The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1427: Only if first see

Opening his eyes, from illusion back to reality, from darkness back to light, Lan Li realized that he was already drenched with sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water, the feeling of physical exhaustion. Let me feel a deep, deep tiredness in the depths of my spirit; however, that kind of pleasure is more relaxed than ever before.

This is the first time since rebirth.

So he laughed brilliantly, even though he was already in tears and embarrassed at this time, he still laughed wanton. Crying and smiling, like a child, pure and sincere, simple and direct.

Then, muscle soreness and wound pain began to sweep through. Under the extreme sensitivity/sensation, it was magnified ten times a hundred times, so that I couldn’t help but start grinning, and the feeling of splitting headache became clear again, as if two This little man is trying his best to tug-of-war in his brain, and his entire head is almost splitting apart.

But all this is true.

After many days of high-intensity spinning, his physical strength and energy have reached the limit; and he is constantly pushing himself, pushing himself into despair step by step.

In fact, in the past two days, Lan Li has been experiencing mild low-grade fever symptoms, but he did not tell anyone—because he knew that once Andy and Roy found out, they would definitely order the crew to suspend the rest. He didn’t want this; he didn’t expect that, Now they all exploded, and I only felt that even moving a finger would consume all of his energy.

It's so sour and refreshing, it's hard to say.

He needs to lie down and rest for a while.

Lan Li had just maintained the posture that he had thought about in the corner. Now he had to stand up on the wall and slowly turned around, trying to find a place to lie down and rest for a while, but his knees became soft and his steps staggered. , I stumbled on the chair without knowing how, and then the whole person staggered and almost fell down.

At the moment of the moment, a figure appeared behind him, hurried forward, and put his shoulder against Lan Li's shoulder, avoiding the embarrassment of falling directly.

Through the dim line of sight, a thin figure can be vaguely captured. Facing the tall body of Lan Li, it is impossible to complete the support stably. He staggered back two steps. Fortunately, there is a figure next to him. On the lazy sofa, Lan Li stumbled on the sofa like this, and the whole person fell deeply into it.

After a while, the feeling of nausea raged up again, which made Lan Li had to close his eyes tightly and controlled the boiling urge to vomit. The family education of the nobles in this life has once again shown a strong influence, and the difference between illusion and reality has become clearer. If it weren't for the stomach toppling over, Lan Li's mouth would definitely rise.

"Lan Li? Lan Li! Are you okay?"

An anxious and worried question came from my ear, and a hint of panic was leaked out of the urgency.

Although Lan Li closed his eyes now, the voice of the master automatically appeared in his mind. A faint warm current surged in his chest. He slowly opened his eyes, and then he saw Rooney. The anxiousness above that cold face, the heroic eyebrows frowned slightly, faintly outlined a touch of softness and fragility.

Lan Li chuckled lightly, but his voice circulated dullly in his chest, and the corners of his mouth couldn't rise, but there was a sense of relief in his eyes, "This doesn't look like you."

Since the two got acquainted, Rooney seems to have been cold and restrained. The sharply angular face and introverted temperament easily outline her edge. Even when shooting "Gravity", she has never lost her mind. . All this made Rooney in front of her look a little strange.

A word made Rouni stunned for a while, a trace of panic flashed through her eyes, and her thoughts that inadvertently leaked seemed to have been caught, but she calmed down quickly, looking at Lan Li in front of her, mercilessly Tucao said, "This doesn't look like you either. So I think, in an emergency, don't go into these details."

Now Lan Li looks extremely embarrassed, let alone aristocratic etiquette and gentleman manner, it is completely a small **** and a tramp who has fallen into the street. Even the most basic manners can't be maintained, let alone the so-called demeanor and rules.

"Wait, or are you still in Andrew's state?" Rooney added immediately-she knew it was not. Because it is impossible for Andrew to joke like just now, Andrew is a person who has just passed the break, facing love, facing career, and facing family all the same.

Lan Li laughed blankly. He tried to outline the corners of his mouth, but unfortunately failed. The situation of dehydration and dehydration of the whole person is so serious that he is now seriously exhausted.

Rooney caught Lan Li's embarrassment, which made her frown slightly. This kind of blue gift is too unfamiliar, or too real. After removing all the precautions and masks, without any cover, the whole person is presented in front of her, all those emotions, those tiredness, and all the pains. No reservations.

