The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1380: Iron heart

Melissa forced herself to cheer up, which was not an easy task. However, she had no choice. She messed up, and things just messed up like this. Although she still doesn't understand what happened and how Lanly saw through everything, but the matter has come to this point, she is now in a desperate situation, the survival instinct/being able to start in the body The middle gurgled.

Lanly rejected John's proposal. She still has not been expelled from the crew.

This is good news.

A ray of light flashed deep in Melissa's eyes, full of hope. Lan Li did not rush to kill, and Lan Li was still tolerant. Does this mean... Lan Li can forget the blame? So, how should she impress Lan Li?

"Sorry." Melissa said cautiously, showing her truest appearance-she felt panic and fear, which are not fake, but she still tried to lower her posture, like an ant, humblely Pleading for Lan Li's forgiveness, she knew that those high-ranking people liked to see this appearance: as if they could control the life and death of others.

Melissa looked at Lan Li's expression with her gaze: No change, this is good news, which shows that her strategy is correct.

"I...I know this is wrong, but it's all my agent's idea. She said this is how Hollywood works." Melissa did not cry, but muttered in a choked way. There is aggrieved tenacity in that weakness, not too flattering, but able to show his own "persistence."

She knows how to impress men.

"She said that such an opportunity is really rare, and I must take it well. I refused, I denied, but she did not give me too many choices." Melissa hesitated to say something, and tried to get everything out of the way. It's not uncommon to throw it to the agent. In fact, this is how actors and agents cooperate.

But Melissa’s cleverness lies in the fact that she did not condemn the agent too much until she clicked, but then took the fault to herself, "I know I know, in the final analysis, this is my choice. I nodded and agreed, I personally came forward, and it is still my fault. I shouldn't be like this, I shouldn't agree."

"sorry Sorry sorry……"

While speaking, Melissa covered her cheek, tears streaming through her hands. She did not make any requests, but kept apologizing and begging for mercy, because she clearly knew that apology was the only core point at this moment, and any request would not achieve the goal, but might arouse the other side's resentment.

Lan Li, who stood by, said nothing.

Everything in front of me is like a mime, full of an absurd and embarrassing sense of inexplicable joy, presenting the ugliest side of Hollywood, the Vanity Fair, in the most vulgar way.

This is not the first time that Renly has encountered a similar situation. At the fork in Vanity Fair, he made different choices at a single thought. There is no right or wrong at all. It's just that the value orientation is different, and it leads to the end in its own way. It is necessary to condemn the other party, but it's just that the ways are different and not conspiring.

But Melissa chose the most crude way, like a low-quality soap opera, or a naive high school stage play, to dramatize everything, but hides a strong vulgarity and boredom.

Such a method cannot go further in Vanity Fair. Of course, maybe it's because Melissa has never been exposed to truly advanced methods. This is the best way she knows. It's not her fault.

So people always say that character determines destiny and vision determines life.

Objectively speaking, Melissa is smart, she knows how to seize opportunities, she also knows how to examine moderation, and she knows how to weigh the pros and cons. Especially the choice and grasp under the crisis situation are really impressive. Compared with the purity and sweetness of the first meeting at Lincoln Center, it is a far cry.

Melissa raised her gaze through her fingers, and took a quiet look at Lan Li, only to see her calm face, she was a little unpredictable, which was not normal.

So Melissa decided to take the initiative.

"Len Li, sorry, I sincerely apologize. There is no next time, there is absolutely no next time, I really know that I was wrong. Please forgive me." Melissa said urgently, and took a small step forward. , Trying to grab Lan Li's right hand.

But Lan Li calmly gave way to her body and avoided her movements, which made Melissa froze in place, tears like broken pearls, big and big falling down, "You Still refuse to forgive me, right? I really know what I was wrong, is there anything I can do? Or is it something I can compensate? I am willing, really, I am serious. I promise, there will be no next time ."

"I know, there will be no next time." Lan Li said calmly. Facing Melissa's bitter tears, he showed calmness and calmness with a stone heart. The extreme drama and the extreme calm formed a sharp contrast. The gap is so great that it creates an incredible sense of absurdity.

Melissa froze in place, her tears hanging on her eyelashes, not knowing why.

Lan Li was still smiling, still the gentleman in the media life, but the temperature in his eyes had faded, "This is the last time."

the last time.

