The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1288: Mood difference

At this moment, pierre-bernard really wanted to dig a hole to bury himself. The shame was burning like a small flame. If he could escape, he would not There will be any hesitation, but he knows he can't, so he can only bite the bullet and walk forward.

"Lan Li, I'm sorry..." After the first sentence was said, I still didn't feel better, but finally opened the chatterbox. "I was at the door just now. I was really sorry that I didn't recognize you. I obviously committed one Unforgivable mistake. In fact, our entire club welcomes you warmly. This is sincere."

"Oh, no, no, no." Lan Li waved his hand again and again, with a smile on his face blocking the words that followed, "Trust me, this is not the first time I have been rejected, nor will it be the last. Don't worry. You are just finishing. Your job is only, there is no need to apologize for your due diligence."

This is not the first time, and it will not be the last.

What do you mean?

Chris is full of question marks, why can't he understand? What exactly is Lan Li talking about? Is this a mockery? Still joking? Or is it implying something?

Chris is not the only one.

Pierre and the other staff did not understand, but he was more direct, and said in surprise, "You mean, uh... anyone else didn't recognize you? God!"

Instead, Lan Li laughed brilliantly, "Why should everyone know me?"

"But...but you are Renly Hall." Pierre's words were simple and straightforward, and the thoughts in his mind came out like this.

Lan Li smiled and nodded, "This is true. But the problem is that you know it, it doesn't mean everyone knows it."

"For film lovers or film practitioners, Jean-Luc Godard (jean-bergman) is the top director that everyone must know. They even changed the history of film exhibitions, which can be hated and hated. , But how can someone not know it? But, in fact, not everyone likes to watch movies, and not everyone can remember actors and directors." Lan Li then explained.

Lan Li is serious.

Lan Li has always known this clearly, but the vacation time in the past few months has allowed Lan Li to further understand this truth.

For those skydiving enthusiasts, for the residents of Queenstown, for the Alaskan hunters, he is an ordinary young man who is exploring the world and life after graduating from college. In him, there is no halo or focus; similarly, the name Lan Li does not have any meaning.

For Lan Li, performance is the focus of life.

But for many people, livelihood is the focus of life.

When Lan Li was watching "Paradise Cinema" in the past, there was a sentence in it, "If you don't go out and watch it, you will think this is the world."

When he heard it for the first time, Lan Li liked this sentence very much, but he only understood the meaning and connotation behind this sentence when he had really experienced it. The world is so big, life is so long, and life is so broad. If you refuse to broaden your horizons, you will be like a frog at the bottom of a well, and you will never feel the true meaning of life.

Hollywood's Vanity Fair and London's high society are the same, they are just another well.

So, as Lan Li said, this is not the first time, and it will not be the last. Those rules that apply to the film field do not necessarily apply to other fields, nor do they necessarily apply to one's own life.

Feeling a look of astonishment and surprise in front of him, Lan Li couldn't help but chuckled again, "Don't be so shocked, I just told a fact, not like Stephen Hawking put forward a shocking new theory."

The joking words made people feel helpless and helpless. After all, he didn't hold back, and the smile on the corner of his mouth overflowed lightly.

"Anyway. Thank you for your help just now, and you don't need to be sorry." Lan Li's gaze paused for a moment, and landed on the badge. "Pierre." He thanked him politely again, and then Lan. Li showed a polite smile at Chris, "Sorry to interrupt your private party. I hope you have a good afternoon."


This was the first reaction in Chris' mind. He wrapped himself with a lot of seemingly profound but boring content, pretending to be advanced, pretending to be high, and pretending to be out of the way, just like Lan Li’s usual tricks. Today is again. In this way, he doesn't understand the meaning of those words that go around at all. Is it ironic of his love for vanity?


If he is so unique, why not just stay in the West End? Why not just quit the showbiz and work hard slowly in the art field? Why do you want to star in a commercial movie and do your best to get higher pay? Why should he just not pay for the film and star in those art movies for free, so as to prove his dedication to art?