"I'll be back soon." Rooney left a word, then quickly turned around and left the room.

Lan Li's eyelids drooped slowly, and the exhaustion in the depths of his soul was lingering. He knew that he needed a good rest, maybe just a sleep, everything would be fine, but now it's not sleeping At the best time, he could only force himself to open his eyes to keep his mental consciousness finally awake.

Rooney returned soon, with an extra water glass in his hand and a straw inserted in it, and quickly squatted down beside Lan Li, and then handed the water glass forward, "You sweat a lot, you Now I need to add a little water and salt. Take a short rest, and then add a little sugar, it may feel a little better."

Rooney carefully placed the straw on the edge of Lan Li’s lips so that Lan Li could bite the straw and slowly replenish water, but the headache was still severe, and her temples twitched faintly, as if the whole nerves running through her body were working. It trembled slightly, so that the muscles began to tighten continuously.

The amount of water in the water glass was reduced by one third, Lan Li stopped, and closed his eyes again tiredly. The feeling of a splitting headache made his stomach start to roll again; then, Lan Li could feel someone I was helping myself to wipe the sweat from his forehead, gently pressing the cold handkerchief, and the slightly hot forehead was relieved a little, and he could not help but let out a comfortable moan.

The eyes opened gently, and Rooney's clear and focused eyes were captured in the dim vision hidden by the eyelashes, and the outlines of the eyes and eyebrows were carefully outlined with the eyes, and the focused look was shining.

Lan Li's sight was too soft and too weak. Rooney did not feel it. She concentrated on wiping the sweat from Lan Li's forehead, then gently tested the temperature of Lan Li's forehead with the back of her hand, and then tested herself. At the temperature of his forehead, that Ying Ting eyebrows frowned slightly, and a worried look was revealed again.

Inadvertently, Rooney's gaze fell on Lan Li's eyes. The scorching eyes seemed to convey the body's temperature. The two of them were slightly stunned, and they just stared at each other quietly. During the circulation, the continuous high temperature began to make the air tumbling and boiling.

Inexplicably, Rooney's cheeks started to become hot. She lowered her eyes in embarrassment, avoiding Lan Li's sight, and whispered, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Lan Li replied softly, the smile on the corner of his mouth still couldn't be outlined.

Rooney’s heroic eyebrows moved closer to the center, raised her gaze, looked at Lan Li incredulously, and said categorically, "No, you are not good. You are not good at all right now." There is no cover and no turning. In this way, Rooney bluntly exploded Lan Li's "lie".

Lan Li didn't mind, he drooped his eyelids, "Yes, I know." The light words were ridiculed and joking. Even in such a tired and weak situation, he still did not lose his sense of humor.

Rooney was angry and funny, but helpless, she could only stare at Lan Li to express her strong dissatisfaction.

"Rooney, I'm so tired now." Lan Li said softly, without covering or bracing. For the first time, Lan Li showed his fragility. There was almost no trace of blood on that pale face, even his lips. The color of the petals has gradually faded; the handsome eyebrows revealed a vicissitudes of fatigue, falling heavily, pulling all the upward arcs downward.

Rooney didn't speak, her eyes fell on Lan Li's body motionless, her nose started to become slightly sour.

Lan Li almost closed his and said softly, “I want to say goodbye, but goodbye is never easy. But now, it’s time to say goodbye.” After a short pause, Lan Li hummed softly. As I sang, those words and sentences were vague between lips and teeth, but they outlined a melodious and moving sadness——

"Bathed in the stars, snow flies, and the cold wind whispers, I will set off to go home, although the road ahead is long, and I don't know it along the way, but the day of farewell will come.

Rooney’s eyes were filled with tears slowly, as if she had once again seen the blue gift that she met on Telluride for the first time, young and energetic, focused and wanton, bathed in the sunshine. The smile makes the whole world fly, so bright and so vivid, so that everything is overshadowed.

"I need to close my eyes for a while, can you stay with me?" Lan Li said softly.

"Yeah." Rooney did not dare to speak, lest her little voice would reveal the surging emotions, but the tears eventually broke through her eyes and slipped down.

Raising her right hand, Rooney quickly wiped away the teardrops on her cheeks, and sat down beside the lazy couch, just like this, quietly, for a long time, and silently accompanied Lan Li, as if time had forgotten this corner. This stopped at this moment forever.

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