Melissa suddenly understood what exactly this sentence meant. She was hit by a hundred thousand points in an instant, and her whole body started to hiccup. Once, again, she could not help but firmly cover her mouth, she didn't dare. Looking at Lan Li in disbelief, he couldn't believe that Lan Li was so lightly speaking such cruel words.

"It's not fair." Melissa reflexively said, and the resentment and anger burst out suddenly.

Melissa shook her head again and again, still refusing to believe her ears, "I have already apologized, I am apologizing, don't you hear? Even if it is a crime, there is a chance for atonement, but why did I not? Why?"

"Because there is no real sincerity in your eyes to apologize." Lan Li smiled and said, "You know, there are two types of apologies, one is sincere and the other is calculated." After a short pause, Lan Li was light. He shook his head slightly, "I don't like the latter."

Frankly speaking, Lanly gave Melissa too many opportunities. From the night at Lincoln Center to today, he has left room for maneuver step by step. I hope Melissa can realize it, so everything is It can be dissipated in the wind, just like Emma Watson not long ago.

But Melissa missed everything, even in the end, she was still calculating. The point is, she is not as smart as she thought.

In addition, Lan Li must also admit that Melissa was unlucky and slammed into the muzzle. After egot, his mood was always a little irritable. Even after experiencing the baptism and precipitation of the best friend party, he calmed down a little, but the ubiquitous spotlight gradually magnified the negative emotions, and it was inevitable when dealing with things. A little bit overwhelming.

If it was before, Lan Li might have just laughed it off; but today, he has no room left.

"It's not fair! Everyone is calculating, everyone!" Melissa's eyes widened, and her delicate and sweet face became hideous.

"Yes. It's not fair." Lan Li gently chinked his head in agreement.

It was so crisp and neat, but Melissa couldn't help but choke. The words that followed were stuck in her throat like this. She didn't know how to deal with it. The teardrops hung over her eyelashes, completely stunned.

Lan Li went on to say, "Everyone has the opportunity to choose. When you choose to use this method to break the deadlock and win the opportunity, you lose the qualification to be treated equally. I am not a judge, but neither Jesus."

"..." Melissa tried to speak, but she didn't know what to say, she just squeezed out an excuse, "But, everyone is like this."

"Yes, then you have to bear the consequences of everyone's failure." Lan Li replied calmly. But after he finished speaking, he realized that his tone was too much like a superior judge, which was not his original intention.

After a short pause, after thinking about it seriously, Lan Li still remained calm and added, "My suggestion, since you have chosen this way, you must go on unswervingly. Don't use it when you fail. It’s not worth it to arm yourself with morality. Because it will make you more humble."

As it is now.

Sometimes Lan Li admires Natalie Portman, Jennifer Lawrence, and even Chris Hemsworth even more. At least, they insisted on the path they chose and went on without hesitation. This is a kind of attitude towards life. Lan Li does not approve of support, but it does not mean that it is right or wrong.

Like Melissa, it will only make herself more miserable.

Lan Li didn't want to keep entangled any more. It would be useless to say more. The dust had settled here. He took a step and left the area at the door of the apartment, but then he remembered something and turned around to look towards him. Melissa lost her soul, "Finish your job."

Melissa raised her head unclearly, and looked at Lan Li in amazement.

Lan Li explained, "Just now you said, what should you do? You should finish your work well. I am indeed very worried if I am involved in film shooting in the state of today's performance."

There are too many flaws.

Melissa watched the back of Lan Li's departure. Instead of taking a taxi, he walked forward on a skateboard. At this time, Melissa noticed the skateboard in Lan Li's hands. She had never noticed such details; Slowly; After a long time, the humiliation and pain began to flow up slowly, like a loud slap, slammed on her face fiercely, and the hot pain spread bit by bit.

Everyone says that Lan Li is a gentleman, elegant and calm, gentle and decent, and personable.

Melissa used to think so, but now she realizes that Lanly is a demon, that kind of cold blood and cruelty in her bones, deeply hidden under the gentleman’s skin, sharply and cruelly hurting her body. , She suddenly realized that she had provoked this demon, so in the future...

Thinking of this, Melissa couldn't help but shudder, one after another, and couldn't stop at all.

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