if it's just for you?" Robbie said You know, just want to see the famous Renly Hall. ”&1t;/

"Then we welcome too. It's like a circus. Since it's open for business, the performance must go on no matter what." Lan Li's generous and candid self-tackling successfully won the whistle and applause at the scene. It started to noisy again. &1t;/

"Very well, then the audience must remember to go to the Almeida Theater. This is a play that must not be missed. On the just-concluded Oliver Awards, it broke the record and won eight trophies. In addition, Master Lan Li I also won the trophy for the best actor in a musical. I think that the Hall family can finally face certain things in life. But before the Almeida Theater, let’s enjoy the live performance first. Welcome Robbie William Mus!"&1t;/

In a hurry, Graham did not leave any breathing room, and completely rejected Renly's interruption and interruption, because in the words, he talked directly about the "Hall House" topic for the first time in the UK. As far as TV shows are concerned, it is a breakthrough. &1t;/

After completing the introduction in one go, Robbie stepped onto the performance stage, and Renly exchanged a glance with Graham, but didn't say much, just stood up and applauded Robbie. Today's "Norton Show" finally came to a perfect ending. &1t;/

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