This is the real blue gift. In the name of noble morality and the highest art, he secretly poked and kept calculating plans. In the final analysis, he is just a member of the Vanity Fair, but he still has to conceal his sordidness and filth with clever words. People are disgusting and even more offensive.

Therefore, he will never understand Lan Li; they will never be friends.

Chris squeezed a smile and responded.

"Stay." Pierre said first, "Renly, today's party is a warm-up party held by the crew of the "Great Gatsby" for the official opening tomorrow. I think Leonardo will definitely welcome you very much. Is coming. Carrie and Justin are here, didn’t you collaborate on the main competition this time together?"

That's it.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows lightly, but still shook his head and refused, and said with a smile, "No. I need a little rest more than a party now. If the rumors I heard are correct. , Then in the next twelve days, there will be countless parties here, and I need to prepare well. However, I sincerely thank you for your kindness."

Then, he nodded again, and Lan Li stepped forward.

Pierre took a quick glance at the foreman manager, and then quickly caught up with Lan Li, opened the fence for him personally, and escorted Lan Li away from the private club.

Chris, who stayed in place, didn't speak, faintly, he always felt something was wrong.

From the beginning to the end, Lan Li did not express any malice, did not mention the grudges of previous years, did not deliberately tit-for-tat, nor deliberately pretended to ignore, all conversations and conversations remained polite; but Chris still felt that something was wrong. I just can't say one reason, but I feel a little melancholy about gains and losses.

"Chris?" A reminder from the shift manager came next, interrupting Chris' thoughts, "If you are ready, let us lead you in. The party is now in progress."

Chris retracted his attention and let out a sigh of relief.

He doesn’t need to be surprised. Lan Li is always like this. He clearly came to the party and was turned away. Now he pretends to be upright. After others invite him, he still refuses to leave. Yan's posture, as if everyone must revolve around him.

"Okay." Chris nodded to the shift manager. "Then let us in."

Following in the footsteps of the manager on duty, Chris left the promenade at the door and plunged into the dark and coveted sideburns.


At this moment, the entrance of the club has been cleaned again, and the noisy scene just now has returned to desertion again. From a distance, you can still see the photo wall netizens and couples posing on the street, and the bustling audience continues. Surrounding them, a joyous and lively scene was created.

After experiencing the accident just now, Lan Li decided to give up the effort to find the beach, dialed Andy Rogers's phone, and then stood under the shade of the tall palm trees and waited honestly.

Although Cannes is a small town, the streets and alleys are extremely crowded, and every corner is full of people. If you want to find an independent individual, even if you are not looking for a needle in a haystack, it is not far away. Therefore, Lan Li stood in place and reported the name of the private club to that's all.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep.

A loud horn came from behind. It was not the horn of a modern motor vehicle, but the horn of a retro car in the 1930s and 1940s, which had the feel of a toy car.

Turning your head, you can see a mint blue convertible retro sports car bathed in the mottled shadows of the sun penetrating palm trees, whizzing forward in a chic/wind/flow/ground, attracting countless eyes along the way. Everyone couldn't help stopping, their eyes fell on this retro car, and they started talking.

Lan Li's sight couldn't help but fall on the streamlined body.

In fact, you can see this type of retro car every time you spend a holiday on the Côte d’Azur. Major car rental companies provide rental services. It is full of the French vacation style of the golden age. But in the white walls and blue sky of the Cote d'Azur, they seem to complement each other, and the rich style often makes people wander among them.

This is true in France, and so is Italy.

It's not only rich men or celebrities that do this, so Lan Li didn't think much about it. The first reaction in his mind was, is this an advertiser or a film crew that rents a vehicle specifically for marketing campaigns? Obviously, in such three circles among the crowd, the topic effect on the social network is bound to be satisfactory.

Then, Lan Li watched the retro car dangling and dangling to a stop on the side of the road. The scorching eyes swarmed from all directions, and the driver sitting in the driver's seat even deliberately pressed the horn. , Shouted loudly, "How about it, are you interested in taking a ride?"

Damn Ryan Gosling.

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