The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1284: Can't refuse

Cannes does not have the spaciousness and vastness of Berlin, nor the bustling and noisy of Venice. After the ancient and dilapidated cinema palace has experienced half a century of wind and frost, the twenty-five limited-seat screening halls simply cannot meet the needs of the market.

Not only that. In addition to the main competition unit, there are also a focus unit, a special screening unit, and a midnight screening. In just twelve days, 50 films will be screened in 6 Cannes. Some works will be screened in the Palace of Cinema, and some The works were screened in another location one kilometer away, but the palm-sized Cannes really has no more space to accommodate the screening hall——

What's more, apart from every May of the year, how many people in the town are willing to flock into the cinema? This is just a town with a resident population barely reaching 70,000. As a result, the limitations of the screening venues and capacity are destined to be unique in Cannes.

The number of two thousand spectators in the Lumiere Hall is a drop in the bucket for the entire huge market. In other words, journalists, markets and professionals are the main audience groups in Cannes, and they watch the film festival's finalists for the first time. . &1t;i>&1t;/i>

More than 4,000 media reporters constitute the main lineup of the Cannes Film Festival. From traditional media to electronic media, from magazine editors to social network celebrities, the Cannes Film Festival takes the communication characteristics of the Internet era to the extreme.

Despite this, countless crowds still flocked to the Cannes Film Festival in May when early summer arrived.

In order to witness the demeanor and beauty of top stars, to experience the glitzy Vanity Fair, to experience life under the spotlight up close, and to join the ranks of countless movie lovers. Unlike Toronto, which belongs to the audience, Telluride, which belongs to movies, and Sundance, which belongs to art, Cannes has countless charms of its own, which is fascinating.

Cannes is always like this every year. It is exciting, exciting, and eye-catching. The star-studded occasions are always surrounded by turbulent spotlights, and the applause and shouts are endless and endless. Lasted for a full twelve days, witnessing the splendor of the sunrise and the brilliance of the setting sun. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

This year even more so.

The moment when the official organizing committee announced the jury list, it attracted the attention of the world for the first time.

Steven Spielberg will serve as the chairman of the jury. The film giant who has been in the world for 30 years, although he never won the highest award in the three major European film festivals, he won Venice in 1993. Lifetime Achievement Award. In 1974, he won the Best Screenplay Award at the Cannes Film Festival, all of which proved his status and glory.

The list of members of the jury is also star-studded.

Ang Lee, Nicole Kidman, Christopher Waltz, Christian Mongi (netgiu), Lynn Ramsay (1ynne-ramsay), Naomi Kawase, Vidia Baran (vidya-ba1an) ), Daniel Otto (danie1-auteui1).

The composition of the entire list follows the consistent style of Cannes, seeking a balance between art and commerce, and starlight has become an important reference standard. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Naturally, Ang Lee needless to say, two Oscars for best director, two Golden Lions, two Venice Golden Lions, two Berlin Golden Bears; the same is true for Nicole, Oscar and Berlin film queen; Christopher is the two Oscar best Supporting actor statuette, and a Cannes actor's trophy.

Romanian director Christian Mongi won the Cannes Palme d’Or with "April 3 weeks and 2 days" in 2oo7; Lynn Ramsey is a British director. Currently there are only three short films and three feature films, but they are independent In the awards, winning the prize is soft, and the 2011 "We Need to Talk about Kevin" shines in the US awards season.

Japanese director Naomi Kawase is a direct-line director highly praised by Cannes. "Moe no Suzaku" and "Wooden Forest" are masterpieces; Vidia Baran is a representative of Indian actors. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Indian cinema. Cannes will also host a special session.

French actor Daniel Otto is also an old drama player. Many works such as "The Eighth Day", "Hidden Camera", "Winter's Heart", "Men's Ambition" have won Cannes, European Film Awards, and British Academy Awards. , The title of the actor of the French Caesar Award. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

A chairman of the jury, leading eight members of the jury, all directors and actors, this year's Cannes Film Festival is obviously a step forward on the professional level, but also in terms of popularity and fame. Undoubtedly, this also makes the audience have more expectations for the final selection of the Palme d’Or.

Because of the jury system of the three major European film festivals, the three highest-level awards, the Golden Bear Award, the Golden Lion Award and the Palme d’Or, are also the most direct manifestations of the jury’s artistic taste.

Subsequently, the official organizing committee announced the moment when the competition unit was shortlisted, which again drew heated discussions around the world for the second time.

After a cursory glance, this list is enough to make people excited——

"Only love forever" by Jim-jarmush, "The Past" by Askha-Fahati, "Only God Can Forgive" by Nicholas Winding Refn, and "Straw" by Takashi Miike "The Shield", Roman Polanski's "Venus Wearing Fur", Jia Zhangke's "Heaven Is Destined"...&1t;i>&1t;/i>

François Ou Yon’s "Flower and Moon" is Hirokazu's "Father Like Son", Steven Soderberg's "Behind the Candlestick", Alexander Payne's "Nebraska", Paul -Sorrentino's "beautiful city", James Gray (-gray)'s "immigrant"...

Then, there is the "Drunk Country Ballad" of the Coen Brothers.

This is just a part of the list of exhibitors in the main competition.

In addition to this, in other units, Sophia Coppola's "Pearls", Alan-Giraudie's "Lake Stranger", James Franco's "When I'm Dying", "Boys and Jiyom" by Gyöm-Golian (-gai1ienne), "Blind Detective" by Du/Qi/Feng, "The Great Gatsby" by Buzz-Ruman...

Etc., etc.

This is a heavy list of finalists, not only the main competition, but also a large number of well-recognized and highly anticipated works in various other units. Each director or each cast of the lineup will be taken out separately. This is enough to make all news media crowds, and now, with all the works gathered together, how can people not be excited? &1t;i>&1t;/i>

What's more, this year's Cannes Film Festival brought out the Paul Newman card.

The official poster uses the late actor Paul Newman and his widow Joanna Woodward as the protagonists. They once dedicated the classic upside-down kissing in the 1963 collaborative work "New Love/Sutra". This time the poster is based on this. The design was completed for inspiration, expressing the memory of Paul Newman who died in 2oo8, and also aimed at commemorating the love between this actor who made outstanding contributions to the film industry and his wife.

Although before Joanna, Paul had another marriage and had two daughters and one son. When Paul and Joanna met and fell in love, many people suspected that Paul was married / cheated on, and eventually divorced his ex-wife and then reunited with Joanna. At that time, this relationship suffered a lot of criticism and attention.

But this marriage between Joanna and Paul lasted for half a century, until death separated each other. They are classic imitation couples throughout Hollywood. There is no lace news, no negative rumors, and they have always managed their family in a low-key and focused manner. Even the insiders are envious of them. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

It is worth mentioning that not only is life, Paul and Joanna are also golden partners at work.

In 1958, the film "Long Hot Summer" co-operated by the two actors was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival. Paul won the actor, and the two married soon afterwards; in 1973, the film directed by Paul and starring Joanna "Young Phoenix Yin" was once again shortlisted for the main competition unit in Cannes, and Joanna was successfully sealed.

This time, the Cannes Film Festival prepared a special session to remember Paul, and at the same time invited Joanna to arrive in Cannes. Undoubtedly, the already lively and extraordinary film festival is now surrounded by endless attention.

What's more, this year's Hollywood sent Leonardo DiCaprio, Ryan Gosling and Renly Hall's troika, even James Franco and Tom Hiddleston. Popular actors such as, Matt Damon have to retreat to the second place, so the momentum is so popular, I am afraid that Cannes is difficult to parry. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

According to incomplete statistics, this year’s Cannes Film Festival attracted a full 480,000 people to the scene. This not only created the historical record of the Cannes Film Festival, but also created the historical record of the three major European film festivals, even if only just now. In May, the summer heat can already be felt in this small town.

At this moment, in the train carriage, Lan Li could already see the tip of the iceberg of the heat After leaving London, Lan Li did not take a direct flight to Cannes.

He chose Eurostar, crossed the Channel Tunnel, entered France from England, and arrived in Paris from London. He walked and stopped for three days in the city with beautiful temples, and watched the performances of the Russian Ballet Theatre. A small restoration exhibition of the lost paintings of Paul Cézanne (pau1-nete), and then took the train all the way to Cannes in the south. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

It seems to span a long distance across the territory of France, from the north to the south, but in fact, the train is only a mere six hours, enjoying the wonderful scenery outside the window all the way, consciously slowing down, and the time is not knowing it. Juezhong slowly disappeared, and then the outline of the Cannes train station appeared in the field of vision.

More than two-thirds of the carriages are already full of passengers, which is really not common in Europe. At this moment, they all continue to pack their luggage and prepare to leave the carriages.

Lan Li's gaze noticed a young man on the other side of the aisle, who seemed to be in his early twenties, and should be from China.

I noticed him because, before Lan Li went to sleep, the young man opened his portable laptop and began to watch the "depression" of 1ars-von-trier. It looks like it should be preparing for this year's Cannes Film Festival and began to supplement the previous related movies; but now it has been replaced by the "Avengers".

It takes great courage to watch "Depression" in the noisy and impetuous environment of the train.

The corners of Lan Li's mouth couldn't help but a faint smile appeared.

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